You: Silly monkey, brother will take you to see the goldfish~
On the sea level, an elite Shen Hai in the form of a girl raised her hands indifferently, manipulating the deep sea fighter plane above the sky to attack all enemies in sight.
Gulu Gulu——!
The invisible air bubbles floated up to the sea level, but because they were too tiny, they didn’t attract the attention of any deep sea.
The next second, a pair of small hands cautiously stretched out of the sea. The small hands were petite and fleshy. They looked like the arms of a young girl.
However, that small hand held a huge long metal bullet three times bigger than her palm in a sense of disobedience.
It was an advanced bomb called a torpedo. It was powerful enough to turn a 10-story building into ruins in an instant.
But now, the torpedo aimed at the indescribable position behind the deep sea girl, and activated the ignition function.
Phew–puff puff puff! ! ! ! !
The torpedo hit the deep-sea girl, and her pretty face was extremely pale at that moment, her eyes stared out, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets.
In the next second, the deep-sea girl spiraled into the sky, leaped into the sky, and stood side by side with the carrier aircraft. Then amidst the bang of the explosion, accompanied by a mournful howl, it turned into a brilliant firework.
“Hee hee~” A small head poked out of the sea, looking up at the fireworks in the sky, a sinister and treacherous smile appeared on an unusually cute face.
At this moment, a small head with long orange hair popped up from the bottom of the sea.
“Sister is playing games again, WeiSister Neto told us to stand by and say~” Archer fish puffed out his cheeks and looked at the big mackerel angrily. “And you don’t even bring me to play games~”
“Mum~ Because Jijima Suji has never come out, it’s too boring to wait!” The big blue-and-white fish puffed out his cheeks, took out a tube of torpedo, and threw it gently towards a distant person in the deep sea.
The tail of the torpedo suddenly spewed out dark blue flames and quickly approached the deep-sea girl.
“Please eat Lei Lei~” A lively loli sound came out in the roar of explosions.
“Don’t take me with you…” The big mackerel’s cheeks bulged more and more, she pouted and patted the sea angrily. “It’s decided, the commander and I will eat mackerel tomorrow~!!”
“Ehhh?!! I’m not delicious~!!!” The big mackerel covered his face with a pale face.
Archer fish smiled and said mischievously. “It’s hard to say, but the commander will like it.”
At this moment, the big mackerel froze for a moment, took out a biological computer from the space of the ship, and held it in the palm of his hand.
“Eh? Commander, big mackerel is not delicious… um, I’m not eating fish, and I’m not attacking the deep sea, ah, those are not important, Essex? Dafeng? Oh!! I Understood.”
The big mackerel blinked, looking at the archer fish with a puzzled face in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. “Let’s go, Archerfish, this time my sister will take you to play~”
“Really?” Archer fish looked suspiciously at the big mackerel.
“Of course it’s true.” The big mackerel took a deep breath and dived to the bottom of the sea. Like a golden swordfish, it quickly swam into the distance.
Seeing this scene, Archerfish tilted its head, and then quickly followed in the footsteps of the big mackerel.
The two ‘little fish’ moved further and further into the distance.
The disturbing hum of the carrier-based aircraft reverberated continuously on the sea.
The densely packed black carrier-based aircraft formed an incomparably dark cloud, and the tail of the aircraft, which was spewing fire, looked like a pair of red eyes with resentment under the gloomy sky, staring intently at the six girls in front.
CV-16 turned sideways silently, dodging an incoming bomb. Although the shock wave could not shake her body, her clothes were also wet by the water column, and her face was slightly black and gray. Very embarrassed.
Beside her, Essex, who was no better, was calmly manipulating the carrier aircraft to launch a decisive charge against Dafeng again and again.
Bell McCann looked at his feathers that were constantly falling and transformed into carrier-based aircraft with some distress.
“What, that wicked little girl is completely targeting us!”
Hearing Bell McCann’s words, CV-16 looked at sincerity and Shokaku who were suppressed but intact beside him, especially when he saw Zuihe’s strange eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
The roar of high-explosive bombs continued to explode on the sea.
Just as Dafeng subconsciously closed his hand to the Japanese aircraft carrier, due to the past affection, Shōkaku and Chicheng, who knew that the other party had left their hand, were completely unable to raise their minds of life and death against each other.
Except for the CV-16 and Essex accidents, which were too tired to avoid, the scene unexpectedly fell into a strange anxiety.
At this moment, a touch of gold flashed across the corner of Dafeng’s eyes.
Dafeng tilted his head, while operating a large number of carrier-based aircraft to suppress the enemy with absolute firepower, while staring at the sea level suspiciously.
“Is it an illusion? There should be no goldfish in this sea area.”
Shaking his head, Dafeng continued to turn his head, set his eyes on CV-16 and Essex, and raised his hand indifferently.
