What is your answer?
As the lunch break ended, the dazzling sunlight shone through the glass windows into the admiral’s room at the garrison’s house on Hong Kong Island.
At this moment, a pair of slender hands grabbed both ends of the off-white curtain, gently pulled it, and closed the entire curtain.Relieves the glare of the outside sun.
Looking at the orange curtains in front of him, Xianghe frowned slightly, put his fingers on his chin, turned his head, and looked towards the busy palace road beside him.
“Gamiya, is this sense of brightness okay?”
Sitting on the silver-white folding ladder, he turned his head to the busy room in the corner, glanced at the brightness of the curtains, and frowned slightly. “It can only be said that it is barely enough, but thanks for your hard work, Xianghe!”
At this moment, Lexington held a stack of gray steps, pushed open the door, turned his head, and looked at Gamiya with a smile on his face. “Gamiya, these sunshade cloths should be usable, right?”
Hearing this, Jian Gong, who was in the sky above, lowered his head, looked at the black cloth in Lexington’s hand, and said with his eyes shining slightly. “Thank you, Lexington, for your help.”
After finishing speaking, Jiangong turned his head and said to Xianghe. “Shokaku, Trouble and Lexington are covering the windows with shade cloth.”
“Okay!” Xianghe nodded slightly, and responded gently.
At this moment, Yu, who was sitting at the desk and drinking the big red robe, took another sip of black tea and said with an extremely strange expression.
“I said…Miss Mamiya, what are you doing?”
Half an hour ago, after receiving the notification from Lexington for a visit from Mamiya, Yu got up from the bed on her lunch break, got dressed, covered Xue Feng with a quilt, and came to the office to welcome the supply ship lady.
However, after opening the door with a few words of courtesy, it became the current scene of construction workers in full swing.
What’s weird is that Lexington and Xianghe actively cooperated with each other to install the ‘electronic equipment’ that looks like a video camera?
The reason why it is said to be similar is because Yu is sure that the deformed technology in this world has not invented a monitor.
Otherwise, if you install a surveillance camera in his office, Yuu would be the first…no, logically speaking, as a secretary, Lexington would also immediately drive out Gamiya who was planning to peep.
After all, Yu has only played the secretary’s plot a few times in the past few days.
“Oh, did Lieutenant Colonel Zhou say this?” Mamiya patted the newly installed projection device, turned his head and said to Yu.
Yu nodded affirmatively, and said with a puzzled expression. “What is this thing for?”
Hearing the sound, Jian Gong turned around, followed the steps, and slowly climbed down the folding ladder and explained. “Long-distance communication projection device, generally only the governor can purchase a limited amount of props, and I only have 3 pieces on hand, because someone wants to talk to you from a long distance…”
“Oh, how dare you give me such a precious thing!!!” With a shy face, she rubbed her hands together and said with a smile.
That expression, that appearance, are very similar to those uncles and aunts I met when visiting during the Chinese New Year.
Obviously, I took the initiative to hint that I want a red envelope, but when I get it, I want to turn the scene into a kind gift, and I have no choice but to accept it.
“Eh…” Mamiya, whose words were interrupted, looked at Yu with a masked face.
“I’m actually not…” After a blank answer, Mamiya shook his head when he came back to his senses, and looked at Yu dumbfounded.
“Well, it’s for you, as long as you like it.”
It’s just a long-distance communication projector. Although it’s a bit painful, it’s not a big deal in Mamiya’s view to give Yu a pair.
After all, who told her to ask for help from others now.
“Miss Mamiya, you’re too polite.” Yuu was in a good mood at the moment after cheating on a pair of rare equipment from Mamiya. At least the depression that the other party left first yesterday and the resentment of being harassed by his own ship lady in the past half day dissipated a lot. .
“However, speaking of long-distance communication, who wants to communicate with me.” You squinted his eyes, covering his probing eyes, and asked with a smile.
“Well…” The corners of Jiangong’s mouth curled up slightly, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, he picked up the controller beside him with a smile, and said with a sweet smile. “Let me tell you!”
As Kamiya pressed the button of the controller, the communication device hanging on the wall gradually glowed blue.
The deliberately adjusted angle allowed the light to gather neatly in front of Yu’s desk, slowly condensing and forming.
Accompanied by a few white flashes, the complete screen scene immediately appeared in Yuu’s eyes.
“Seeing that you look so good, I feel inexplicably upset.” A voice with a hint of complaint rang out quietly.
Looking at the heroic blond girl in military uniform in front of her, You shrugged, leaned on the sofa in distress, and said in a soft tone. “I can’t be happier seeing you dressed like this.”
Hearing this, the enterprise sitting on the chair was slightly taken aback, his delicate face blushed a little, he folded his hands in front of him, and let out a soft snort. “You still have a conscience!!”
Youhe smiled, then glanced at Jiangong beside him, turned his head, looked at the enterprise and said. “Could it be that you are also here to persuade me to send a fleet?!”
“…Almost.” Enterprise paused, pursed his lips and said.
Hearing the sound, Yu immediately wanted to refuse.
After all, it is impossible for him to let his wife go to the battlefield to carry out that kind of decapitation operation, and let them die in vain!
And Rang You took the initiative to speak up, claiming to help the company solve the problem? Most of the humans and ship girls in the Kukai area are not related to Yuu, so there is no benefit at all, just let them die!
However, the second he opened his mouth, You Min acutely noticed the abnormality of the company’s rhetoric.
It’s about the same, isn’t it just about the same, 60,000 can be said to be about 100,000, and 90,000 or 90,000It can be said that it is about 100,000, and the difference between these two amounts is as high as 39,000.
Yu closed his mouth and leaned lazily on the sofa, without saying a word, waiting for the company’s next statement.
After a pause, the enterprise narrowed its eyes and glanced at Mamiya obscurely. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and the next second, he returned to a serious and unusual expression.
“Let’s put it this way, if Mamiya agrees to sign a contract with you, will you go?”
“Eh?!!!” Mamiya was stunned for a moment, then looked at the company with a bewildered expression. “Enterprise? You!!!”
“Have we made an agreement?” The company with its slightly narrowed eyes, like a smiling tiger, happily watched the struggle of its prey.
Mamiya’s mouth twitched. Before she came, in the persuasion plan she launched with the company, the company made a strange request of ‘if there is any objection, we will discuss it later’.
Previously, she was still wondering what was going on in the company, but now it seems that she is here waiting for her! !
Are you raising an objection after deliberation? She has admitted to contracting with the other party by default, can she still deny it? Aren’t you afraid of Yuu’s refusal to join the war if you deny it?
‘I seem to have been tricked! ! ‘ The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Mamiya looked at the company on the screen angrily.
The company ignored Mamiya’s annoyed gaze, with revenge-like joking and pleasure on his face, and opened his mouth to Yu with a smile.
“Hey, Yuu, what’s your answer? Mamiya is your favorite ‘prototype ship’~ Well, that’s a famous chef who cooks superbly and is number one in the dessert world! By the way, the dowry is the entire Mamiya enterprise. oh~”
The company being touted completely ignored Mamiya’s ashamed and angry expression, and kept tempting Zheyudao.
Looking at the treacherous and unusual look on the company’s face, Yu seemed to see a golden fox’s tail wagging behind the girl, naughty and joking.
“Hey, what’s your choice?”
Yu sat up straight, folded her hands on the desk, and slowly exhaled.

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