My Everything
Coral Sea Region – Willis Island.
As the capital of the Coral Sea region, Willis Island has almost brought together all kinds of talents in the entire Coral Sea region. A large number of materials and wealth have flowed in Willis City on this island, making the entire island flourish.
The northwest area of ​​Willis City is where the Coral Sea Governor’s Mansion is located.
The huge Chinese-style courtyard covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, like a large-scale Suzhou courtyard, firmly occupying a corner of the northwest area.
This place is heavily guarded, and there are nearly 10,000 fully-armed ship girls who have been stationed in this courtyard for a long time and are responsible for the security of the entire Governor’s Palace.
Located at a side gate of the Governor’s Palace, dozens of girls in white navy uniforms looked like hawks, leaning on the lights at night, looking around with serious faces, preventing possible dangers.
On the road in front of them, a black-haired young man in a white admiral’s uniform was walking with his hands behind his back, striding forward with a smile, without the slightest shyness.
On the wide street late at night, the dark-haired youth who was walking alone was obviously different.
However, the serious guard didn’t seem to see the existence of the black-haired youth. Even if he walked by in person, he didn’t notice it at all.
“It’s impossible to detect if the aura is blocked. Sure enough, mortal things are mortal things, and this world is occupied by such mortal things. How ridiculous!” The black-haired young man who passed a ship’s mother said with a sneer.
After several steps in a row, the black-haired youth came to the side door before stopping.
The black-haired youth looked at the closed door in front of him, and looked at the bio-alarm device interspersed with the bright red door playfully, and smiled disdainfully.
If the door is opened without permission, the alarm device will be activated directly, and the infrared sensors all over the surrounding walls prevent outsiders from entering the wall.
Plus a lot of high-end equipment, regardless of the cost.
It can be said that the security system of the Coral Sea Governor’s Palace can also be ranked first in the world.
“How dare you use this method to obstruct the creation of our savior?” The black-haired youth looked at the infrared net on the fence with some pity.
Infrared rays that are invisible to ordinary people are clearly visible in the eyes of the black-haired youth, and the flaws in the seemingly airtight network at high altitudes are also seen in his eyes.
The black-haired youth jumped over and jumped nearly 30 meters on the spot, twisting and shrinking dexterously, and got into the Governor’s Palace through the gap only the size of a basketball, without touching a single line of infrared rays.
Silently, the black-haired youth landed on the lawn within the fence.
“Next time, remember to make the infrared network more dense. If you don’t reach the level of an ant hole, don’t try to stop us ‘old people in the mountains’!”
The black-haired youth moved quickly, and the obstacles and defenses in the Governor’s Mansion seemed to him like nothing.
Just relying on the swing of his muscles and the gymnastics-like movements, the black-haired youth passed through the defense net of ten thousand people and came to the deepest office.
The black-haired youth took out a ball of mercury from his pocket and stuck it on the keyhole of the door.
The magic-processed mercury was slowly deformed, fit inside the door lock, and finally transformed into a key.
“I brought seventy props, but ended up using only one?” the black-haired youth lamented helplessly.
It felt like a national soldier who had gone through untold hardships to defeat domestic masters and finally made it to the Olympic stage. As a result, the opponent was at the provincial team level, or at the middle and lower level, so he could only mourn the poor and weak opponents.
With a click, the door was gently pushed open.
“who is it!!!”
On the desk facing him, Huang Yi woke up suddenly, looking at the direction of the door with surprise, while secretly, his hand reached under the desk and touched a button.
Da da–!
black hair blueNian walked into the office with a smile, allowing Huang Yi to see his face clearly.
Huang Yi slightly widened his eyes, and then burst into anger.
“Who let you in, Dern Cowart!!!”
“It’s me, Governor.” Dern grinned, with a fanatical smile on his face. “Fortunately, you are indeed in the office, my dear great-grandfather!!”
Huang Yi was stunned for a moment, but the movement of his hand was not slow, and his fingertips slightly pressed the button at the bottom of the table.
“Don’t move–!!”
A strange voice sounded in Huang Yi’s ears. He widened his eyes and looked at the smiling face of Honkai that was close at hand.
“His—!!” A forked tongue like a snake protruded from Deen’s mouth, like a long rope, and rolled up Huang Yi’s neck.
Huang Yi, whose neck was strangled by the rope, let out a painful cry.
“Monster——!!!!” Huang Yi widened his eyes and looked at Dern’s savage mouth full of sharp teeth.
“Oops, I’m sorry, when the Creator created me, I was still an artificial human, but recently, for some reason, I fell in love with the black mamba snake and modified it a little!!” Dern smiled shyly .
However, the smile on the ferocious face full of sharp teeth was extremely terrifying to Huang Yi.
“Lend me a little blood~!!” The fingernails crossed, and a slit was cut in Huang Yi’s arm. The bright red blood slowly flowed out like a fine stream, and gathered on the table.
