The Queen at the Gaming Table!
Panama Island, Northwest Territories, Ladagascar City.
As one of the anchorage points of the Panama route, the Northwest Territories, where the city of Ladagascar is located, shares the huge flow of people from the six sea areas.
Tourists and rich people from all over the world gathered here with a lot of wealth and commodities, giving this city the title of “Casino That Never Sleeps”.
Gambling and nightlife are constant staples of the city.
In the lobby of a casino in Ladagascar, enthusiastic gamblers gathered at the gaming tables.
In the huge crowd of gamblers, scantily clad bunnies held up glasses of high-end drinks and moved in the crowd as usual.
From time to time, a salty pig’s hand sticks out from the crowd, and touches the bunny girl’s hot body, but is avoided by the nimble girl. Only those big hands with red bills between their fingers can make these young girls stop. For a while, let the magic hand play.
Lust, depravity and madness are the dominant melodies here.
However, in this place full of negative emotions, a strange pure land appeared.
“1 tube, 9 tubes… East, South, West, North, Middle, Fa, Bai! Thirteen units, give money!!!” A cheerful and wanton female voice sounded on a mahjong table.
On the small mahjong table, each small golden coin representing 10,000 resources covered almost a corner of the table. Even a rough estimate could yield an amount of more than 500 coins.
The resources enough to run a governor’s mansion for a year are spread on this small table, which is less than two square meters. It is like garbage, which is placed by the woman at will.
The surrounding gamblers immediately began to discuss.
“Hey, this is 17, right?”
“Hey-!!! Thirteen, this woman is simply the queen of the gambling table!!”
“It’s definitely worth a thousand!!”
“Let’s play a ball, didn’t you see who the bald man opposite her is? The owner of the casino – the king of a thousand kings, Cheng Yifa!!”
Hearing the sound, the voices of gamblers gasping for air were heard all around.
To the old fritters of the casino, Cheng Yifa’s name can be said to be like thunder.
At the age of 6, he followed Lao Qian Wang to learn a thousand arts. At the age of 15, he defeated Lao Qian Wang. He became a teacher, traveled all over the world, and bet all over the world.
He didn’t wash his hands until he was 45 years old. He opened this Mandalay casino on the island of Panama. It is said that he even has the background of the governor and even a marshal behind him. Person number one.
However, now he has been defeated by a woman who is no more than 24, and has lost 17 games in a row?
All the gamblers looked at the God of Gamblers in unison and looked at the figure on the gambling table with a frenzy on their faces.
“Where’s the money!!” OneThe slender, snow-white catkins, which seemed to be free from spring water, gently patted on the table.
The slap was not loud, but to the other three people on the mahjong table, it was like a heavy hammer, hitting their hearts.
Cheng Yi, who was sitting across from him, swallowed frantically, glanced at the mahjong on the table, and raised his head to look at the woman in front of him.
Her silky hair like ink was tied behind her head by a ponytail tied with a yellow ribbon by the woman. Her face was extremely delicate, even compared to the Marshal Yixian he had caught a glimpse of in the past.
However, compared to the dignified and graceful style of the woman with a toothpick in front of her, she can be said to be the pinnacle of coquettishness, especially the long and narrow phoenix eyes on the woman’s face, which is full of jokes. She angrily pressed to the ground and whipped.
However, the strange thing is that none of the drunken gamblers around dared to approach the woman for five meters.
Even if it was a hard raw pain, one could only grit his teeth and endure it. He didn’t dare to take a step beyond the pond, and he didn’t even dare to look directly at each other, for fear of being discovered by a woman.
As for the reason, the four girls in military uniforms behind the woman with cold faces, like Shura, are enough to explain the reason together.
In this world where the ship girl is an indicator of force, almost all women in military uniforms are marked as unprovokable.
“I said, where’s the money? Where are the chips I won?” The woman’s charming face turned cold.
Cheng Yifa’s forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat. In the past, he was as stable as Mount Tai, and the hands that won him the name of a thousand kings couldn’t help shaking.
