The Undercurrent Begins to Surge
(Another power outage, another New Year greeting from relatives, another general cleaning, the update is late, Pippi is sorry, but pigeons don’t know how to dove, I will spend the whole night coding for you guys.)
On the brand-new channel named the second route by the Hong Kong Island Governor’s Office.
An uninhabited reef island two hundred nautical miles away from the node of the fourth ocean current.
The ultra-miniature island composed of reefs with an area of ​​only more than a hundred square meters, because of its salt-rich surface layer, attracts migratory birds across the ocean.
This kind of bird’s habitat is very common in the sea, so not many people pay attention to it, especially the stench produced by the explosion all the year round, which is even more disgusting.
Therefore, when developing the route, she was disgusted by the imaginary little princess who was checking the sea area. The girl just marked the reef island on the map, and then left here angrily.
However, if the little girl had checked carefully and even set foot on the reef covered with bird droppings, there might be a little possibility to notice the fact that the reef is hollow inside.
The water pool inside the reef island, the underwater channel leading to the outside world, made a sound of gurgling at this moment, and faintly, there seemed to be a dark shadow slowly rising inside the water pool.
About ten seconds later, a woman with gray hair and pale face slowly emerged from the pool.
As the woman dragged her wet body, she set foot on the land inside the reef, revealing her one-piece swimsuit and the two white and tender hemispheres that exposed most of her body. Her attire can only be described as coquettish.
However, any human being who saw her would not think so. After all, those red eyes and the strange pink and purple patterns on her body all confirmed the fact that the woman was deep in the sea.
Aircraft carrier O-class, this is the admiral at sea, the code name given to her generally refers to those intelligent deep-sea aircraft carriers directly under the jurisdiction of deep-sea dwelling ships.
The aircraft carrier O-level shook her pale hair and splashed a lot of water on the muddy ground.
After the hair regained its freshness, the aircraft carrier O-level lowered its head toward the inner side of the passage, and said respectfully.
“According to the eyeliner of the miscellaneous fish below, the tutelary mansion that destroyed Master Lidao’s base has left Qingdao.”
The so-called base refers to a hollowed-out mountain peak that Shimakaze and Kong Xiang crashed into on the island, and all the precision instruments made by the deep-sea scientist Qi Ji, an outlying island, are arranged inside.
Adhering to the principle of proximity, Qiji from the outlying islandIn the center of the resource point, a base was established, and the deep-sea habitat ships all around were the hounds raised by this vicious Qiji.
However, due to the flopping king’s fall, the two destroyers were destroyed by the brutal impact of themselves as ‘cannonballs’.
Leaving aside the loss of those precision instruments, just the massive destruction of the resource points that stably provided the four major resources is enough to make Qi Ji furious on the outlying island.
Otherwise, Qi Ji from the outlying island would not have directly led a large-scale invasion of Kukai, trying to kill people for revenge, but was intercepted by the Lionheart King, and directly started to strangle a governor on the sea.
It is extremely sad that the Lionheart King, who is looking around for the reason for Qi Ji’s massive attack on the outlying island, has been blamed.
In the dark depths where the aircraft carrier O-level was directly facing, after a while after she reported the information, she finally sent out a response.
The soft and cute voice came from the darkness and echoed continuously inside the hollow reef.
“Yes, Lord Li Dao ordered me to take down the head of that admiral.” The aircraft carrier O-level lowered his head and said respectfully, as if he heard something from the other party’s tone.
In fact, she did hear it, but she learned the meaning of the other party’s words from the spiritual communication of her immediate superior, the Aircraft Carrier ヲ-class.
Although it is called the Space Mother ヲ class, due to the abnormality of the other party’s vocal cords, they can only make wo~wo~ voices. Therefore, all communication problems are carried out in the spiritual network where the higher deep sea controls the lower deep sea.
It seems that because of the soft and cute tone of the other party, her master seems to have the description of “wo sauce” among those human admirals.
But when it comes to the name Wo Sauce, it seems that the little deep-sea princess Qi Ji of the North was the first to name it, and it was popularized by some human admirals who handed in resources (Zero Fighter Aircraft) and survived from Qi Ji of the North.
And, unexpectedly, they are extremely popular among human admirals, and some admirals even come here to seek refuge (send death) to Wo Jiang.
