Enterprise: I seem to have come to the wrong place?
“Carrier-based aircraft, prepare for launch!”
‘Anyone broke in? ‘ The moment the engine of the carrier aircraft hummed, Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes as sharp as a lion immediately swept to the corridor diagonally opposite.
When Yuu saw the two blond figures hiding in the corner, a hint of embarrassment flashed across her face.
With this delay, Bumblebee’s carrier-based aircraft broke through the sound barrier and galloped toward You Fei at a high speed of 340 meters per second.
However, Yu just blinked his eyes, and he estimated the flight trajectories of the seventeen oncoming carrier aircraft.
‘Flying over my head in 0.03 seconds? Hit the ceiling, then pierce through the ceiling and fly high into the sky. ’
After clarifying this point, Yu looked at the sneaky two people speechlessly.
‘What trick are you playing? ’
At this moment, the corner of the enterprise hiding at the corner twitched, and at the same time as Bumblebee was shouting, a flick of his hand gave Bumblebee a head-scratcher.
“Damn girl, it’s really unreliable!!!”
“It hurts!!!!” Bumblebee covered her aching head with tears, and squatted on the ground and let out an angry scream, as if she was really hurt by the crash.
After scolding, the company didn’t care about other things, and hurriedly waved its right arm.
Under the dispersal of invisible mental fluctuations, among the seventeen carrier-based aircraft, an inconspicuous carrier-based aircraft quietly changed its trajectory.
There was a loud bang.
The all-metal carrier aircraft slammed into Yu’s chest with a sudden burst of sound speed, with terrifying kinetic energy enough to destroy gold and jade, and with a whistling sonic boom.
At the moment when the carrier-based aircraft collided with Yu, the company lowered the brim of his hat, and a smug smile appeared on his face.
‘Break 7 ribs, and we’ll lose both. ’
According to the company’s estimation of the strength, the acceleration kinetic energy within 10 meters, hitting Yu’s body, is enough for any ordinary person to break 7 ribs, and the error will not exceed two, only more or less.
“Commander!!!” Lexington exclaimed, throwing away the dinner plate in his hand, and pounced on him, as if planning to use himself as a shield.
At the same time, the toy-sized carrier plane slammed into Yuu’s body, making a dull noise like the sound of a drum.
In the private room, at the moment when the buzzing sounded like a bee.
Bell McCann, who was sleeping soundly clutching his round eagle belly, opened his eagle eyes immediately, and the veteran of the battle immediately recognized the humming body.
‘B-25’s engine sound? not good! ! ! ’
“Enemy attack——!!!!”
At the same time as the alarm was issued, the cartoon penguin eagle turned into a majestic bald eagle with a wingspan of 50 centimeters in an instant, smashed through the wall and leaped into the corridor.
“The sound of the engine of the carrier aircraft?!!!!”
The faces of the ship girls who were still chatting changed instantly, and the prototype ships who had been on the battlefield for many years immediately noticed the abnormality.
The next moment, like a swarm of wasps, the carrier-based aircraft directly smashed the entire wall into briquettes, and rushed out of the private room with a roar.
However, before waiting for the briquettes process, the poor wall was knocked out with 5 big holes, and collapsed in a huge crash.
At the same moment, facing Lexington, who was pounced from the side, Yoo swept his arms around him, grabbed the girl’s soft waist with her arms and sideways, and forcibly stopped the girl’s pounce.
“Well, although I’m very happy when Lexington rushed up, it’s a pity it’s not a bedroom here?”
The voice full of jokes gently hit Lexington’s ears with wisps of moist air.
“Ah?” Lexington, who was held in the air, was stunned for a moment, blinking in confusion, his face full of astonishment.
The B-25 that smashed the nose of the plane fell to the wooden floor under the pull of gravity, making a crisp sound.
Seeing this scene, the company’s eyes were a little dull. Thinking back on the night before, all kinds of tossing under the pressure, the girl said with a cute face.
“I should have remembered it long ago… I should have directly fired the high-explosive bomb!””Huh? Business lady, you…” Hearing the sound, Bumblebee turned her head and looked at the company beside her in astonishment.
At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Bumblebee.
The icy naval gun muzzle aimed at the bumblebee’s cherry lips, as if it was going to be stuffed directly.
“Don’t move!” The girl with thin purple hair opened her slightly scarlet eyes, and said softly to Bumblebee in a very penetrating feminine voice.
‘when? ’ Bumblebee opened her eyes wide and looked at the sudden snow wind from the corner of her eyes with disbelief.
“This kind of speed and response…” The company looked at the two battleship guns on the left and right, and the temples were faintly dripping with sweat.
Glancing at the cold expression of the brown-haired woman on the left, and then observing the deadly threat from the huge ship outfit behind the white-haired little loli on the right, the corners of the company’s mouth twitched, with an incredible expression on her face.
“The prototype ship…?”
“What a joke, there are actually four prototype ships in a small hotel?!!!”
Before the company’s voice could fall, with the harsh friction and the strong wind blowing across the company’s face, Fang Xiang and Shimakaze flanked over.
When they stopped on the first day of the first day, the two girls glanced at Yu, who was safe and sound, and reported to Veneto with livid faces.
“After the search, there are no other enemies in the hot spring hotel.”
‘Two more? ’ The company twitched the corners of his mouth, and his heart was full of astonishment.
At the same time, nearly 300 carrier-based aircraft hovered over the corridor, enough to instantly destroy the terrifying firepower of an international metropolis.
“Is it possible, did I forcefully break into the Governor’s Mansion? No, the mansion of the lion doesn’t have such firepower, right?” The company looked at the densely packed metal birds in the sky with some speechlessness.
With just a cursory scan, she saw the silhouettes of heroic carrier aircraft such as the ‘Avengers’, ‘Jiuqi Ship Attack’ and ‘Hellcat’.
Although the number is not comparable to that of the Governor’s Mansion, which is guarded by 6 aircraft carrier battalions, but in terms of quality, it is simply a complete explosion of the opponent’s ten streets.
For the lineup of all hero-class carrier-based aircraft, only prototype ships can be released on the sea.
‘When did the prototype ships on the sea become so worthless? ‘ Feeling the fierce murderous intent beside him, the company thought about it with tears in its eyes.
She always had the illusion that she didn’t want to get out of here alive on this trip today.
“Huh?” Veneto raised his eyebrows when he heard the reports of Fang Yuan and Shimakaze, then narrowed his red eyes slightly, and said in a playful tone.
“Two little bitches dare to come to my territory and attack my man?!!”

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