Please allow me to say a word
[The rules… rewrite! (Rulerewriting!)]
The whistling sea breeze stopped, and the fluctuating sea waves stopped, and the waves that splashed out of the water stagnated in mid-air, reflecting the delicate and determined face of the famous ship girl on the sea.
Time seemed to stand still, and everything in the sea stopped moving.
The illusory figure stood in the sky, and the pair of eyes on the sea were mixed with astonishment, but they seemed to have forgotten his existence. He opened his eyes, looking for an unusual answer in the unknown fear.
“what happened?”
The outlying island Suuji on the deck was surrounded by a bit of a circle, watching the cannonball floating in the air, the gorgeous sparks that bloomed.
Looking at this world that seemed to be still, Li Dao’s eyes gradually became dull.
At this moment, she was stunned to find that there was no sound of her own words around, it seemed that the sound could not be transmitted in this area.
However, to her surprise, Lexington responded to her doubts.
“I-I don’t know either.” Lexington stared blankly at the sea level. She knew what she was talking about, but she couldn’t hear her own voice. However, the voice of the island appeared in her heart strangely.
Facing the strange scene, a fear of facing the unknown arises in my heart.
“…Commander?” The flax-haired woman suddenly raised her head, looked at the sky, and looked at the stalwart figure holding the planet.
“Hey, what happened?” Li Dao’s eyes widened, and he looked at the illusory figure standing on the sea with curiosity and fear.
She is not the existence of fear of Yu, but the fear of this completely incomprehensible situation, which is possessed by any life, the fear of the [unknown].
“I just tampered with the basic gravitational coefficient, so that everything in a radius of 100 miles is in a state of gravity limit, and it just loses the ability to exercise.”
The huge phantom took a step, and the next moment was a figure like an ordinary person, holding the earth that seemed to be real for a moment, and quietly suspended above the deck.
“But now it seems that even the medium of sound transmission, the air, has been stopped by me.”
Said this, like a child who accidentally broke a puzzle, the illusory figure said shyly.
“It is the first time to revise the concept of rules, and mistakes will inevitably occur. Now, fortunately, it seems that the error is not large.”
Lexington, Outlying Islands: “…”
For some reason, they always feel that Yu seems to be doing something very dangerous, and the so-called error is not big, and they don’t seem to want the relaxed and natural tone in Yu’s tone.
“Wait a minute, I’ll modify the ‘world’ now.”
As Yu’s words fell, Haitao, the atmosphere, and the operation resumed again, but the sky-high artillery fire and firelight were fixed in the air together with the ship’s mother at sea.
It was as if he had been immobilized, even if he could think and observe, but he couldn’t move his body one bit.
“Tsk tsk, the manipulation of rules and concepts that can only be achieved at the ruler level, so that’s what it is!” The voice of joy, like discovering a new toy, spread to the ears of the two people below with the air.
At this time, even Lexington, who was extremely close to Yu, had the idea that the farther away he was, the better.
“Okay, it’s alright. Now all creatures have been banned from moving by me, so you can do it.”
As Yuu’s voice fell, Lexington tilted his head slightly, and looked at Suuji Hime on the island beside him.
Of the two people on the ship, Lexington played on your behalf as the secretary ship, so the matter of undermining the other admirals was naturally handed over to the outlying islands.
After all, as a ship’s mother, even if it can be turned into a deep sea, Lexington is not suitable to take action against those admirals, and as a deep sea princess, and a well-known outlying island, it is naturally the right choice to take action.
“Okay, it’s me who’s to blame again.” Li Dao spread his hands, then turned over over the railing, and jumped on the turbulent sea.
In the battleship, the water ghosts skipped work for the reason of training ‘toys’, and the battleship Qiji was overwhelmed by a certain gangster and needed to recuperate. Hindenburg and Dafeng are the former ship’s mother’s Qiji, and she can only be shot. Off the island.
However, after stepping on the waves for a while, Li Dao’s expression became strange.
The fearful, angry and desperate eyes around her made her inexplicably excited.
Obviously, these ship girls recognized her as a famous deep-sea executioner.
However, unfortunately, under the power of Yu, these shipgirls who started immediately in the past could only watch her struttingly pass by him, using eyes that could not even tremble, telling himself The fear that came from the bottom of my heart.
