The Spreading Speed ​​of Rumors
In the afternoon, the scorching sun shone on the land of Qingdao.
Located at the gate of Qingdao Town Guard’s Mansion, the ship girls who are in charge of standing guard let their clothes get wet with sweat.
As the highest power center in Qingdao, the Qingdao Town Guard Mansion is naturally located in the center of the most prosperous urban area in Qingdao. There are many buildings in it, and more than 20,000 square meters of land have been directly bitten off of this precious land.
And its interior can also be regarded as a model of strict security. Three steps, one post, five steps and one post are not exaggerated decorations, but a real density of defense.
There are as many as three fleets in charge of guarding the gate alone. A total of 18 fleets are guarding the gate strictly to prevent all kinds of accidents from happening.
And while these ship girls were on duty conscientiously, a black armored vehicle gradually appeared at the end of the asphalt road leading directly to the gate.
The ship’s lady standing on both sides of the gate became serious. Although the logo of the Qingdao Town Guard Mansion was printed on the armored vehicle, the two conscientious guards still stopped the vehicle for a routine inspection.
Boom boom!
The glass window was knocked lightly.
“Please show your pass.” As the glass window was pulled down, a black-haired ship lady said with a cold face. When she saw the unfamiliar face of the driver, Yu, her eyes were faintly vigilant.
Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, Yu, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, shrugged helplessly. It’s his first time coming here, so he wouldn’t have such a thing as a pass.
So he immediately turned his head and said to Harman who was sitting in the back seat surrounded by Essex and Lexington.
“Haman, the guards are asking for a pass, do you have any?”
“Don’t be so troublesome, just let me come.” Before you could finish talking, the company sitting in the passenger seat immediately said.
Enterprise, who was leaning back on the seat, leaned forward slightly, and spoke coldly to the black-haired ship girl outside the window. “Open the door.”
Although he doesn’t have that kind of cold personality in his heart, due to the need to maintain the majesty of the admiral, the company always presents a cold image to the large number of ship girls under his command, so at this moment, he naturally turned his face on the floor.
The vigilant black-haired ship girl suddenly saw the company that was blocked by Yu, her face froze, and she said in a circle. “Eh? Admiral.”
“It’s me.” Enterprise nodded calmly, then ignored the doorman, but folded his arms again, leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.
“Open the door immediately, allowing you to pass through.” The black-haired ship girl hurriedly raised her hand, and said to the brown-haired ship girl who was in charge of managing the gear lever.
“You haven’t checked your certificate yet? Isn’t this against the rules!” The brown-haired ship girl was taken aback, looking at her colleagues with some surprise.
“It’s the admiral, open the door.” The black-haired ship lady explained concisely.
Hearing this, the brunette ship girl suddenly realized that, as the top leader of the tutelary mansion, the company naturally does not need a passport like outsiders, or her delicate face is the best passport.
That is to say, when others swipe their certificates, the company is slapping their faces.
As the brunette ship girl pressed the remote control device, the gear lever was slowly retracted. The next second after the road became clear again, Yu drove the armored vehicle into the Qingdao tutelary mansion.
As the armored vehicle gradually moved away, the black-haired ship girl who guarded the gate realized it and said with a strange expression on her face. “The driver seems to be a male admiral?”
“Ah? Didn’t you just say that the admiral (enterprise) is in the car?” The brown-haired ship girl said with a dazed expression.
“The admiral is also in the car!…” The black-haired ship girl had a strange expression.
And beside her, the brown-haired ship lady who was in charge of managing the gear lever also showed an extremely weird expression.
One minute later, the internal communication network of Qingdao Town Guard’s Mansion was blown up.
【Longevity! ! ! The admiral is taking the man home! ! ! ! ! 】
3 minutes later.
【Longevity! ! ! The admiral intends to rob women and men from good families to “golden house to hide the beauty”! ! ! 】
The speed and degree of deviation of rumors spread with a high efficiency far beyond human imagination.
In just 5 minutes, the entire Qingdao Town Guard Mansion’s ship girls had already heard about the “serious situation that their admiral is going to elope with a man”, and they all rushed back to defend the Town Guard Mansion without stopping.
And 5 minutes passed, and Yucai just slowly drove the armored vehicle to the building where the company used to host banquets.
“This is it, right?” Yula lowered the window and looked at the Western-style corridor outside the window.
“That’s right, this is it.” Enterprise glanced out the window, nodded, and immediately opened the car door.
“It’s time to get out of the car, ladies.” Yu unbuckled his seat belt and said to the five girls behind him.
Fortunately, the back seat is big enough, and Xuefeng and Haman are very petite. The three seats in the back seat can only squeeze five girls, and they brought all the girls who participated in the family dinner.
There are actually many reasons why only four people came to Yu’s side.
In the morning, when the enterprise sends out the tutelaryAfter the dinner invitation, Yu naturally had no reason to refuse.
After the other ship girls knew that the banquet was sent by a company, the sensible ladies immediately understood that this was a private party for American ship girls.
Therefore, except for Lexington, CV-16 and Essex, others naturally declined the invitation of the company, except for Xuefeng, the auspicious auspiciousness dragged by the company.
It seems that because of the protection of the company in the past wars, Xiao Xiangrui has been automatically considered by the company to be an American ship girl. By the way, Veneto and Bismarck also think that Xue Kaze is a “own ship girl”.
To a certain extent, among the prototype ships that stand on top of each other based on their past nationalities, Yukikaze is the only generalist who can go anywhere. Xuefeng was powerless to complain.
“What are you doing, why don’t you keep up?” The company that walked out of the driver’s seat looked at Yu Hou who was sitting still in the driver’s seat, frowned and said with a white look.
“Received, received.” Yu got out of the car with a strange expression. You must know that when he came earlier, the company was very resistant to him participating in this private banquet, as if he would defile this sacred gathering.
However, after arriving at the location now, the company deliberately stood in front of the car, as if waiting to get off the car.
To be honest, he doesn’t know what the company has to do with him, brother-in-law? Cannon 1 friend? Lovers, or even lovers? Not like it anyway.
After slandering inwardly, Yu hurriedly got out of the car and followed behind the company.
Unconsciously, the blond girl raised Yu’s arm spontaneously and dragged Yu slowly forward.
The escort girl at the door looked at her heartbroken as if she saw her cabbage being arched by a pig.
The group walked towards the interior of the mansion…

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