Although the aircraft carrier O-level didn’t see at all, what kind of magical power does the murderous (admiral) boss in front of him have that can make these human beings die generously.
“Wo~!” A slightly dignified voice sounded softly.
“A tentative attack? This subordinate understands.” The aircraft carrier O-level nodded, then immediately turned around and walked towards the pool, preparing to go to the sea.
At this moment, a female voice full of madness suddenly sounded.
“Heh! Heh! Heh! Don’t be so troublesome, I’ll just shoot that human to death.”
Deep in the shadows, a gray-haired woman walked out slowly.
Seeing the woman with a crazy face, the face of the aircraft carrier O-level changed, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, as if he was quite afraid of the person coming.
“Hindenburg, why are you, a subordinate of the battleship Shuigui, you are here.”
The voice fell, followed by a bang.
The head of the aircraft carrier O-level was pushed into the muddy ground.
The muddy mud covered that originally delicate and pretty face.
“Ahem…” Coughing a few times, the aircraft carrier O-level struggled to turn his head, looking at the woman holding his head, eyes full of fear.
“As a subordinate, disrespect to me as a superior is a big taboo.”
“Do you need me to help you kill this disobedient little guy?”
The second half of the sentence was directed towards Wo Jiang in the shadows.
“Wo~” The soft and cute tone has lost its original cute charm, and replaced it with chilling.
Beating up his subordinates in front of his face, and declaring to kill him, this kind of slap in the face, even a good-tempered person would not be able to stand it, let alone the deep sea who admires strength.
tah… tah…
The leather soles gently hit the ground.
Following the sound of light footsteps, a figure walked out slowly.
What followed was the bee-like hum of the carrier aircraft.
“Cut, the aircraft carrier is indeed a piece of garbage that only hides in the gutter and makes cold shots.” Hindenburg sarcastically let go of the big hand holding the aircraft carrier O-level.
Although it is said that at such a close distance, the aircraft carrier is almost destined to be beaten by a battleship, but in the final analysis, the Aircraft Carrier ヲ class, nicknamed Wo Jiang, is not those garbage aircraft carriers that are powerless.
The ghost knows how many deep-sea frontier battleships this woman has obtained from that lunatic Qi Ji on the outlying island, and what kind of terrifying firepower she possesses.
You know, the admirals killed by the other party are not as rare as those deep sea roosters.
Hindenburg would not dare to act rashly on such a monster that could pull out the ant king (admiral) from the ant colony.
Hindenburg clapped his hands, still with that crazy smile on his face, as if what happened just now hadn’t happened at all, and said jokingly. “Hey, do you understand what Master Water Ghost means?”
“Wo~” The soft and cute voice echoed softly.
Hearing that voice, veins popped out of Hindenburg’s head faintly.
She’s not Wo-chan’s subordinate, she doesn’t have spiritual communication, who knows what Wo-chan said.
At this moment, the aircraft carrier O-level climbed up from the mud, without dealing with the mud on his body, and directly spoke to translate.
“We can cooperate in killing the admiral, but in terms of tactics, I must arrange it.”
“Cut, it’s fine. In the final analysis, isn’t it the unique skill of you air mothers to play these tricks!” Hindenburg stretched his arms and strode towards the water pool.
“Let me know when the plan is arranged. If you don’t arrange it, you will disturb me…” Speaking of this, Hindenburg turned his head and showed a bloodthirsty smile at Wo sauce. “…you know the consequences.”
The voice fellDown, Hindenburg jumped sharply, jumped into the pool, and disappeared in a few moments.
Seeing Hindenburg leave, the chilling atmosphere inside the reef slowly dissipated.
Looking at Wo Sauce, who had restrained her murderous intentions, the aircraft carrier O-class pursed her lips with a look of gratitude.
If it wasn’t for her master, who always threatened her with murderous intent, she might have died at the hands of Hindenburg today.
“In the end, why did this fallen ship girl come here!!!” The aircraft carrier O-class whispered bitterly.
Afterwards, she thought about it, compared to herself, the human admiral who was both targeted by the battleship Shuiyu-sama and the outlying island-sama was even more unlucky.
“Wo~!!” Sauce Wo shouted seriously.
“Yes, this subordinate will make arrangements.”

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