You: I don’t want to use force~
The blood-like scarlet light gathered in the pitch-black barrel, and the icy muzzle continued to gather strength, and the blood-red light that was close at hand illuminated Yu’s face.
‘Very young, seems to be no more than thirty. ‘ This was the first thought when the battleship water ghost saw Yu’s face.
She looked deeply at the face that was so close at hand, as if she wanted to remember the man who once defeated her. She wanted to imprint the image of the enemy before her death into her mind.
Yu looked at the battleship water ghost in front of him with interest. This was his first close encounter with a deep sea Suhime.
Tall and slender body, exquisite and graceful curves, even if it is covered by black and gray, the face with the face facing the sky has an indescribable sense of delicacy, and the arrogance between the brows adds a touch of coolness to it.
She was wearing a somewhat tattered black evening dress, and the dress designed by Mo Hung was partially mutilated. Although her proud white snow skin was covered with black and gray, it couldn’t hide her tenderness.
And now, this beautiful and attractive royal sister completely disregarded her demeanor and stood in front of her in a generous manner.
Yu, who was sitting on the sofa chair, raised his head and looked at the battleship water ghost who pointed the muzzle at him with a gentle face, and his dark gray eyes met the girl’s red eyes.
The battleship water ghost lowered his head slightly, those red eyes staring at Yu, as if looking at a dead person, cold and indifferent.
“Your eyes… I hate it.” Yu frowned slightly.
There was not much to say, the roar suddenly broke out, and the dark gunpowder suddenly spewed from the gun body, filling the entire cockpit.
“Commander!!!!” A shrill cry suddenly sounded.
Lexington looked at the billowing black smoke in front of him, his whole body slumped to the ground softly, his eyes gradually dimmed, and his face was ashen.
“Hey, I’m here.” A brisk voice like a daily greeting came from it.
Lexington’s broken eyes regained focus.
Black smoke wafted out from the pierced ceiling, the strong wind took away the pungent gunpowder, and the air with the smell of the sea was swept into the cockpit.
“You…what are you?” The battleship water ghost’s pupils shrank to a small dot, the wanton and crazy smile on his face turned into thick consternation, and his face was full of disbelief.
It sounded like something being chewed.
“Si… Si… Si…” Lexington blinked, staring at the figure sitting lazily on the sofa chair with a dumbfounded expression, as if the pause button had been pressed, unable to move.
Yu Zhang chased, as if chewing cartilage, eating the conical metal cannonball bit by bit, as if biting into some delicious candy.
“Hmm~ Ammo, it turns out to be this kind of taste~ It’s a bit brittle, like spare ribs without sweet and sour. It’s a bit astringent, but it has a lot of energy. No wonder you Jianniang and Shen Hai like it so much!”
You grinned, showing a mouth full of white teeth, and looked at the battleship water ghost with a smile.
“However, when I saw the red light, I thought it was a beam weapon, but I didn’t expect it to be a cannonball~”
Looking at the curious Yuu in front of him, the battleship water ghost opened her lips slightly, staring at each other’s teeth in a stunned manner, her eyes faintly dull.
“You…you…you eat bullets?!!!”
“What’s the matter, can’t you eat it?” You tilted her head and said with some doubts.
“Eat? Can’t eat? This…” The battleship water ghost with a messy head gritted his teeth, and the huge 30mm diameter gun barrel in his hand shone again.
“Don’t be so fierce, girls, chat with me, talk about your body, I have a big business of several hundred million here~”
Full of playful words came out of Yuu’s mouth, and with that smirk on his face, even a battleship water ghost who didn’t understand the specific meaning could feel the malice in the ‘hundreds of millions of transactions’.
The next second, continuous explosions continued to explode.
The billowing gunpowder smoke filled the air again, the battleship water ghost was panting heavily, the hand holding the gun barrel kept shaking, and the sweat dripping from the forehead swept away the black ashes on the face, revealing the delicate snow skin that was lowered.
She gritted her teeth, looked at the black smoke with flickering eyes, and said with some horror.
“Is it done?”
At this moment, as if something was being waved, the violent whistling sound wrapped in black smoke and quickly dissipated towards the surroundings, revealing the mountain-like, motionless figure inside.
Yu looked at the terrified battleship water ghost in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, the gentle smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a biting indifference that was as cold as the polar regions.
“The negotiation broke down~ It’s a pity, obviously I don’t want to use force!”
“Stop looking down on people!!!”
The inexplicable sense of fear made the face of the battleship water ghost change suddenly. She roared, and the ferocious beast with the head of a whale suddenly appeared in the roar.
Two gigantic whale heads smashed through the ceiling, and their sturdy limbs like pillars grabbed Yuu. With a stench, a huge gun barrel suddenly emerged from the beast’s mouth full of sharp teeth.
The huge kinetic energy suddenly gathered.
“It’s noisy.” DanDeserted words sounded.
The next moment, a tearing sound like a rag being torn blew in the ears of the battleship water ghost.
Tick-tick-! Tick-tick-!
The battleship water ghost’s pupils shrank, staring blankly at Yu in front of him, looking at the beast’s jaw full of sharp teeth in his hand, the familiar jawbone, making the battleship water ghost tremble.
She twisted her stiff neck, like turning a long-standing law, and turned her head tremblingly.
The whale-headed beast several meters high knelt down on the ground, and the sturdy big hand disappeared, leaving only the muscle fibers that seemed to be torn apart, constantly wriggling, and red to black blood rolled out from the broken arm.
It opened the beast’s mouth that had lost its lower jaw and barrel, its scarlet eyes were occupied by pain, and it uttered a whimper towards its master as if a rag was torn apart.
Yu loosened the sharp teeth in his hand and let the huge jawbone fall to the ground, with Erlang’s legs crossed, looking at the battleship water ghost indifferently.
“Sorry, your pet is too noisy, I let it settle down a bit.”
The flat and indifferent voice seemed to be telling a trivial matter.
“…Monster!!!” The battleship water ghost turned his head, bit his lip, and looked at the indifferent young man with horror.
You raised her eyebrows slightly, then narrowed her eyes, looking at the battleship water ghost with some surprise.
“I thought that only humans would have the habit of calling incomprehensible things monsters, but I didn’t expect the deep sea to do it? It seems that the deep sea is no different from humans!”
“You bastard!!!” The battleship water ghost widened her red eyes and stared at Yu’s face with anger.
Seeing this scene, Yu put down his legs, stood up, and came to the battleship water ghost step by step.
With the steady footsteps, a strange aura permeated.
Facing Yu’s approach, the battleship water ghost who wanted to attack suddenly found that he had lost control of his body, so he could only open his eyes wide and watch Yu walking towards her.
Yu raised her hand, evoking the face of the battleship water ghost, lightly touching her slightly open cherry lips, and admiring the eyes of tyranny and fear with a playful look on her face.
“I like the look in your eyes now~!”
The battleship water ghost’s eyes shrank, and his limbs struggled constantly, trying to get rid of the fear that kept coming from his instincts.
Looking at the battleship water ghost who was struggling like a cramp in front of her, Yuu gently blew at the delicate ear.
“Are you going to surrender?!!”

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