Female officers are high!
The scorching sun is in the sky, and the time has come to noon.
On the splendid sea, a 75-meter-long azure armed yacht is reflecting the dazzling sunlight, relying on the camouflage of the same color as the sea, swaggering on the azure sea.
It has been a whole day since Yu proposed to open a route at noon yesterday.
After a day of emergency material procurement and a series of preparations such as refueling and meals, the team that opened the route was finally able to sail to the sea.
However, in fact, due to the hasty preparations, both Lexington, who handled the material preparation, and Nagato, who was in charge of the procurement, knew very well.
The material is actually just a ‘fact’ that barely reaches the passing line! !
“Alas!” Lexington glanced vaguely at Yu in the passenger seat beside him, looked at the indifferent face, and sighed slightly.
In the past, Lexington would have applied to Yu for a one-day delay in departure on the grounds that the material was insufficient, so that he could be fully prepared.
After all, sailing on the sea is no joke. The difference between the material and the full load of the passing line,But very huge!
In case of a dangerous situation, it is enough to pose a fatal threat.
However, under the premise that the admiral, You, went ‘crazy’ yesterday, Lexington can no longer control so much.
‘The 7 weather-beaten prototype ships can save the commander’s life no matter how bad they are. ’ Holding this confidence, Lexington pinched his nose and suppressed the thought in his heart to dissuade Yu from delaying the time to go to sea.
In fact, this is exactly what Yu deliberately mentioned about her girl’s “food intake”.
You know, there are only 4 days before the date agreed with Anthony, plus the sailing time has to be removed, in fact, there is only less than one day left for the people in the tutelary mansion to open the route.
If it is delayed for a day or two, the day lily will be cold.
Therefore, Yu took the lead in speaking, using ‘food intake’ as an excuse to urge the ship girls under his command to work overtime to open up routes.
In fact, judging from the current situation, the effect of Yoo’s borrowing seems to be very good.
After getting angry, Lexington and the others seemed to think that Yu was still angry.
That’s why no one raised any objections to Yu’s opening of the route. They didn’t even ask why the Qingdao route was opened. All the members worked hard and devoted themselves to the task.
And now, four hours have passed since the departure time. At a speed of 40 knots, the armed yacht has sailed out of the safe sea area that is constantly maintained.
After sailing out of the safe sea area, You looked at Lexington, who was driving an armed yacht beside him.
The pure white navy uniform made the flaxen-haired girl fade away from the gentleness of the past, exuding the iron-blooded and capable military style all over her body, making her look full of heroism.
The charm of a married woman and the heroic spirit of a soldier are constantly intertwined on the girl’s face, and finally turned into a unique charm, which makes Yu feel a little ready to move.
However, it is a pity that if something is done on this sea, the ‘unmanned’ ship is parked on the sea, and the group of the First Fleet is waiting for you.
With inexplicable regret, You said in a calm tone. “Have they all gone to sea?”
“Ten minutes ago, Veneto led the first fleet into the sea for escort. We are currently on an unopened route, temporarily marked as the position of the first node.”
Hearing this, Lexington didn’t look back. She understood Yu’s meaning, and immediately reported to Yu softly with that magnetic, sweet voice full of wifely flavor.
Although, to Lexington’s ears, Yu’s pronunciation of “Going to the Sea” was a little weird, but the girl who “didn’t know the truth” naturally ignored this point.
“Lexington, what’s the situation on the sea?” Hearing this, You followed suit.
Hearing Yu’s questioning, Lexington performed the duties of the secretary ship and reported the sailing situation to Yu.
“The distribution of ocean currents within 30 nautical miles and the conditions of the reefs have been ascertained. At present, the quality of this route is preliminarily judged to be excellent…”
Speaking of which, Lexington looked back and smiled.
“It’s a route that is safe enough for cargo ships over 50,000 tons to navigate safely, Commander!”
“Oh, this is really good news!” Hearing this, Yu pulled the brim of her navy hat and said with a slight hook at the corner of her mouth.
Although the knowledge of navigation is half-baked, Yu still understands the truth that the higher the tonnage of the freighter, the higher the tolls will be charged.
Even if Yu is not really short of money, he will not despise his excessive income!
“Let Xuefeng and Shimakaze pay attention to the radar, and let Jiaozi Jiaotai release the scouting plane. In the first node that has not been developed, I guess there are a lot of deep-sea habitat ships!” Kexington said.
“Yes, Commander!” Lexington nodded slightly, then used a communicator to contact the escorting First Fleet, and carried out Yu’s arrangement.
As the safe sea area is far away, everyone is on alert, always paying attention to the movements at sea and below.
Although a bit boring, time passed quietly under the intense sailing.
Circles of sparkling ripples appeared on the surface of the sea where the yacht passed, disturbing the originally calm sea.
Around the yacht, the First Fleet, with Veneto as its flagship, firmly surrounded the yacht and provided protection.
While guarding one side, Shimakaze and Yukikaze, as destroyers, continuously deployed enemy-finding radars to detect movements at sea and below, and prevent enemy surprise attacks.
In the sky, Essex and CV-16 have already released their detection planes, and cooperated with the enemy detection radar to search for possible enemy shadows.
Suddenly, the ship-mounted radar vibrated, and a piercing and loud siren suddenly sounded.
Seeing this scene, Xuefeng’s face changed, and he shouted loudly.
“The enemy ship has been discovered!!!”
The immature and serious voice directly echoed in the communication network through the headset worn on the face.
“The distance is 20 nautical miles, and the number is 50…80…120…141 ships?!”
Following the announcement of the specific amount, the communication network suddenly fell into dead silence.
“The number of enemy ships is three times higher than expected?!” Lexington said in a tone of surprise.
Afterwards, Lexington was taken aback for a moment, as if he remembered something, and his face showed surprise.
“Oh?! This amount?” Hearing Xue Feng’s report, Yuu raised his eyebrows violently, his eyes were filled with surprise but with a hint of uncertainty.
Afterwards, Yu showed an expression of winning the lottery, and asked Lexington beside him.
“Hey, Lexington! A sea area where a large number of unintelligent deep-sea dwelling ships can gather,I remember……”
The next second, Lexington and You said in unison.
“…Resource point!!!”

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