Four Girls (?)
Ah~! Ah~! Ah~!
Under the blue sky, the seagulls were flapping their wings, their eyes were staring at the sea surface, looking for the unlucky fish and shrimp floating on the sea surface.
Located on the somewhat dilapidated pier on Hong Kong Island, four figures jumped directly from the waves onto the pier in an embrace.
The personnel who were busy with the reconstruction work in the port area looked at the four people who had landed in surprise, and then looked away.
Ship girls are not uncommon these days, and due to the recent rebuilding of Hong Kong Island, the passing cargo ships are almost transporting materials here in batches. When there are more ships, there will naturally be more ship girls, which is nothing unusual.
However, two big beauties and one girl are holding a beautiful little girl and a muscular girl with strong limbs, which is a bit weird.
So on the surrounding freighters, some idle sailors looked at the girl on the pier one after another.
Three young and beautiful girls, plus a muscular girl like Dashi Johnson. While seductive, the degree of hot eyes is also outrageous.
“Hey, that muscular monster, how conscious is it to let that girl in a maid outfit carry her ashore? Does she still have face?” A sailor asked, covering his eyes that were so hot.
“Hey, are you dying? Didn’t you see the admiral’s uniform on that muscular monster?” The sailor’s partner quickly covered his mouth and said in a panic.
“Speaking of which, the beauty of the tea method is also holding an admiral in her arms? That face, tsk tsk, is not so pure~~”
“The blond-haired maid is not bad, and she has golden and silver eyes of different colors. It’s rare enough, but it’s too conservative.”
“Come on, didn’t you have enough fun in the red-light district last night? Or you plan to play with the admiral of the maid ship girl, those muscles are on time!”
“You?! Vomit——!!!!” XN
Hearing these sailors’ discussions, some merchants turned their heads and looked at the four people not far away.
“It seems that these two admirals were shipwrecked?”
“I guess it was the huge tsunami a few days ago. How lucky!”
“That’s right. These two admirals are lucky. If it weren’t for the presence of the two ship girls, they would have already fed the sharks.”
Having said that, a group of businessmen looked enviously at the two admirals who were held in their arms.
They rely on the sea to eat, and they are most envious of these admirals. They don’t need to pay for the protection of the ship’s mother. Envious.
“Saved!!!” As soon as the girl snuggled up in the arms of Chafa Ship’s mother got out of her arms, she immediately picked her up on the pier, and took a big inhale.
The girl has long black and beautiful hair. For the sake of convenience, she tied her hair into a long ponytail, hung it behind her head, and shook it from time to time, looking very playful and cute.
The delicate and small oval face, the extremely delicate facial features and the pure and lively temperament make people feel as pure as a white lotus.
And although the admiral’s uniform was a bit broken, it was innocuous and added a bit of heroism to the girl, making her look extraordinarily refreshing.
“Pay attention to your image a little bit, Xiao Xueying.” A female voice with a hint of a smile sounded.
“I see, my secretary!!” Lu Xueying turned her head, her face puffed up angrily, and she gave the elegant and tall tea-haired beauty behind her a glare.
Slightly curly waist-length tea hair, and a face as flawless as Venus, even with a cynical smile all the time, it can’t conceal the beauty of that face.
Lu Xueying is very clear,If he were a boy, he would probably be hooked by this big sister in minutes, and he would be grateful to Dade for being a spare tire.
However, unfortunately, she is a girl whose appearance is not inferior to the other party.
The tea-haired girl is named Missouri, an old-fashioned prototype ship that survived the Deep Sea War and her current collaborator.
On the surface of the two, it was the relationship between the admiral and the ship’s mother.
But privately, she’s Missouri’s… pet.
Yes, it’s a pet. The validity period is ten years.
At the time of signing the contract, Lu Xueying remembered her father’s words like chicken soup.
[Girl, life is like this, since you can’t resist, then enjoy it! 】
“Oh, I knew I had refused!” Lu Xueying pursed her lips and said with a sad face.
But in fact, Lu Xueying also knows that she has not yet got a ship girl in the second year. If she wants to graduate successfully, in addition to accepting the conditions of Missouri, she will only have the opportunity to build a third year.
However, the recent news of the Governor’s defeat in the academy has cast a shadow over Dajian one year later. Therefore, for safety reasons, she really has no choice.
Originally, she just wanted to find a ship girl to cooperate and take cover.
However, who knew that there was a ship girl on the street, and I asked the other party for help, but it turned out to be a prototype ship! ! !
Winning the lottery isn’t that exaggerated! ! !
“Uh!” Thinking of it, Lu Xueying suddenly remembered that she was so overjoyed at the time that she signed the contract.
“Xiao Xueying, what did you just say you wanted to refuse?” Missouri narrowed her eyes slightly, with a faint coldness in her eyes, and the smile on her face was extraordinarily bright.
“No, nothing!!!” Lu Xueying quickly waved her hands in denial, her face full of panic.
If she let her “fake secretary and real master” know what she was thinking just now, she would definitely not be able to go around.
“Oh~” Missouri raised her eyebrows, looked playfully at the girl’s flustered face, and finally shrugged. “Forget it, for the sake of finally reaching the destination, I’ll let you go.”
At this moment, a soft and elegant female voice sounded.
“Since the two of you have reached your destination, let’s part here.”
“Eh?!!” Lu Xueying turned her head, looked at the blond maid in surprise, and said reluctantly. “Sister Prestige, are you ready to leave now?”
The British battlecruiser, the ship girl, is a subordinate of an admiral who traveled to Hong Kong Island on a freighter with her.
But unfortunately, the cruise ship encountered a large-scale deep-sea beast group. Except for the four of them who escaped, the rest of the cargo ship was buried on the bottom of the sea.
Afterwards, the four people who traveled together encountered an extra-large tsunami again, and after trying to escape again, the four people who shared adversity twice became friends who said nothing.
That’s why Lu Xueying was particularly reluctant at this moment.
“Miss Charlotte, you’re already buying the ticket.” Ren Feng folded his hands in front of him, bowed slightly, and said politely.
Hearing the sound, Lu Xueying turned her head, looked at the muscular woman lining up, and stuck out her tongue.
To persuade that Miss Charlotte to change her mind? I have seen the other party in the deep sea beasts, holding prestige, smashing cannonballs with palms, and flying on the sea.
She even turned her head around, and after the ability to pack her and Missouri away, she didn’t dare to shout at each other.
“Prestige, how about staying for a day?” Missouri said with a chuckle.
“No, miss Xia…” Ren Feng raised his head and said with a flat face.
“Yes!!” A somewhat rude female voice sounded.
Looking at Charlotte, who came to the side of the three at an unknown time, the three’s faces suddenly stiffened. After all, those muscles were somewhat scary, even if they knew that the other party was mild-mannered, they were a little scared.
“That’s right, then lead the way, Xueying~” Missouri breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.
“Isn’t Hong Kong your hometown? Who else could you be?”
“oh oh!!!”
The group of four walked slowly towards the port exit.

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