I am here!
“Long time no see you all!” There was an inexplicable emotion in the gentle and elegant voice.
Swipe, swipe, swipe! !
The beautifully shaped birch wood chair was pushed away without any pity, and nearly twenty young men and women stood up together and said excitedly.
A group of colonels in the sea area of ​​Megatron were excited like children, biting their lips, staring at a pair of red eyes, and looking at the lion with respect.face.
Even if they won the battle under Yu’s leadership, they successfully protected the Kukai area from the hands of the two great princesses, and even resisted the prying eyes of their evil neighbors.
Victory after victory looks brilliant, but in fact, these colonels are walking on eggshells these days.
In the final analysis, those victories were the brilliance achieved by Yu’s absolute force. Even if they were also participants, it was the brilliance of others after all.
After all, the other party is the ‘governor’ of Waihai. No matter how strong he is, he is also the governor of someone else’s family, not Kukai’s.
And they, who are familiar with the rules of the sea, know exactly what will happen to the region that loses the governor, especially those admirals who are on the side of the ship, their fate may be even more tragic.
And at this moment, the return of the lion is like a needle that stabilizes the sea, stabilizing their minds.
Lion looked around with nostalgia, looked at the excited faces, and sighed lightly.
On the day of the defeat, she never thought that she would still be able to see these familiar faces alive. Even when she fell into the ocean current, she was still worried about what would happen to Kukai who lost the governor.
“Thank you for your hard work these days.” Lion pursed his lips, his tone changed from his previous arrogance, appearing very gentle.
“No hard work, no hard work!!!” XN
The colonels shook their heads again and again, and many of them showed flattered expressions on their faces.
It seemed to them that it was unprecedented for a lion who was as proud as a lion king in the past to say such a thing.
After reassuring the colonels, Lion leaned back on the armchair, and began the discussion with a calm expression.
“I think everyone has seen the loss of the Kukai area. Nearly 50% of the battle damage and the loss of 43 islands have almost hurt our bones. Therefore, in the past 10 years, large-scale battles have been unable to be launched. Our priority now It’s about self-cultivation.”
Hearing this, all the colonels nodded solemnly.
No matter what kind of loss he suffered, even if he made up for it a little in the pursuit of Qi Ji in the deep sea. But compared to Yu, who devoured Shenhai Qiji and a legion directly under the governor’s control in one go, their income is really too little.
Almost all of them received less than 4,000 people, not even one-tenth of Youyou’s. Compared with their previous losses, they really hurt their bones.
Seeing everyone’s serious faces with a hint of bitterness, Shishi pursed his lower lip and said encouragingly.
“The good news is that the two deep-sea domains adjacent to the air and sea are no longer a threat, and the battle damage from the confrontation with the deep-sea regiment is expected to be avoided for a long time, enough for us to recuperate.”
“En? Didn’t the two Qi Ji escape?” Shen Yang, who was below, narrowed his eyes and said suspiciously.
“Speaking of which, the observers under my command reported yesterday that the Deep Sea Qi Ji seems to have besieged and killed the Legion of the Coral Sea around my sea area? But when I was about to confirm the information, the two Qi Ji had already chased and left?” Ye Jianying said with a strange expression.
Hearing this, the eyes of the colonels suddenly became strange.
In the original imprisonment of Deep Sea Qi Ji, they dismissed themselves because they were afraid of Qi Ji’s resurrection, and the subsequent escape, although it was extremely regrettable, but Yuu’s notification still calmed them down.
After all, if You can catch Deep Sea Qiji once, you will naturally be able to catch the second time. After seeing the mighty power that is like a god and demon, everyone is convinced of this.
But now, Deep Sea Qi Ji took the initiative to besiege and kill the Coral Navy Corps first, and now the lion declares that the buffer zone of the two Qi Ji will not be guarded by the army.
Their governor, or that taboo who dare not even mention his name now, seems to have a PY deal with Shen Hai! ! !
“Speaking of which, Lion, where are you now?” Shen Muyun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.
Hearing this, everyone’s heart skipped a beat, their eyes widened, and they looked at the lion in astonishment.
Previously, they had been enjoying the joy of the governor’s return, but now they realized that they still don’t know where the lion is.
And Wales and the company, which has the closest relationship with the lion, have also maintained a silent attitude. They didn’t even ask about the current situation. Obviously, they looked like they had already communicated.
Lion narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the company that kept winking at him, and said indifferently. “I’m on Lexington Island now!”
After a pause, the lion said indifferently. “It’s located in the deep sea tutelary fort.”
“It’s over!!!” Enterprise covered his face and lay down directly on the table.
The corner of Welsh’s mouth twitched a few times. If she hadn’t realized that the lion in front of her was just an image, she would have taken out the cannon and blasted the lion’s head open to see if it contained ‘Orleans roasted shit’!
Human beings colluded with the deep sea. This is a great crime against humanity. You, a guy who has already made a contract with Yu, don’t help to hide it, but show it.
Wales was speechless at the moment, but out of trust in the lion, she chose to remain silent.
“Deep sea… the tutelary fort?!!!” xN
A group of people looked at the lion in bewilderment, with deep astonishment on their faces.
Deep Sea and the others understand it, and the colonels at the Town Guard Mansion who have been admirals for decades also understand it, but when these two words are connected, they are a little confused.
Shen Muyun touched her skinny old hand, her expression gradually changed from astonishment to understanding, she swallowed, relieved the dryness of her throat, and said in a hoarse voice.
“Lion, in the deep sea tutelary fortress you are talking about, the ‘ship girl’ in it, could it be the outlying island Qiji and the battleship water?Ghost? ”
The lion raised his brows slightly, looked at his old rival with some admiration, and nodded. “Yes!”
“I think you all know who the ‘admiral’ here in the Deep Sea Guard Mansion is.” The lion looked around, looked at everyone’s radiant faces, and said calmly.
Hearing this, everyone’s expressions changed drastically.

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