The figure floating on the sea
In the meeting room of the United Fleet, all the colonels fell into a daze as they watched the red dots on the real-time map in front of them fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.
The so-called real-time map actually relies on the deep-sea fluctuations detected by all members of Helena’s special reconnaissance fleet based on the wide-area detection radar.
On it, each red dot represents a deep sea.
And in the pursuit these days, everyone naturally believed in Helena’s radar detection information.
After all, the reconnaissance fleet led by this legendary ship girl has not made any mistakes so far.
So, the deep sea is indeed being wiped out on a large scale as they saw?
“What’s going on here? The deep sea is being wiped out at high speed?!” A colonel said with a bewildered expression.
However, just as he was speaking, hundreds of red dots on the map disappeared again. It looked as if someone was wiping the map with an eraser, and an area was suddenly vacated, which made everyone dumbfounded again.
“With this kind of speed, at least 500 deep sea people can be wiped out every minute, and he is actually unscathed?!!!” Shen Muyun looked at the green dot on the map in a daze and said.
“Hiss——!!!” Intensive gasps sounded in the meeting room.
“My God, did the governor bring the core special forces?” Shen Yang scratched his hair and said in a daze.
The so-called core troops are similar to the special forces of the old era, representing elite soldiers selected from a broad pool of soldiers.
Since it is an elite, it naturally has a very high combat effectiveness. Although it is not as good as the prototype ship with its special ability and huge destructive protection, it is still easy to fight one against five.
Therefore, seeing the nearly one-on-four scene in front of them, the colonels immediately thought of the only core unit that met this record.
“Shit, even the most elite core force of the Lionheart King has not had more than 1,000 people in the past 30 years. The governor of that family will have 10,000 core troops!” Ye Jianying patted Shen Yang on the shoulder angrily. Said confidently.
“Then explain to me what’s going on with this map?” Li Bowen shook his head, pointed to the land in front of him, biting a cigarette he had already smoked, and sucked wildly on the flue.
“Hey, wake up, wake up, your husband is going to heaven.” Li Yehan pushed the enterprise violently, looking at the map in astonishment and said.
“It’s so noisy, I’m going to bed!!!” The blond girl who hadn’t slept for more than ten days pouted and complained with dissatisfaction.
It’s located in the deep sea thousands of meters below sea level, inside a pitch-black humpback whale.
Sensing the spiritual communications that brought news of the war damage, Li Dao Qi Ji squeezed the game controller in her hand fiercely, causing the game console made of special metals to let out a mournful creaking sound.
And beside Qi Ji on the outlying island, the warship water ghost lying on the sofa folded his arms, his cold and indifferent eyes were full of astonishment.
Qi Ji from Li Dao took a deep breath, put down the game controller, and said cross-legged on the ground. “How to do?”
Hearing this, the warship water ghost and Qi Ji from the outlying island fell into silence.
The two of them knew very well that if they continued to fight at this frequency, their troops would definitely be wiped out, and once all the deep-sea dwelling ships were killed, they would face the situation of being chased and killed by thousands of ship girls.
“Would there be such a mistake in what was thought to be a sure thing?” Li Dao Qiji shook her head and said with some self-deprecation.
“I also didn’t expect that the human admiral network could control ten thousand ship girls.” The warship water ghost rubbed his temples and said with embarrassment.
Apparently, she attributed the unusual attack on the troops to Yu’s ‘admiral’s network’.
Although it is strange where the other party moved the fleet of 10,000 people, since the fact that these 10,000 people appeared on the battlefield has become a fact, there is no need to investigate.
Finding a way to deal with the current batch of enemies is the first thought of the battleship water ghost.
“Well~ now is not the time to play around, that human must die!!” the battleship water ghost said firmly.
“Well, I understand that he is too much of a threat to us.” Li Dao Qi Ji frowned and said coldly.
Originally, when the warship water ghost told the information about the admiral’s network, she still didn’t believe it. With only two ship girls, even if they are both prototype ships, it is impossible to force the battleship water ghost to flee.
Originally, Li Dao Qi Ji thought that the ‘100% dodge of the enemy’ described by the battleship water ghost was a bit exaggerated, but seeing the fact that this scene was even more exaggerated than the battleship water ghost’s description, she couldn’t help but not believe it.
After all, it’s not the two who have activated the 100% dodge plug-in, but 10,000 ship girls who have opened it together. The battle is only 15 minutes away, and the two to three million shells released are only concentrated on a dozen ships. Mother, there are still minor abrasions.
This exaggerated proportion to the extreme is enough to make Qi Jimi of the outlying island feel unceasingly painful.
“What should we do now? What information do you have?” Li Dao Qi Ji gritted her teeth and said angrily.
The battleship water ghost narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a bit of embarrassment. “Let her do it, let her do it and drag those prototype ships, we will directly find out the headquarters to executeBeheading, quick fight. ”
“What about her? It’s okay, but, is there a decapitation operation? I didn’t expect that we deep seas would have the day to carry out such an operation.” The corner of Lijima Suji’s mouth twitched.
Suuji, who was always the one who was beheaded, actually wanted to perform a beheading operation? This is also the first time ever.
However, it is now clear that the human admiral on the opposite side, who does not know whether it is mutated or not, has the qualifications to let them carry out the decapitation operation.
“If you meet someone, leave his body, I want to study it.” Jijima Suji told the battleship water ghost, narrowing her eyes slightly.
“Do your best.” The battleship water ghost nodded silently.
Under the deep sea, the huge humpback whale hummed a few bubbles and quickly floated upwards.
On the sea level, looking at the war zone where the artillery fire was everywhere in the distance, Xianghe took a deep breath, raised the bowstring again, and bent the bow and arrow.
And the five people beside her raised their arms in unison.
“Preparation for the eighth suppression.”
Essex’s calm voice sounded.
The next second, the fighter jets that carried out the suppression operation set off again.
At this moment, a red light swept out from the bottom of the sea, cutting through the sky like a sharp sword, destroying dozens of carrier-based aircraft along the way.
The dense explosion sounded suddenly.
“Enemy attack?!!!” With a stunned voice, the girls turned around in unison, looking at the sea not far away with their faces full of alertness.
A huge shadow under the sea quickly rises.
“Ow—!!!!!!” The huge humpback whale surfaced, opened its mouth, and let out a dull roar.
And in that hideous giant mouth, the pale pink-haired girl sitting on the birch chair gathered up the books on her knees and stood up slowly, with the movement, the dark ship suit gradually covered the petite and exquisite on the posture.
Looking at Shōkaku and CV-16 who were stunned in front of them, the girl pursed her lips, her clear blue eyes were full of helplessness, she smiled and said softly.
“The old enemy, today’s colleague, the past colleague, today’s old enemy! Fate is really cruel, senior!”

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