The big hand of sin
(The picture above is wo sauce, hat… It’s really weird.)
Yu looked curiously at the white-haired girl who fainted in her arms.
After being stunned by him, the indifferent girl who had remained calm at that moment was now sleeping soundly in her arms, her pale skin with an indescribable feeling of weakness.
With her delicate face, delicate nose, and fair and weak cherry lips, with her inherent soft temperament, the unconscious girl was so beautiful and refined that Yoo couldn’t wait to take a bite and bully her. This hard-earned trophy.
However, unfortunately, using avatars to bully girls, Yuke doesn’t have the weird habit of putting hats on himself. Even if the feelings are shared, even if the genes are always there, he always has a weird feeling.
However, although you can’t do it, you can do something that You have wanted to do for a long time.
On the vast sea, the silver-haired young man slowly stretched his sinful big hand to the face of the helpless girl, and touched the girl’s… beret.
Yes, it’s a beret.
Ms. Wo always wears a huge black beret with a big mouth. The body of the hat is almost three times wider than her petite body.
Aren’t you tired of wearing such a big hat?
What the hell is this mysterious creature-like hat?
With all kinds of curiosity, Yu made a sinful voice towards the hat.
He wrapped his arms around the girl’s slender waist with one hand, and stretched his free palm into the beret’s huge mouth, fiddling around.
After a while, Yu took out a handful of irregular metal blocks from the mouth of the mysterious creature.
“Aluminum?!!” Yu looked at the metal in his hand in amazement, and took out the resources from this wonderful hat. What the hell is this?
“Let go… let her go!!!” A timid female voice suddenly sounded.
At the same time, a cannonball hit Yuu’s side, splashing a large amount of water, as if to deter him.
You turned around indifferently, looking at the O-class aircraft carrier with trembling legs standing on the distant sea with a gun in the distance, with a slightly surprised expression.
“I actually came back…Is that all right? Just give up the chance to survive that she gave you?”
Although shivering, the childish deep-sea habitat ship didn’t waver, just holding the insignificant anti-aircraft suit and pointing at Yu’s feet.
The carrier-based aircraft has long since been destroyed as an air carrier, and it is like a living target in the sea. However, in this state, a deep sea actually stood in front of Yu.
“Although she is sincere, she is beyond stupid.” Yu looked at the trembling girl with indifference. Although her tone was sarcastic, she did not have much murderous intent on her body.
The aircraft carrier O-level looked at the frosty human with a look of horror. Although the aura on the other side was still terrifying, compared to the previous despair, it seemed to be a little less.
At least now, she is not as incapable of even acting as she was just now. She can have a little strength and control her weapons to fight.
“Well~ Although it’s stupid, congratulations, you saved your life.” Yu’s face changed, and he said with a smile.
‘what…? ! ! ’ The aircraft carrier O-class looked at the smiling young man with a stunned expression. For a while, it was frosty, with a bright smile on his face. Did this monster have some kind of mental illness?
At this moment, a bloody howl resounded through the sky.
Ow~~ woo-! ! ! ! !
A group of handsome black wolves, as huge as heavy trucks, walked slowly on the waves.
“This is…” The aircraft carrier O-class looked at the incomparably huge wolf with an incredible look.
Compared with the strange phenomenon of wolves in the sea, she is more concerned about the broken female limbs in the mouth of the giant wolf.
“They…” The aircraft carrier O-class somewhat understood why the monster in front of him would congratulate him for saving his life.Even in her heyday, she had no power to resist this terrifying wolf god, let alone the half-crippled present.
“By the way, I have a question I want to ask you.” Yuu said to the aircraft carrier O-level with some doubts.
“What?!!” The aircraft carrier O-level turned around and looked at Yu warily.
You spread out your palms, glanced at the huge black hat on Wo Sauce’s head, and said in a strange tone. “How can there be resources in this hat?”
“Ah?” The aircraft carrier O-level, who thought the enemy would ask some important questions, was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yu’s palm with a bewildered expression.
After more than ten seconds, the aircraft carrier O-level came back to his senses, and said to Yu with a strange expression on his face. “That hat is a device used by adults to store rations, and it is a ship equipped with spiritual power.”
“…” Yuu looked at the beret on top of Wo Jiang’s head with a strange expression, and looked at the bloody mouth, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. “The rice vat looks like this, and the aesthetics are no one else.”
After sighing, Yoo turned his head, looked at the little sheep surrounded by wolves, and narrowed his eyes slightly. “Since you answered my question, let me give you a chance to live.”
“What… what…” Before the voice of the aircraft carrier O-level fell, a pair of hands pressed on the girl’s white hair.
The huge will crushed the girl’s mental protection, and reached the sea of ​​consciousness of the O-level aircraft carrier. In the gray mist, Yu found the contract with the smell of wo sauce.
After you let go, the aircraft carrier O-level looked at the silver-haired young man in front of him with a strange expression.
Obviously the enemy who killed her compatriots was right in front of her eyes, but she couldn’t bear the slightest thought of hurting him, and she was even a little close. It felt like she had faced Wo Jiang before, with an indescribable sense of intimacy .
“I see. The contract for the deep sea is to resist the crazy will in the other party’s blood? Others, it seems that there is no difference compared with the ship’s mother~”
You murmured looking at the O-level aircraft carrier in front of you. At the moment when he held the girl for the contract experiment, except for the crazy chaos in the opponent’s body, there was no resistance at all.
As for the chaotic will that would cause the prototype ship to degenerate and human beings to self-destruct, to Yu, it tasted a bit like chocolate, something crunchy.
With the base of the experiment on the aircraft carrier O-level, Yu directly pressed the big sinful hand on Wo Jiang’s smooth and jade-like forehead.
The girl in her sleep didn’t realize at all that from today onwards, her master had changed from Qi Ji on an outlying island to the man who destroyed her.
After finishing all this, Yu casually ordered towards the aircraft carrier O-level.
“Let’s go.”
The aircraft carrier O-level nodded meaningfully, and then followed behind Yu with a strange expression.
At this moment, a little bit of foam emerged from the deep seabed to the surface of the water.
Yuu, who noticed this scene, narrowed his eyes.

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