Enterprise: I feel like I’m going to lose!
Hum——! ! !
With a humming sound from the construction gate, the light blue patterns on its surface slowly fluoresced.
“Have you started yet?” The company clasped its hands in front of it, dragged the plump pair, and stared at the LCD screen on the left side of the construction gate, waiting for the construction time to be displayed.
As a ‘veteran’ with extensive experience in construction, the company and the ship types represented by various major construction times are well aware of it.
It can be said that as long as the timetable can be seen, the company can determine which ship girl is about to walk out of the construction gate.
Of course, if you can’t see the time, it will naturally be the result of the failure of the big construction and the loss of a lot of resources.
Just when the company saw that the display screen began to float out of the construction time, You took out a quick-build device and threw it into the resource mouth without looking at it.
The time is instantly cleared, indicating that the construction is complete.
“Hey!! What are you doing, don’t you watch the time!!!” The company was stunned for a moment and said with a look of surprise.
However, before the company’s voice could fall, Yu, who was already used to the urgency of building the gate, quickly retreated, avoiding the massive fog that burst out from every corner of the gate.
“Ah?!!” The unsuspecting enterprise was immediately smeared by the thick smog, and the waist-length blond hair that was as bright as the sun was immediately completely wet by the vigorous moisture.
As the fog dissipated, a series of coughing sounds came from the thick fog.
“Cough, cough, cough!!!” The enterprise covered Qiong’s nose, frowned, and coughed dryly with an embarrassed expression.
At this moment, a blue towel fluttered over the head of the company, and Yuu’s angry voice came at the same time. “Hey, hey, that’s it, you’re still the Colonel-Admiral? Did you know that you didn’t hide from the steam that accompanies the construction?”
“Who do you think is to blame!!!” Enterprise grabbed the towel on his head angrily, pinched it, and slapped it on Yu’s shoulder.
If it weren’t for her focus on the construction time, where would she be choked by the steam? After all, shouldn’t she blame this bastard who throws away the quick-build device if she doesn’t agree?
Looking at the company that was frying in front of him, You spread out his hands and was speechless. Looking at the time, Dajian, he is an African refugee, look at Mao.
There is only one routine for him, just pick up the resources and do it, get out of the bubble, don’t go into the waves, save the resources and continue to work.
No one knows better than Yuu himself that he has no auspicious royal ability to base himself on. With his ‘face’, he wants to summon a prototype ship?
Why don’t you think about entering the sea of ​​​​sleeping heroic souls that I don’t know where, and grab it directly.
He threw a towel to Yubari, and after getting the girl’s eyes for a while, Yu’s face was even more speechless. Well, it looks like he offended both the company and Yubari.
Looking at Yu’s speechless face, the company gave him an angry look, picked up the towel, and slowly wiped his hair.
However, due to the common problem of long hair, the speed of wiping this hair is naturally extremely slow. Seeing that the construction door is about to open, and his hair is full of moisture, the company suddenly became a little anxious.
Glancing at Yu who was staring at the construction gate next to him, the company threw the towel into Yu’s hand and said with a look of disgust. “Come on, wipe my hair.”
“I’m still doing my hair…” He whispered, Yu took the towel, walked behind the company, and began to wipe the soft blonde hair.
The comfortable feeling from the scalp made the company stunned for a moment, and said strangely. “Huh? You’re quite skilled at this technique~ How many people have you wiped their hair on?”
“Natural ingenuity, there is no way.” Hearing this, Yu’s face stiffened, she laughed dryly, and wiped her blond hair embarrassedly for the girl.
“Oh?!!” The enterprise frowned suspiciously.
Just as he was about to say something, the construction door that suddenly opened, stopped the company’s words, and at the same time attracted all the attention of the three present.
“Ah? Have I been summoned by a certain admiral at this time? What a bad luck…” In the misty mist, a young girl’s voice full of liveliness and agility suddenly came out.
“But, what about the Admiral?” Seemingly not knowing the situation, the girl’s confused voice came from the mist.
“As soon as it was built, there is a high level of sanity… Is it a high-level replica ship? Your shit luck is really strong.” Listening to the voice in the fog, the company bit its thumb, a little angry said.
The first round of the pre-heating device used by Yuu has produced a high-level replica ship. Even a company with a “white face” is under a lot of pressure at the moment.
In the final analysis, that kind of messy summoning method can really succeed, which has shocked the company.
Feeling the comfort from the hair behind his head, the company bit his thumb. ‘Could it be that this bastard is luckier than me? Does he have LuckyE, how is this possible! ! ’
At the same time, a large amount of steam overflowing from the construction gate quickly escaped from the open doors and windows, rolling up a lot of airflow, and blowing gusts of breeze in the hall.
Da-! clatter-!
With the sound of clogs stepping on the ground, a figure slowly walked out of the misty fog.
The two ponytails swayed gently with the gentle breeze, like living creatures, trembling and trembling, people couldn’t help but grab them.
The girl walked out of the fog, and her amber-like yellow eyes scanned the scene in the hall, searching for the figure that should have existed.
Yu raised his head and looked at the girl walking out in front.The girl has delicate and lovely facial features, and the corners of her mouth are always raised to give a naughty impression, and the petite, loli figure that looks like she has just grown up, further strengthens the first image of the bear child.
As soon as Su saw this scene, Yu looked down decisively, and sure enough, he saw the scene of a flat river.
The girl was wearing a short-skirt-style archery suit, and her light red skirt was constantly fluttering in the wind. From time to time, a little bit of ‘mystery’ was raised in the absolute realm, making Yu almost unable to help shouting ‘Long live the armor’.
As for the reason for this, it is naturally because there are no safety pants under the clothes made of armor!
“What, hiding here?” The girl with two ponytails put one hand on her waist, and said angrily with white eyes.
When the voice fell, the girl took a step forward and walked straight to… the company.

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