The heart of the company is a little stuffed.
Although she understands that sooner or later this black pot will be exposed, but to be honest, she was a little lucky when she found out that everyone didn’t notice it earlier.
Originally, according to the plan, it should have been Bumblebee that released the carrier aircraft and rammed Yu, and she fled with Bumblebee.
Even if he was caught by Lexington on the spot or by York City after the incident, the two of them shared the anger of the sisters after the incident, and they were not at all cowardly in their hearts.
However, after unintentionally saying that York City was against her for making trouble with Yu, she noticed that Bumblebee had an obvious intention of resisting, and took out the B-25 that was used for the development of a ship one day. ‘s drama.
That’s right, the B-25 was released by the company, and only a carrier-based aircraft not controlled by Hornet could hit Yu’s chest straight against her will.
But unfortunately, this matter seems to be exposed now.
And due to the flaws of Plan B, when the carrier aircraft was controlled by her behind the scenes, she naturally had to bear all the guilt…
…this is a sad fact.
“Sister Enterprise, you are cheating on me!!!” Bumblebee smashed the metal ball in her palm into the ground and shouted angrily at the shrinking enterprise.
Obviously, the girl figured out the key. At such a critical moment, who has the ability and motivation to mix in an ‘undercover plane’ in her carrier fleet, but her own sister, who else can be.
With the cries of Bumblebee’s grief and indignation, the company suddenly sat on the wax.
Especially when the ship girl present, especially Chicheng, outflanked her retreat with a playful face, and Kaga indifferently assisted, the company’s face became even more panicked.
The three people who have a ‘great feud between life and death’, although they won’t fight for life and death in this life, but they can push the boat along with her.
However, this is not the end. When Lexington walked in front of him with a sullen face and an indifferent face, the heart of the company has fallen to the bottom.
Especially behind Lexington, Yu’s incomparably deep eyes made her shudder.
‘This time, it’s really over. ‘ The company that was complaining in the heart pursed its lips, trying to make a final struggle.
“That, Sister Lexington, I can actually explain it.” As always, the company called her sister sweetly, trying to wake up Lexington’s motherhood by behaving.
However, what the girl got was an incomparably cold reply.
“What do I want to do, you should understand?”
Hearing this, the company suddenly panicked and shouted. “I’m already an adult, that kind of punishment…”
“You’re younger than Gaga.” Lexington’s indifferent remark made the company lose its rebuttal tone.
The Gaga on the middle finger of Lexington’s mouth is naturally Saratoga with string number CV-3, Lexington’s sister.
Not to mention that as a CV-6 company, even her sister York City would call her sister when she saw Saratoga.
In Lexington’s eyes, even Saratoga is a child, let alone a little girl younger than Saratoga.
She pursed her lips, and the company made the most important request in her life.
“Can you not stay here?”
Hearing the sound, Lexington looked around, looked at the green faces of the famous ship girls, especially Chicheng and Kaga’s faces, and nodded.
hear this pairSpeaking of which, Essex, who had vaguely heard about the punishment in their mouths, silently hid behind the blank-faced CV-16, looking at it, it seemed a little shivering.
Seeing this scene on the side, Yu turned his head around, almost touching Bumblebee’s face in an intimate gesture. “What kind of riddle are your sister and Lexington doing?”
Feeling the face so close at hand, Bumblebee, who could even faintly smell the scent of Yu, immediately blushed with shame.
“That…this…” The girl stammered for a while, unable to say a word.
Aware of Bumblebee’s strangeness, Yu raised her eyebrows slightly and said in surprise. “You’re nervous? Could it be that the punishment in Lexington was terrible?”
Yu looked suspiciously at Lexington, at the virtuous and gentle lady, but she couldn’t imagine how she would punish the company, so much so that everyone in the know was terrified.
At this moment, Lexington directly pulled the hand of the company, almost dragging the girl towards the vacant bedroom.
Seeing this scene, everyone who couldn’t hold back their curiosity, immediately beckoned by Yu, and followed behind them to the bedroom door.
Curiosity is human nature after all. With the commander of the Admiral Yu, everyone is almost blatantly watching the company, intending to find out.
With a bang, under the gazes of everyone, Lexington’s company was violently squatted on the mat inside the house, causing Fang Xiang and Shimakaze to cover their mouths and scream, obviously thinking of some scenes that are not suitable for children.
Boom! Boom! Twice.
Yu ignorant said in a stern tone of fantasy and Shimakaze, clutching his aching head and screaming.
“Don’t look through the hidden compartments of my bedroom cabinet in the future, can that thing be seen by you kids too!!!”
“Huh?! Why do I know that I’m flipping…” As soon as Fang Xiang said a half-sentence, Shimakaze, who blushed, covered his mouth. “Don’t say it!!!”
“The place where the admiral hides that kind of thing turns out to be a cabinet.” Chicheng’s mouth twitched slightly, and she said in a weird tone, she seemed to know something incredible.
“Young men, it’s normal to have needs.” Kaga responded calmly to his sincere words.
“Hey, Kaga, your ears are a little red?” Bismarck looked at Kaga’s ears suspiciously, his expression vaguely narrow.
“…Illusion.” Jiahe paused for a while, and said again, but his voice like a clear spring was not as dull as before.
“Captain, what are you talking about, Shimakaze-senpai?”
As the only pure young girl in the tutelary mansion, CV-16 fully carried forward the correct policy of asking if you don’t understand, and the object of her inquiry was naturally the erudite Miss Essex in the eyes of the girl.
The three-faced eldest lady, at this moment, could no longer maintain her cold and indifferent expression. Her red face was faintly steaming. Facing CV-16’s questioning, Essex could only prevaricate the other side.
“I’ll know when the dumplings are a little bigger.”
“Uh, is that right?” CV-16 blinked, with a little stunned expression on his face. As ship girls, they don’t seem to grow up, do they?
As for Xuefeng Little Lolita, the girl who has practiced it has long been leaning against the wall with her eyes in circles, and she looks overly ashamed, attracting curious onlookers from the three battery gun sauce.
At this moment, Yu, who had always been curious, raised her hand and spoke to the crowd. “Everyone be quiet,”
The next second, the door of the room suddenly fell silent.
Under You’s curious gaze, Lexington stretched out his slender, snow-white wrist toward the company.

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