The rust-smelling blood moved autonomously on the desk in front of Huang Yi, like a dexterous snake, drawing and engraving a six-pointed array.
The strange phenomenon made Huang Yi’s expression begin to show a look of fear.
“Let’s start offering sacrifices!” Dern took out a white crystal and placed it in the magic circle composed of blood with great solemnity.
“Sacrifice? You are one of those cult members who fool the world!!!” Seeing this scene, Huang Yi’s face turned pale, and his expression became more and more fearful.
Deen ignored Huang Yi’s panic, withdrew his tongue, and frantically bleeds blood from his wrist, calling frantically.
“Our supreme savior, please respond to the humble servant and lower that great will!!!”
The gust of wind roared, almost in the breath, the debris in the entire office was swept away, and a blue whirlwind emerged above the magic circle.
The dark phantom condensed in the center of the whirlwind, and the inexplicable will gathered here, and a dark gray bright eye suddenly opened on the phantom.
Gray eyes glanced at the white crystal in the magic circle, and His will began to reverberate in the atmosphere.
[Waleslana’s power of the wind, so it is, is it calling me with this? 】
“Our holy savior!!!!” Deen knelt down on the ground frantically, kowtowing repeatedly.
Strange winds, fanatical believers, and the great will that stirs in the atmosphere.
Huang Yi stared blankly at the figure in the gust of wind, and kept mumbling in his mouth. “How is it possible, how is it possible, how can there be a god in this world?!!!”
You indifferently cast aside the figure bound by his breath on the chair, and turned his eyes to Deen.
[I remember your breath, the little guy who brought Gaga to me, remember that you replaced an admiral named Krupp? 】
Looking at the blood-colored curse pattern on the table and the frantic figure, Yu frowned slightly, feeling the ‘power’ of Nayiko on the other side, and smiled helplessly.
A breeze blows.
Dern’s frantic expression froze, then he stood up expressionlessly and bowed. “My lord.”
[Are you awake? 】
A slight smile appeared on Yu’s face.
[You did a good job, you sent Gaga over, and now you have completed the order I gave before Suji Hime in the deep sea. 】
Hearing this, Huang Yi’s face changed greatly, his eyes narrowed to a point, and he shouted loudly.
“You are actually the person behind the deep sea!!!”
Hearing this, You frowned slightly, glanced at Huang Yi with great interest, and then looked at Deen.
[What reward do you want, what wish do you want to achieve? ! ! 】
“…” Dern stood in front of Yu with an expressionless face.
[Almost forgot, as my creature, I didn’t give you too many human emotions. In this case, then give rewards according to your “skin” wishes? 】
“Thank you my lord.” The empty doll without wishes bowed silently.
[Being the Governor, do you enjoy everything? It’s just a normal wish. 】
Yu shook his head speechlessly, then turned his eyes to Huang Yi.
Under the gaze of those dark gray eyes, Huang Yi felt as if his soul had been ripped open, and everything inside was left to the other party’s study, which made him shiver and his body was extremely cold.
[According to Deen’s wishes, I will give you everything about Huang Yi, his wife, his daughter, his property, his ship’s mother, everything belongs to you from now on! 】
The gust of wind whistled along with the voice with a faint smile, and then dissipated suddenly, and the office fell into a calm.
“Have you been saved?!!” Looking at the dissipated phantom, Huang Yi exhaled continuously.
Afterwards, he glanced at the silent Deen, and immediately pressed the button under the desk. The alarm bell rang loudly for a while, and the small half of the guard house was in turmoil.
Bang—! ! !
More than a dozen ship girls unfolded their ship outfits and crashed into the door, rushing directly into the room.
“Quick, catch him for me!!!” Huang Yi yelled at Deen as if he was amnesty.Brush brush! ! !
Dozens aimed the naval guns at Huang Yi’s head, leaving him stunned on the spot.
“Governor, are you all right?”
Huang Yi turned his head, looked at the black-haired ship girl who was touching Deen’s body with worry, and said in a daze.
“Gu Ying, what are you doing…Tang?!!”
Before he finished speaking, a huge gun barrel was directly inserted into Huang Yi’s mouth.
“Captain, do you want to deal with the assassin who killed the Governor directly?” a ship girl asked, looking at the ship girl on Dern’s body.
Hearing the sound, Huang Yi’s face was extremely pale.
At this moment, outside the door, a coquettish young woman ran in and fell directly into Deen’s arms.
“Governor, are you alright, you scared people to death~~~!!”
Listening to the coquettish voice, looking at his concubine in Room 971 looking like she wanted to do something, and constantly touching Deen’s lower body movements, Huang Yi’s eyes gradually lost their color.
[I give you everything about Huang Yi, his wife, his daughter, his property, his ship girl, everything belongs to you from now on! 】
“My everything—!!” Huang Yi said with dull eyes.
Lexington Island, a hall of the Deep Sea Base.
Lying on Woo-chan’s lap, Yu opened her eyes and said to Hindenburg who was beside her.
“Where did the lion go?”

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