Squat down!
You closed the door and slowly shifted her gaze.
The dormitory in this tutelary mansion is designed with Japanese-style tatami mats, so his beds are all floor bunks laid directly on top of the tatami mats.
At this moment, the duvet on his floor was wrapped into a ball, forming a ball of more than 40 centimeters.
On a tropical island like Lexington Island, due to the hot weather, the floor and quilts are relatively thin, so no one is stuffed in the duvet, and it is impossible for a duvet to be more than 40 centimeters round.
‘Who is it? Would do something like that… Fancy that troublemaker? Or gaga? ’ With a little bit of expectation, You tiptoed into the floor.
However, due to the sound of the door opening earlier, the girl hiding under the duvet obviously sensed Yu’s arrival, and the huddled duvet quietly moved a certain distance to the right, as if planning to dodge.
You squinted his eyes. He didn’t use his mental strength to investigate, but maintained the sense of surprise, deliberately made footsteps, and came to the duvet group.
You slowly bent down, stretched out both hands, and gently grabbed the corner of the quilt, the corners of the mouth slightly raised.
Wow——! !
With a long pull, the blue and white duvet was taken away with vicious playfulness, forcibly revealing the huddled figure underneath.
It was a girl lying on the floor like a cat.
A pair of short hair with a light pink shawl and a pair of raised cat ears resembled cat ears. They were obviously composed of hair, but they swayed with the girl’s uneasy mood like living things.
A cool black dress was put on the curvaceous body. The skirt was so short that it barely covered the long legs, and the movement of lying on the ground made the head see the white body. panties.
“Huh… Bismarck?!” You looked at the girl with her head bowed and lying on the ground in astonishment.
The familiar cat-ear hairstyle directly allowed Yu to distinguish the girl’s identity. Although he subconsciously thought of Harman, the adult figure still allowed him to clearly distinguish the girl’s identity.
“Hmm~” A humming voice sounded, Bismarck closed his lips tightly, and responded to Yuu’s call with a thick nasal voice.
“Your hair?!! Why did it change color?” Yu asked Bismarck in surprise.
He knows very well that Bismarck’s hair color is brown, and his current pink hair feels like a modified look in the game.
“I… After I transformed my special ability into the ability to be immune to some damage, I have this posture.” Bismarck lowered his head and stammered.
“Eh! Well, anyway, I quite like this look.” You froze for a moment, shrugged, and squatted on the floor.
Bismarck has two special abilities, and he is aware of them, after all, the girl in front of him has already told him about all her abilities.
However, this is the first time Yuu knows that transformation skills can also change hair color.
“Huh~~~Really, as long as you like it.” Bismarck, who lowered his head, heaved a sigh of relief.
“Speaking of which, you specially transformed your skills here, didn’t you?” Yu said with some doubts.
He deliberately ran over and hid under his blanket. He could understand, after all, he hinted that the girl came to her room to receive punishment yesterday, both openly and secretly.
In order to let Bismarck understand the intention of his unspoken rules, he purposely recruited old Skee Tirpitz. However, he didn’t understand it when he deliberately transformed his skills.
“My special ability can prevent part of the damage.” Bismarck almost trembled and said these words.
“Even the first pain? ? “Yu’s eyes brightened slightly.
The height of Bismarck’s head became lower and lower.
“Hiss——!!!” You took a breath, and the smile on his face became more and more wild.
After all, being immune to some damage, isn’t that just telling him, ‘Master, just play whatever you want’?
“Why keep lowering your head and raising your head, Bismarck.” You smiled and looked at the girl in front of her, rubbing her hands together.
The girl squatted down on the floor slowly, and lifted the red lotus that looked like a boiled lobster. There was a lot of shyness in the red lotus-like eyes.
However, what attracted Yuu’s attention even more was the square plastic package dangling from the girl’s squinting M-shaped cat lips.
The prominence of the ring shape inside the package made You immediately aware of its true face.
“Okamoto?!!!” Yuu looked at Bismarck with a strange expression. “You have this in your mouth?!!!”
Bismarck turned his head and said with a evasive gaze.
“That… I asked Tirpitz, and she said that tonight, that, this, sir, you will probably use this.”
Yu’s expression became weird, and he said in a strange tone. “I don’t like to put on an extra layer of film, throw it away.”
“The subordinate understands.”
Bismarck let go of his mouth, held it with his hand, and then lightly threw it into the trash can beside him. Then he turned his head and looked around, but he didn’t dare to look directly at Yuu’s scorching eyes.
“Wait here for a while.” Yu stood up, patted his legs and said.
“Yes!!” Bismarck sat on the floor and saluted solemnly.
Yu nodded, and his figure disappeared instantly in the next second.
Outside the bedroom door, a girl with pink shawl hair squatted on the ground, leaning against the door, covering her earphones with one hand, and spinning a paintbrush with the other, looking at the drawing board on her lap, and muttering in a low voice.
“Strange, sister, hasn’t she started yet? The officer has already gone in?”
“Drawing manga? But how do you draw while hiding outside?”
“But I can’t go in, I can only listen to the sound association?” Tirpitz subconsciously responded.
The next second, the girl’s face froze, and she raised her head to look at Yu standing in front of her with a playful expression.
“Well, sir, I’m leaving now!” Tirpitz raised his hand and said embarrassingly.
“It’s late!” Yu grinned.
The pink-haired girl was lightly thrown on the floor. You locked the door and snapped her fingers. The green barrier immediately filled the room.
Tirpitz got up quickly, holding the drawing board and earphones, and wanted to escape through the window.
“Bismarck, hold down Tirpitz, this is an order!”
“Yes!!” Bismarck subconsciously responded.
By the time Bismarck came to his senses, Tirpitz had already been pinned down by her, looking at him tearfully.
“My drawing board—!!!” The girl whimpered and looked at the drawing board that was crushed by Bismarck during the struggle.
Hearing this, Yu, who had already walked to the side of the two of them and touched Tirpitz’s face with his finger, said in a speechless voice. “It’s all like this, you still care about the drawing board?!”
Tirpitz looked at Yu angrily with his lips pursed, and said while suppressing his anger. “If you continue like this, I can’t guarantee that anything will happen?”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand to hold it. A drawing board appeared directly in Yu’s hand.
“Here!!” Yu handed the drawing board to Tirpitz.
“Oh!” Tirpitz stared blankly at Yu’s palm, took the drawing board, picked up the drawing board, lay down on the floor and casually took off his clothes and said.
“Sir, let me come first, but hurry up, I will draw my sister’s expression later.”
Bismarck: “…”
Halfway through taking off his clothes, Tirpitz said impatiently. “You’d better just tear it up, it will be like a drawing board later, just change it and return it to me.”
Looking at the extremely casual girl, Bismarck finally realized what was going to happen, and looked at Yudou with a pleading face. “Sir, can we separate…”
“No way!” You said firmly. “Why should I separate people who are arrested based on their ability!”
Looking at Bismarck who hesitated to speak, Yu narrowed his eyes and said.
“Squat down, take off!!”
Bimax was silent for a while.
“Yes, sir!!”

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