“Can’t you afford to lose?” The woman smiled, like a blooming rose, beautiful and thorny.
“If you win, I will deliver the gambling money and the casino to you within 2 hours!” Cheng Yifa lowered his head and said with a pale face.
Hearing this, the onlookers took a deep breath. Only then did they know that Cheng Yifa had even exported to the casino.
“Very good!” The woman nodded, grabbed a handful of chips with a smile, and sprinkled it into the open mouth of the girl in military uniform beside her, making a crackling sound. “Nanda, your tip~”
At the end, he squeezed a handful hard, like an old pervert, sniffing the frankincense in his hand.
Being treated like this by the woman, the white-haired girl in military uniform turned black and said in a cold tone. “Admiral, do you want to be shot?”
The woman waved her hand indifferently and said with a smile. “Yeah, if Nanda can do it, the Admiral doesn’t mind, you can fill me up… oh…~~!”
Hearing the sound, the breathing around him suddenly became heavier.
While the woman was interacting with the girl, a bunny girl came to Cheng Yifa with a biological computer.
Cheng Yifa, who was somewhat lost, took over the biological computer, his expression changed, he got up quickly, and handed the biological computer to the woman.
“BOSS wants to see you!!”
“Huh?!!” The woman was stunned for a moment, with a playful smile on her face, she took over the biological computer.
An image of an old man with white hair and an unusually young appearance appeared in the woman’s eyes.
“Long time no see, Marshal Wu Shiliu.”
“Alas, boy Huang Yi? Do you have anything to do with me?” Wu Shiliu took the opportunity to squeeze the soft flesh of the girl beside him, and after being kicked fiercely, he said with a smile.
Huang Yi was dull for a while, and said indifferently. “Su Ji who attacked the Kukai area has already retreated. You should have smashed enough casino games, right?”
“Oh? Smashing the casino? Do I have it? It’s just a momentary itch~” Wu Shiliu froze for a moment, rubbing the chips on the table suspiciously, his face full of natural and pure expressions.
Huang Yi’s mouth twitched, and he could hardly keep his indifferent expression.
Only he knew how many casinos he had been smashed by the marshal who had a good personal relationship with the prototype ship in front of him because of deliberately delaying reinforcements in the past few days.
If it weren’t for the promises of other marshals, he might have given up his position long ago.
“Then keep your hands itchy.” Huang Yi narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully, the next second, the communication was suddenly hung up.
Wu Shiliu looked at the biological computer in his hand and narrowed his eyes.
“Xi Ji was kicked out? That fellow, Yixian, was forced to play another trump card? That woman is so stupid that it hurts me~~~”
Hearing the sound, Nanda, who was standing beside Wu Shiliu, said expressionlessly. “Marshal Yixian is really pitiful, and he is being molested by the Admiral again!!”
“Ah la la, my Nanda is jealous~” With the teasing, Wu Shiliu stood up and hugged the girl’s waist.
“Looks like the casino has finished borrowing, and the Admiral’s sister will take care of you~”
“Can I ask you to die immediately? Admiral!”
One person and one ship girl ignored everyone, and immediately started fighting.
Coral Sea Governor’s House.
Huang Yi put down the biological computer and looked at the adjutant beside him with a cold expression.
“Where is the support fleet we sent?”
The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and immediately spoke. “It has already reached the eastern part of the Kukai area, but since the deep sea Suhime was repelled, it is already preparing to evacuate.”
“Don’t withdraw.” Indifferent words sounded.
“Governor?!!” The adjutant looked at Huang Yi blankly, then his expression changed, and he immediately lowered his head.
“Let the fleet directly enter the sky and sea, and occupy it!!”
“…” The adjutant fell silent.
It seemed that something was wrong. Huang Yi looked at the map of the Konghai area on the table and continued to speak..
“Forget it, let Bicester be informed that the east and west will be divided, with Kukai City as the dividing line!”

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