Wales: I can’t accept it!
“The command of the combined fleet?… The appetite is really big!” An old and hoarse voice came from Shen Muyun’s mouth.
She squinted her eyes, and her wrinkled face looked like the roots of a weathered tree. As an old-fashioned colonel who was the closest to a governor, she was naturally one of the top leaders of the combined fleet.
And Shen Muyun was invited by Yixian in the early years, as a staff officer, he joined the group of these prototype ships.
As a human with a clean background who was brought up by the prototype ship (Saratoga) when she was young, Shen Muyun’s position is naturally on the side of the mother ship, which is why she was invited by Yixian.
After Yu’s request, companies that could not make a decision naturally chose to postpone the explanation and convened a small group to decide whether to agree to Yu’s conditions.
“So, what do you think, Colonel Shen?” In the conference room in the Nanbohai Sea, Wales sat in a chair, frowning, tapping on the table in front of him, and staring at the five screens in front of him irritably.
From Yuu’s words, Wales could hear an ominous flavor, which was an ominous thing called the desire for power, consistent with those human governors.
At least, for these ship girls who are simple in feelings and not good at using political means, their desire for power can almost be described as a poppy chestnut.
It is precisely because they are not good at it that an ‘innocent’ admiral like Shen Muyun joins them.
Shen Muyun pondered for a while, and said with a positive expression. “In my personal opinion, I think the command of the combined fleet can be handed over to the other side.”
“Reason.” Richelieu frowned, his tone very cold. After bringing back Yuu’s original words from the company, her expression was like this.
The ‘junior’ he was looking at was actually a careerist. To some extent, it was a rather bad experience for Richelieu.
After all, past experience told Richelieu that to cooperate with the careerists among human beings is almost to seek the skin of a tiger.
The faces of everyone present were a little embarrassed at the moment.
Up to now, it is not a matter of whether to give command of the combined fleet, but Yu Shishi’s ambition is the problem.
After all, no one wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge before a supreme commander after driving out Suji Hime.
With a light lift, Shen Muyun, who understood everyone’s thoughts, raised his thin hands, picked up the wool and sweater needles beside him, and slowly knitted a sweater.
This is her habit of thinking, which helps her to think more clearly.
Seeing this scene, Mamiya, who was just about to say a few good words for Yu, closed her mouth and quietly waited for Shen Muyun’s next sentence.
After the company started to speak, it stopped speaking from beginning to end. After all, her current situation is very sensitive, and it is really not suitable for you to speak for you.
“From the previous contacts, I am sure that Lieutenant Colonel Zhou does not have the same ambitions as those governors.”
After a pause, when Shen Muyun echoed and mentioned the Governor, Yun’s indifferent eyes were a little tangled.
“That’s not right. That kind of performance should be dismissive, as if the other party’s power is at your fingertips.”
The corner of the company’s mouth twitched, and there was no denying what Shen Muyun said.
With Yuuna’s strange luck in building a prototype ship, she couldn’t think of the reason why the other party couldn’t be the governor. As for accidental death, people with that kind of luck would not necessarily die even if they were thrown on the battlefield.
“I see, can you be confident that you can become the governor?” Yixian rubbed her frown. Considering the spiritual ability that the other party showed in the network of admirals and in front of Shen Muyun, it was only a matter of time before she became the governor.
If you have the ability to do it, contempt for authority cannot be described as conceited, it can only be called self-confidence.
“However, if that’s the case, we don’t seem to have any basis for cooperation with each other.” Yi Xian sighed and said with some distress.
“Ah, even if it is asylum, the other party can get it wherever he goes to other governors, and even if he doesn’t need any help from the governors, if he is given a period of time to develop, it is estimated that he will succeed.” Wales rubbed his temples with a headache.
Faced with a person who can be completely self-reliant, these ship girls are really not good at cooperating with each other. After all, if there is no demand, naturally there will be no market.
At this moment, Shen Muyun suddenly said.
“However, it’s not that there is no basis for cooperation, or that the other party is not without weaknesses.”
Hear the words. The expressions of the four ship girls suddenly changed, with surprised expressions on their faces.
“Weakness? What weakness?!!” The unbearable enterprise asked with wide blue eyes and a look of joy.
A company that has been bullied by someone for a long time and is a little temperamental, can’t wait to hear that Yuu has weaknesses.
‘Having caught that bastard’s weakness, am I letting him learn how to bark? Or lick my toes? So tangled! ! ! ‘ a certain golden retriever thought expectantly.
Shen Muyun looked at the company in a daze with a strange expression, and the knitting hand on his hand stiffened for a while before recovering.
“If it’s weak, it’s probably a woman, right? And according to the data I collected and the information left by the lion, it’s not an ordinary woman.”
The old woman smiled kindly and strangelyRong, glanced at the five ship girls in front of him.
“Woman?” Richelieu frowned and didn’t say much. This kind of thing, in her opinion, is very normal, and it’s no big deal if she is lustful.
“If it’s a legitimate pursuit, even polygamy? Those female humans shouldn’t refuse, right? This kind of personality doesn’t seem to be considered a weakness,”
Wales looked at Shen Muyun with some doubts, as if wondering why she called female sex a weakness.
Seeing this scene, Shen Muyun sighed softly. It’s not that simple ship girls don’t understand the usefulness of women, but they subconsciously reject this method.
They subconsciously rejected the idea of ​​’forcing’ some women to be each other’s pillow people, and then controlling you remotely.
“Hmph~” After thinking for a while, Shen Muyun couldn’t help but chuckled. After all, isn’t it because of simplicity that she likes to stay with Jian Niang?
After all, human beings with complex minds always yearn for those simple and beautiful things.
Looking at Shen Muyun who was laughing inexplicably, Yixian froze for a moment, then contacted Shen Muyun’s previous words, and said with a look of surprise.
“Wait a minute, Colonel Shen, you said ‘not an ordinary female sex’, this is unusual, what do you mean?”
Hearing this, the girls on the scene immediately frowned, looked at Shen Muyun, and searched for the answer.
“What’s going on?!” Wales frowned and said in surprise.
“This is unusual~” the old lady said jokingly while knitting a sweater. “That little brother, it seems that he only likes the beauty of the prototype ship~!!!”
Hearing this, there was a bang, Wales got up in astonishment, and said in a dazed expression.
“He wants to fuck me?!!!”

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