Burning love! !
At night, the sea waves crashed against the pier, and under the illumination of the street lights that can be seen all around the pier, drops of spray shone with light.
Buzz—! ! !
The melodious sound of the ship’s whistle kept ringing, and the cargo ships loaded with building materials slowly entered the port under the command of the guiding ship.
There are patrolling ship girls and the staff responsible for picking up the cargo running around everywhere.
“Lord Admiral——!” XN
“Master Lexington!!” XN
Yuu nodded gently towards the patrolling lady saluting in front of her, while Lexington, who was holding the back of his hand, smiled and waved to the excited girls, squinting her eyes slightly, with a gentle tone said.
“Continue to patrol, don’t worry about us, keep going~!”
“Yes!!” XN
A group of little girls straightened up their faces with joy as if they had taken a stimulant, and solemnly started their patrol work.
However, after walking for more than ten meters, these girls who were just born a few months ago showed their ‘female qualities’.
“Hey, the one just now was the admiral? It’s the first time I’ve seen you!!!”
“Speaking of which, the admiral and Lord Lexington are very close. Even if it’s a secretary ship, you don’t need to hold hands, right?”
“I know this. I heard from the sisters guarding the admiral’s mansion that the admiral stayed in Lord Lexington’s room the night before yesterday.”
“Hey, doesn’t that mean that Lord Lexington is the main palace?”
“Keep your voice down!!!”
Lexington MicroWith a blushing face, he hugged Yu’s arm tightly, shook his head, and said with some reproach. “Have these girls even forgotten basic discipline? Why do they always pay attention to these irrelevant rumors?”
Hearing this, the corners of Yu’s mouth twitched slightly, irrelevant rumors? Ma’am, don’t you hold my arm tightly to prove the truth of the rumor? By the way, even sovereignty has been declared.
But Yu also understands that although Lexington allows him to develop an improper relationship with his female subordinates, he can even tolerate him attacking Saratoga, and even if he doesn’t know each other well with Deep Sea Chihime, she can turn a blind eye to it only eye.
But if Yuu had the idea of ​​changing the secretary ship (the main palace), it is estimated that Lexington Qiji would show her face.
“After all, those girls have only been educated by Chongqing and Nagato for half a month, and they are more lively and normal.”
You forced the patrol team’s gossip behavior to be interpreted as lively, and the subtext was to acquiesce in the authenticity of those gossips.
Hearing this, Lexington smiled lightly, she turned sideways, and leaned her small head directly on Yuu’s shoulder, completely ignoring the girls covering their mouths and screaming.
You raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Lexington with some surprise. This was the first time she had blatantly sworn sovereignty.
‘Could it be that the way I look at those coolly dressed little girls is too obvious? ’ You thought a little sadly.
“By the way, Jiajia is still angry with me today. I have to comfort her tonight. If the commander sleeps by himself tonight, be careful not to catch a cold.”
Yuu was taken aback by Lexington’s sudden words, and his expression immediately became strange.
You must know that he was the one who beat Saratoga ruthlessly the day before yesterday. With Saratoga’s character, I’m afraid he would have forgiven his sister who was the accomplice long ago.
At this moment, Lexington, who ‘occupied’ his bedroom, left on purpose. You didn’t think that the other party was giving his chicken a holiday, but letting him go foraging!
“I see, I will pay attention.” Yuu said seriously.
“Remember to take a bath, or the smell will be bad.” Lexington smiled and said naturally.
If you ignore Lexington’s little action of pinching the soft flesh around his waist, Yu really believes that Lexington doesn’t care.
Holding hands, the two walked to the special pier on the right side of the port, then stopped.
“According to Xianghe’s telegram, they should be arriving soon.” Lexington looked at the dark sea and hugged Yu’s arm tightly.
You glanced at the surface of the sea, and then said. “It’s already here!”
Hum——! ! !
Accompanied by the whistle of the ship, the beige searchlight shone from the sea not far away, and a beige armed boat slowly sailed into the dock.
Following the creaking sound below the side of the ship, the gangway was slowly lowered.
At this moment, a lively female voice suddenly sounded.
Boom—! ! ! ! !
The pier made of special materials was printed with 18 cm deep shoe prints. As the maker of the shoe prints, the corners of Yu’s mouth twitched several times. While pulling out his legs from the ground, he looked at the brown hair hugging his neck girl.
“Good evening~Admiral~” A cheerful female voice sounded.
You lowered your head, looking at the lively smile on the delicate and delicate face of the girl in your arms, the corners of your mouth twitched slightly.
“Hmph, this feeling, that’s right, it’s definitely Admiral de-su~!!”
The small dark brown head was sniffing left and right on Yu’s neck, and the round, smooth and tender body in front of her, which did not look like a girl at all, pressed onto Yu’s body.
Yu subconsciously hugged the girl’s waist, the thin and light kimono with exposed armpits could not cover up the smooth feel at all.
And following Yu’s movements, the girl directly pinched Yu’s waist with her long legs in black knee socks, hanging on Yu’s body like a koala.
“Hey, Admiral, bow your head de-su~~!!”
You hesitated for a moment, then lowered your head.
The next second, the girl giggled and offered hot cherry lips.
The patrol team to maintain law and order arrived late.
“What happened here just now, Admiral?!”
A dozen girls from the patrol team looked at the brown-haired girl who was close to Yuu, and looked at Lexington whose eyelids were twitching, and silently swallowed, taking advantage of no one’s attention, quietly Hid in the corner.
“Wow! Admiral is so proficient in de-su~!” The girl wiped her cherry lips and said in surprise.
However, in the next second, that lively smile returned to that delicate face.
“King Kong de-su, a returnee from the English family! Please give me your advice~~~!!!”
Boom—! ! !
“You idiot, what the hell are you doing!!!!!!”
Looking at King Kong who jumped to the floor with his head in his arms, and Ruihe who was breathing heavily and clenching his small fists, the corners of Yu’s mouth twitched.
“It’s just to sign a contract, why hit me!!!” King Kong, who was crouching on defense with his head in his arms, complained bitterly.
“This——!” Ruihe froze for a moment, looking at King Kong with embarrassment.
“King Kong?” A female voice came out of nowhere softly.
King Kong raised his head and looked at the black-haired girl behind him, with a look of surprise on his face.
“Chicheng? Are you also in the admiral’s tutelary mansion?!”
“Sarcasm, I’m sure it’s me.” Chi Cheng narrowed his eyes, and said to the patrol team girl beside him. “Thank you for your hard work, as a reward, I will guide you to practice in two days. ”
“Hey, thank you Chicheng-sama!!!” Xiao Jianniang said with a look of surprise.
Chicheng rubbed Xiao Jianniang’s head, turned her head, and showed her embrace towards King Kong.
King Kong threw himself into Chicheng’s arms and pointed at Ruihe Road angrily.
“Chicheng, let me tell you, just now, Ruihe…”
The corners of Chicheng’s mouth twitched slightly, and a kind smile appeared on his face, like a ghost.

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