The silky black sleeves fluttered with the sea breeze, the jet-black fighter planes turned around, and the scarlet light began to aim at the two people who were tired of dodging.
“It’s best to disappear while everyone still loves you.” With a bone-chilling voice, it sounded faintly.
In the next instant, the dark cloud suddenly shook and swept toward the two of them like a violent storm.
“It happened!!”
CV-16’s expression changed suddenly, just dodging a bomb.
“Can’t escape!!”
Essex narrowed his eyes and concentrated all his strength on the armor.
The pitch-black dark clouds squeaked towards the two of them.
At this moment, the dark blue clouds fell from the sky, and the last ones blocked the trajectory of the dark clouds. The humming sound of gold and iron continued to explode, causing everyone to frown and cover them with some discomfort. ears.
“A close call~!!” A soft sigh followed.
Dafeng turned his head and turned his gaze to the sea area in the northwest. There, three figures stood on the sea, looking at Dafeng from a distance of a thousand meters.
“Well, wantonly bullying my younger generation like this is not acceptable.” The company was strong, with those blue eyes that were somewhat sleepy and sharp like a falcon, staring at Dafeng in the distance.
However, in the face of that needle-like gaze, Da Feng’s face became more gentle, and he even waved his hand towards the company and smiled, as if he had seen a good friend.
“It’s fortunate that the eldest sister woke the second sister, otherwise things will be serious.” Bumblebee yawned, with tears in the corners of his eyes, a pair of blue eyes staring at Dafeng, as if searching for the other party’s flaws. .
York City forced a body that was exhausted from fighting for days, and said to the two girls who had stabilized their bodies. “It’s alright! EssekSri Lanka, dumplings too. ”
“Ah la la, it’s really timely~” Bell McCann flapped his wings, glanced at the company with the rest of his eyes, and said with lingering fears.
Essex looked at the slightly glowing bracelet on his hand in surprise, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.
“What’s the matter? Captain?” CV-16 came to Essex and looked at Da Fengdao on guard.
“The gift given by the commander is glowing?” Essex’s slightly surprised voice sounded.
“Huh?!!” CV-16 was stunned, reached out and took out a white cross from the neckline, and said with a look of surprise. “So is mine.”
On the side, Rui He looked at the three people who came to support him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his tone was somewhat incredible.
“Enterprise, York City, and Bumblebee, although except for Enterprise, the others are the ones before reincarnation, but with us, there is also Dafeng…”
Xianghe sighed softly and smiled helplessly. “That’s right, it’s literally the battle of Mariana. The battle between me and Dafeng’s death is the same.”
“It’s just that the opponent this time is only Taiho.” Kaga raised his bow expressionlessly, and took out a bow and arrow from the quiver behind him.
As Kaga’s voice fell, the four Japanese aircraft carrier girls all gritted their teeth and raised their bow-type ship outfits with sad faces.
If you can still see Taiho’s deceitful keeping his hand when he is merciful, now that Taiho took the opportunity to launch a fatal attack on Essex and CV-16, the other party has become a deadly enemy.
No matter how sad they were, they could only attack Dafeng to death.
Dafeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at CV-16 and Essex, and then looked at the three companies who came to aid him.
“A repeat of the battle of Mariana? Has the trick of fate befallen me again?”
Afterwards, the girl looked sadly at Shokaku and Zuikaku who were gathering bows at her, and sighed helplessly. “And, this time, I lost my companion by my side.”
At this moment, a pair of small hands came out from under Dafeng’s feet, and gently patted Dafeng’s black stockings, which were unusually smooth on the calf.
“Huh?!!” Da Feng was stunned for a moment, lowered his head, and looked at the blond double ponytail loli under the sea, his eyes suddenly dull.
“I said, it was the red-haired man who was talking to himself, so it was you, Dafeng!” Da Qinghuayu waved his hand with a smile on his face.
At the end, she took out a huge torpedo one meter long and said to Dafeng with a smile.
“Do you want to eat mine? It’s the same model as the torpedo I sank you back then!!!”
“Well, I also have a torpedo of the same model.” Archerfish stuck out his head and shyly shook the torpedo in his hand.
Hearing this, the gentle and indifferent girl’s face turned pale, her whole body couldn’t help trembling, she quickly covered the fat time below, looked at the little golden head under the sea with fearful eyes, and cried out in a sad voice.
“Why, why are there ‘goldfish’ in this sea area!!!!”
Ten minutes ago.
Communication between Yu and the big mackerel.
“Sneak attack on the deep sea? Those are not important? Dafeng, do you know? That pink-haired lady who likes to talk to herself, you know, that’s good, she’s in Essex now, you can scare her again. Right~”
(The battle of Mariana, because the big mackerel hit the big phoenix with a torpedo, which caused its burning (leak) oil (urine) to leak, and blew up and sank, causing the big phoenix to suffer from goldfish (submarine) phobia, gratifying ,congratulations.)

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