Adolfo Veneto (laughs~)
On Lexington Island, on a simple camp made of blue and white steel, silhouettes galloped between the hoods.
A figure slammed open the open door, and shouted in the screams of the girl inside.
“Zuse Island guard house, within 15 minutes, all members will gather in the E1 sea area, and those who are overtime will be dealt with by military law!!!”
After speaking, ignore the inside of the convertible 12With the shocked eyes of the famous ship’s wife, the figure quickly rushed out of the hood, knocked the crumbling door into the air, and flew towards the next notification location.
“Rioes Ding Island garrison, within 15 minutes, all members will gather in the E17 sea area, and those who have exceeded the time limit will be dealt with by military law!!!”
“Santa Nila Island guard house, within 15 minutes, all members will gather in the A14 sea area, and those who are overtime will be dealt with by military law!!!”
One after another, the messengers made the lost ship girls turn around and peep at each other.
“Is this going to start a war?” a black-haired ship girl said with some fear.
Although I had learned from my own admiral before that it was going to be a war with Suji Hime, I had already made certain mental preparations.
But when things came to an end, this ship girl, who was born only 8 years ago and has experienced dozens of battles, still has fear in her heart.
“I guess… yes!!” The white-haired girl sitting on the chair opposite the black-haired ship’s mother swallowed her saliva and said with flickering eyes.
Hearing the words, the small open hood suddenly fell into silence.
Although it is said that fighting with the deep sea is the fate of the ship, but in the final analysis, these ships who have been born for less than 10 years are also intelligent beings.
And as long as it is an intelligent life, there will be fear of ‘death’. This is natural, and it can only be overcome but cannot be avoided.
What’s more, they are not the prototype ships that can be reincarnated and returned, but a replica born in this world with the same name and the same number as a weapon.
For these replica ships, death can be said to be a complete disappearance. Even if a ship girl with the same number reappears in the world, it is already a story of another person.
Thinking of this, the famous ship girls fell into grief inexplicably, and the atmosphere inside the hood was quite oppressive, making people breathless.
At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the door of the room that had lost the door. That tall body almost blocked the entire door, blocking it like a door god.
And in the next second, the huge voice was not inferior to the stature of the door god, all the ship’s mothers of ‘Zhen’ squatted down with their heads up, knocked down the wooden chairs, and covered their ears in pain.
“What are you doing in a daze? Everyone gathers in the E1 sea area, do you want to disobey the military order!!!”
Resisting the ringing in their ears, the girls quickly unfurled their ship uniforms, ran to the door, and responded loudly.
“Yes, Admiral!!!”
The burly man like a door god took a few steps back and made way for the passage.
The next second, a group of ship girls rushed out, forming two teams, standing in front of the sturdy man.
Looking at the terrified girls in front of them, some burly men with facial paralysis shouted sharply.
“Don’t worry, you won’t die if you listen to the command. Don’t forget, this time there are nearly 20 prototype ships as the main force, commanded by Your Majesty. What we garbage, we just raise our hands and shoot, watch. It’s just that the deep seas collapsed!!!”
Hearing the abusive words, the girls did not get angry, but relaxed.
I don’t know if it’s because of the prototype ship, or because of the crown of their own admiral, or because of the confident expression of the sturdy man, or maybe all three.
All in all, all the girls on the ship settled down, their legs did not tremble, and they stood motionless in front of the burly man.
“Very good, there is only one soldier now!!” The burly man nodded, then waved his hand and took the lead. “Set off!!!”
There was a sudden sound of neat galloping, and a small puff of dust splashed.
And this scene continued to happen outside the hood of the entire Lexington Island. An admiral led his ship’s mother and walked quickly towards the pier.
A corner of the temporary pier on Lexington Island.
A huge crowd densely gathered on this land of less than 10,000 square meters. They lined up neatly and stood in the designated position. It looked like a large school morning exercise.
Especially standing in front of the queue, the admirals who were wearing admiral uniforms and standing extremely straight, gave people a sense of being led by a teacher.
Above a certain canopy on the pier, Veneto raised his head, his sharp red eyes, looking down at the large number of childish ship girls in the field, his face was vaguely helpless.
“It’s completely a no-name army!!!” Veneto sighed softly.
In order to maintain the majesty of the Veneto military commander, he squatted on the hood and forced Bismarck, who was shorter than Veneto, to shake his head helplessly.
“After all, it’s just a temporary support unit, a recruit who hasn’t even undergone large-scale training, and it’s not bad to have stage fright against Yumi Suhime.”
“I understand, Bismarck!!”
Veneto sighed lightly, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the more than 300 people below, the admiral who stood up straight and indifferent, glanced at the ship girls who were full of vigor but dodged. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
“But why, I always feel that it might be better to take these admirals directly to the battlefield than these ship girls?!!”
Hearing this, Bismarck froze for a moment and said with a strange expression. “You think so too?!!”
Veneto turned his head and looked at Bismarck who had done the same.
“Forget it, do your best, and listen to the destiny!” Veneto turned his head and sighed, he didn’t bother with this weird idea, but suddenly unfolded the large ship outfit in the form of a fighter and naval gun.
Veneto slowly sat in the empty seat in the center of the ship’s suit, his calf in black stockings was slightly raised, and he looked down at everyone with a proud face, like a queen on the top.Said gracefully and proudly.
“I think many people here don’t know me, so let me introduce myself.”
The next second, Veneto showed a dark and deep smile, as if his character was broken, and said coldly. “Listen to me clearly!!”
The scene suddenly fell silent.
The next moment, a deafening scream suddenly sounded.
“Yes!!! Big sister!!!!”
Hearing the sound, Veneto waved his hand in satisfaction, signaling everyone to keep silent.
With Veneto’s actions, the scene quieted down for a moment, and the frenzied expression on his face made Bismarck beside Veneto stunned.
“It feels like a gang meeting.” Bismarck twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Veneto beside him strangely, as if he saw a certain head of state named Adolf.
Back then, the same was true of the man who could be regarded as her biological father. Whenever he spoke, he froze wildly. Whenever he needed applause, he applauded wildly. When he needed soldiers, people went to the battlefield at their own expense. .
Veneto didn’t notice Bismarck’s abnormality, but snorted softly, looked down at the people below with some contempt, and said indifferently.
“The Italian Navy belongs to the battle series prototype ship, Victoria Veneto! The military commander of this operation…”
After a pause, Veneto showed a dark smile.
“…Did you hear everything clearly?”
“Yes! Big sister’s head!!!” The deafening scream sounded again.
“Very good!!” Veneto nodded and clapped his hands.
“All the staff rushed to the second node of ocean current in the sixth combat formation. I hope to see you standing straight on the second node in 30 minutes!!!”
Veneto raised his head, his sharp eyes seemed to be swept to everyone’s faces.
“The whole army…Let’s go!!!”
The next second, a crowd like the Kuroshio swarmed towards the sea. Nearly 10,000 ship girls swarmed up, dyeing the entire sea surface of the pier into pitch black.
After a while, the neat fleet moved towards the end of the sea horizon.

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