The Light Occupying the Vision
In the red carpeted castle corridor, Bicester, wearing a white admiral’s uniform, walked quickly and gloomily.
Behind him, there was a crowd of two speed people, including ship girls and human beings, all of them were high-level officials of the Caspian Governor’s Office, and almost all the decision-making levels of the Governor’s Office were gathered.
“Can you confirm the identity of Yumi Suhime?” Bicester’s tone was very solemn.
The deep sea Suji who attacked from the Kongkai area reminded him of the two deep sea Suji who attacked the Coral Navy regiment half a month ago, which made him feel an inexplicable sense of unease.
Serena, who was walking behind Bicester, paused for a while, and cold sweat appeared on her beautiful face. “Judging from the reports from the front line, the enemy Suhime seems to be a battleship water ghost.”
“It’s the worst enemy.” Bicester’s footsteps paused slightly, his old face was full of anxiety, and his tone became a little exasperated.
As he expected, the enemy was really one of the deep sea Qiji who attacked Huang Yi, which reminded him immediately of Huang Yi being ambushed.
“Can you be sure of Suuji’s movements?” Bicester asked with a gloomy face as he walked.
“I’m sorry, but Gross Island has lost contact after the warning of the discovery of the battleship water ghost.Serena lowered her head and said with a face of shame.
And at this moment, a blond man with a face 60% similar to Bicester took out a beeping biological computer from his pocket.
As he put his hands on the computer, his flustered face became even more frightened.
“Father, the herd of deep-sea beasts has already passed Guanning Island. According to the news from the guard fleet on the island, among the herd of deep-sea beasts, a figure suspected to be Qi Ji from the outlying island was found!!”
“Sure enough, this time it’s another two big Qi Ji’s joint siege!” Bist stopped in his tracks, and kicked the vase beside him with anger.
With the bang of the exquisitely shaped vase, it shattered into fragments and scattered on the floor, Bicester’s tyrannical face slowly calmed down.
Originally, before this, he still had some thoughts of laughing at Huang Yi, and he also laughed at the scene where Shi Na was forced into a desperate situation by Deep Sea Qi Ji and only escaped death after a lot of hardships.
But when he thought that he was about to face the joint siege of two deep sea princesses, he couldn’t laugh anymore.
After all, if he is not careful, he will face a certain death situation.
Suddenly, Bicester froze suddenly, and his face, which was already full of anger, instantly turned livid.
“Guanning Island? I remember that near the waters of Guanning Island, there is an ocean current that goes directly to Turkmen Island, right?”
Hearing this, the faces of everyone present suddenly became extremely solemn.
Ocean currents are eddies that are automatically formed in the wonderful environment of the sea. Even if a motionless sea turtle enters the ocean currents, its moving speed will skyrocket to more than 40 knots per hour.
Among them, the ocean currents in the Guanning Sea are also within the scope of large-scale ocean currents. Entering them, you can only bear the force of the ocean currents, and it is easy to reach a speed of 100 nautical miles per hour.
Unfortunately, the herd of deep sea animals has the physique to withstand the force of the ocean current.
With the blessing of ocean currents near Guanning Island, the speed of the deep-sea herd is like a rocket with a jet port added.
It is not a problem at all to reach Turkmen Island where the Caspian Governor’s Mansion is located within one day.
“Is the goal beheading?” Bist said angrily while covering his beating heart.
The people in the rear suddenly fell into silence.
Bist closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and said in a serious tone.
“Send me an order to prepare the ships for Dennett Island and dispatch the fleet stationed on Turkmen Island to escort them.”
The so-called Dennett Island is the forefront of the confrontation with the battleship Qi Ji in the Caspian Sea area, and most of the main fleet of the Governor’s Mansion of the Caspian Sea is stationed here.
Therefore, although there is some possibility of being flanked, Bist understands that only where he goes can he gain the greatest vitality.
“Telegram to ask Governor Lan Hai and Governor Ku Hai, why did the warships Shui Gui and Li Dao Qi Ji, who are in charge of them, come to my territory.”
“I also need to inform the Governor of the Red Sea about the ownership of Green Island. We can discuss it again. Please send troops to support.”
Following Bist’s orders one after another, the personnel in the rear began to operate immediately.
Thirty minutes later, Bicester and his party arrived at the port of Turkmen Island and stood under the gangway of a dark blue armed boat.
Without the knowledge of the islanders of Turkmen Island, Bicester’s relatives had already gathered on the ship.
After boarding the armed boat, Serena looked at the bustling port area, gritted her teeth, and said to Bist at the bow. “Governor, do the islanders need to be notified for asylum?”
Bister’s eyes were fixed, and he said indifferently. “It’s not necessary. Except for this special speedboat, it is impossible for other ships to escape the pursuit of the deep-sea beasts blessed by ocean currents.”
Serena’s expression froze, and she couldn’t bear it. “But at least there is still a chance of survival.”
“Then you will be responsible for this matter.” Bicester said expressionlessly.
Serena opened her eyes wide and looked at Bicester in disbelief.
It wasn’t until several minutes after the armed boat left the port that Serena, who was standing on the pier, came back to her senses, looking bitterly at the distant ship.
She understood that she, who disobeyed Bister’s will, had already been given up by the governor.
Although it’s a good name to stay on Turkmen Island to evacuate the islanders, in fact, this is a mission of sending people to death.
With a silent sigh, Serena turned her head, took out the biological computer in her pocket, and started to contact the left-behind ship girl on the island.
Although it is very likely that she will be buried in the sea, no matter what the situation is, she still wants to make a last-ditch effort, not only for the islanders, but also for herself.
Right after Serena turned around, the entire sky darkened suddenly. She turned her head in surprise and looked at the distant ship.
“What happened? Why did it get dark?” Serena said with some doubts.
In the next second, [light] occupied the entire field of vision.

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