The exposed nature
In the wooden corridor, Akagi and Kaga followed behind Yu, and under Yu’s guidance, walked towards Yukikaze’s room.
Compared with Kaga, who has a cold personality and is like an ice beauty, sincere’s character is more active, so on the way forward, both sincere and Yuzai are communicating.
“So~ga~ Yukikaze was originally summoned during the regular construction of Jianniang Academy~” Chicheng nodded with a straight smile on his face. “If it’s just a ceremony hosted by Chongqing, it’s very reasonable to summon Xuefeng.”
“It’s just luck, it doesn’t involve rationality, right?” Walking in the front, Yun shrugged half a step ahead, and said with a slight smile.
If the ship girls who have been in love with each other can build each other up, thenNow almost all prototype ships will not be in a state of disappearance.
“That’s true, but as far as luck is concerned, Mr. Zhou You is also quite lucky. After all, the child of Shimakaze was built by you. As expected of the Admiral who was loved by the child of Xuefeng~”
Saying this, Chicheng chuckled lightly and said with a teasing face.
The sincerity at this moment, looking at Yu’s expression, is completely like looking at the lucky person who is favored by the gods, but there is no jealousy in the girl’s eyes, only the emotion like amazement exists.
From Chicheng’s point of view, the young admiral in front of him was not only favored by the auspicious Yukikaze, but even summoned Shimakaze during the construction.
She had only seen this level of luck on the ships with high luck like Yukikaze and Enterprise.
Therefore, Yu, who was able to successfully build a prototype ship, naturally became a model of lucky people in her eyes.
“…Really?” Hearing the sound, Yu was silent for a moment, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression.
Lucky? That kind of thing is impossible, Yu has always been cheating by relying on the ‘Auspicious Royal Avoidance’, a bug-level ability that draws other people’s luck, to summon prototype ships.
Although it’s not that Yuu didn’t try to build without relying on the auspicious imperial exemption, but in private, Yuu has smashed 7 construction gates that only emit steam.
Africans want to smuggle? Impossible, wash and sleep, unless you can cheat and change genes like Yu, it is impossible to change the ‘race’.
“What’s the matter, did I say something wrong?” Chicheng asked with a puzzled expression listening to the embarrassment in You’s tone.
“No, no, no, you’re right, you’re right.”
After a few embarrassed responses, in order to change the subject and at the same time because of the anger in her heart, Yuu seemed to say it unintentionally.
“Speaking of which, how did you reveal the identity of your prototype ship, Chicheng?”
Hearing this sentence, Chicheng’s face stiffened slightly, and the slightly frowned brow seemed to indicate that she recalled some unpleasant memory.
Kaga, who was beside him, looked at Chicheng’s stiff face, turned his head, looked at Yu’s back, and said in a flat tone.
“On one trip, Chicheng admitted the wrong person and took a replica ship as a colleague in the past. He talked a lot and leaked the identity of the prototype ship to the other party.”
Hearing this sentence, Yu suddenly showed a look of understanding. Next, it was nothing more than the scene where the ship’s mother was lax and said something to relatives, friends and the like, and the news spread directly.
“Ah~~ I’m sorry, Kaga, I have troubled you for the past two years.” Chicheng sighed lightly and apologized to Kaga who was walking side by side.
If it wasn’t for her mistaken identity, she and Kaga would not have formed such a strange situation where they were chased by the Admiral wherever they went.
Therefore, for the close friends beside him, Zhicheng is full of deep guilt.
“It doesn’t matter, if it’s sincere.” As he spoke, Kaga’s face became slightly red||moistened.
“…Is that so?” Chicheng scratched his cheeks embarrassedly, as if a little shy, and turned his head away.
Perceiving this scene of Ji’s affection, the corners of You’s mouth twitched sharply. He always felt that he was now just like that extra person, and his body was filled with the instant feeling of a light bulb.
Although it is said that Yuu has heard how many times, “Akagi Kaga has an adulterous affair. ’ gossip, but these news, of course, are more convincing without seeing the scene with one’s own eyes.