“It’s super interesting to be so swaggering!” Lijima Suhime grinned, showing a stern yet cute expression.
The outlying island is quite fast and I boardedAn armed boat, in front of several terrified ship maids, entered the admiral’s room, which was strictly guarded, arrogantly.
It didn’t take long for the outlying island to pull the foot of an admiral and swagger to the deck of the armed boat.
The island whistled towards the sea. The deep-sea perch, which was originally hidden under the sea, ready to ambush these ships, surfaced under the desperate gaze of the ship’s mother.
Under the command of more than 100 elites in the deep sea in human form, the huge and ferocious sea beasts passed through each ship girl and headed towards each command ship.
Faced with such a large amount of food, some of the controlled deep-sea habitat ships couldn’t help swallowing a few shipgirls alive, and under the anger of the elite deep-sea, they spit out the unlucky bastard with saliva.
The terrifying despair spread, spreading rapidly on the sea, and in a short while, it ‘contaminated’ all the ship girls.
Twenty minutes later, watching the admiral, who was extremely difficult to kill in the past, was dragged out of his old den like a dead dog, pulled down in front of him, and the line of admirals arranged in front of him made the island feel inexplicably pleasant.
“Hey, don’t be so scared, be happy, be happy!”
Li Dao patted the face of the female admiral in front of him, looking at the hopelessness that gradually appeared in those immobile eyes, he couldn’t help laughing out loud.
“I have a bit of an impression of you. It seems that Lexington or whoever Shōkaku mentioned? Admiral named Sur or something? You seem to have been caught in the center of a flagship group.” .
Surya could only look at the black-haired gothic loli with a smile in front of her with fearful eyes.
“Well, we Shenhai Qiji are not like you human beings, they are very democratic, if there is someone who doesn’t look dead, take a step forward, or squeak, I will let her go, but the price is the total annihilation of the ship’s mother. , are you willing?!”
The old man on the island was on the ground and shuttled among the four rows of admirals. However, after a few minutes, a total of 38 admirals did not waver and stood firm in front of the island.
They didn’t say a word, didn’t move, they just chose ‘generous death’ with eyes full of prayer and struggle.
“What, Lexington still speaks ill of you humans, saying that it is for the sake of superiority, and he does not hesitate to treat the ship girl as a consumable item. Now it seems that everyone is a stubborn person!”
Li Dao applauded, with a smile full of admiration, but also full of malice on his face.
Admirals: “…”
“Then…” Under those fearful gazes, Li Dao raised his hand with a smile and exchanged out black ‘little bees’ to give these brave people cordial condolences from the deep sea.
Boom! !
Looking at the sky-high firelight, Lexington folded his hair, which was blown by the airflow.
“Isn’t it appropriate to let her play like this?”
However, after a while, Lexington, who didn’t get a response, turned his head and looked at the figure playing with the planet. His face gradually turned from white to green.
“Commander! That thing can’t be played, can it?”
“After supplementing most of the foundation, does it bring manipulation of the concept of rules? Is this what Nayko wants me to discover?”
“What if the coefficient of gravity is increased by a hundred times? It seems that the water flow can be changed from downstream to upstream. Although the scope is now a little smaller, the genders of all human beings can also be reversed!”
“Please stop that chaotic behavior—!”
【Records of the 3rd Caspian Sea Area Competition】
[It lasted 14 days, a total of 117 participating garrison mansions, 117 colonel-level admirals after 14 days of competition, the Lexington Island garrison mansion won. ]
[The rest of the admirals left the Caspian region within three days of the war and had 29 skirmishes with the winner. ]
“Is it okay to write the report like this?” On the podium of the large conference room of the Caspian Governor’s Mansion, Lu Xueying picked up the manuscript and said to Wu Shiliu, who looked unnatural beside him.
Wu Shiliu ignored the manuscript in Lu Xueying’s hand, and looked at the puppets produced by the assembly line in fear and uncertainty. His eyes reflected the heads of the familiar high-ranking officials from all over the world, and a drop of cold sweat slowly swept across his temples.
“It’s a shame you can work in such an environment!”
“…Please allow me to scold me with a dirty word.”
“MMP, do you hear? M! M! P!”

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