At this moment, Yu only felt that the difficulty of catching a boat had suddenly risen by more than one step.
After all, getting Chicheng is equal to getting Kaga. At the same time, they have completely different personalities. Sorry, the difficulty factor is really high.
Thinking of this, You glanced vaguely, and the two behind you and me secretly thought about it.
‘However, looking at this look, the chances of buying one get one free are very high. ’
Thinking of this, Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, and said unintentionally. “Speaking of which, Miss Chicheng and Miss Kaga, are you two looking for an R-type prototype ship?”
“Yes.” Hearing Yu’s question, Chicheng nodded solemnly.
With Chicheng’s affirmation, Yu asked with a look of surprise. “Is there any particular reason?”
Hearing Yu’s questioning, Chicheng was slightly taken aback, and then fell into silence.
Seeing that Chicheng seems to be struggling with whether to say it or not, Yu immediately realized that he was a little confused. After all, it was only the second time the two met, and the relationship was not very close.|| The privacy is naturally quite inappropriate.
Knowing this, Yuu immediately opened her mouth to remedy it. “Sorry, I was talking too much.”
Hearing Yu’s apology, Akagi shook his head and smiled. “It doesn’t matter, after all, this matter is not a secret.”
After a pause, Chicheng’s face gradually became serious, and while following behind Yu, he spoke to Yu with a solemn tone.
“By comparison, Mr. Zhou You, you should have heard of the Third World War called the Deep Sea War from Xuefeng and the others, right?”
“I’ve heard of it.” Hearing this, You paused slightly, then frowned.
Naturally, Yuu had heard of the battle that began in the 1970s in the old days and took 150 years of fighting to smash the continents of the seven continents into pieces and split them into the current island group.
After receiving Yuu’s reply, Chicheng nodded and then said.
“Although, at the end of the war, with the sacrifice of a large number of prototype ships, we sold out most of the deep sea Qiji, but, in the final analysis, deep sea Qiji…
…is immortal. ”
Hearing this, Yun shrugged, although he doubted this sentence, but from the perspective of people in this world.
Every time after sinking, the Sugis who will resurface in the deep sea for decades are really ‘immortal’.
Of course, the same is true for the prototype ships, but they need to be summoned from the place called the Sleeping Sea of ​​Heroes by means of construction or purification.
Therefore, in the case that both sides of the war are “undead” to a certain extent, the war between the deep sea and the ship girl has no end in sight.
Turning his head a little, Yulian Meng guessed his opinion.
“Then, is the matter related to Suihime deep sea? Is it because Miss Chicheng discovered Suiji Suihime’s recovery? So are you planning to call a prototype ship?”
Hearing this, Chicheng nodded and said with a serious face.
“Yes. While playing around and enjoying the food… Ahem, uh no, we were investigating, and Kaga and I got the news of the recovery of nearly 10 Suuji of the deep sea. Although only three have been verified, but the situation It’s very critical.”
Yu was silent for a few seconds. Just now, if he didn’t have a hard ear, Chicheng was talking about playing around and enjoying the food tour, right?
Sure enough, the nickname ‘Eating Support’ is not for nothing.
Seeing Yu’s silence, Chicheng seemed to sense Yu’s slander towards her, so he quickly raised his hand, put it on his lips, and coughed twice.
“In order to cope with the recovery of Suhime deep sea, Kaga and I believe that it is necessary to reorganize the first flight battle, and even reorganize the R-series combined fleet in preparation for the upcoming battle, so…”
“The shrimp dishes in Xicheng District, Qingdao seem to be very delicious.” You Leng said calmly.
“Shrimp dishes?!! Well, Mr. Zhou You, do you know the name of the shop? Do they use prawns or prawns? Is it possible that they use lobster?”
Don’t guess, just from the sincerity behind him and the action of holding his shoulders, the authentic ‘foodie’ behind him is definitely aroused by him.
At this moment, the sliding door in front was gently pushed open.
Lexington walked slowly out of it.
Looking at Lexington whose face changed suddenly in front of him, Yu turned his head wordlessly, looking at the sincerity that seemed to hug him from behind, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

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