Two Cranes
“How is the situation now?”
Guanghui moved quietly, leaned against the cedar door, and crept to Lexington’s side, asking curiously.
The previous communication from Lexington did not only inform Shokaku.
Because he was worried that Shōkaku would be too impulsive or that Yuu would be furious, Lexington chose to use Shining as insurance.
In fact, if it wasn’t for Yukikaze who is now on the training ship on the affiliated island, Lexington would prefer to let this formerThe secretary ship comes as Yuu’s safety fuse.
As for calling more people, it’s not about helping, it’s burning Ruihe on fire. If nothing else, if Essex and CV-16 find out about this situation, they will probably choose to directly sink Ruihe. Bar?
“I don’t know the specific situation, but Ruihe’s child, I guess… was beaten up?”
Lexington, who had just heard the sound of violent stamping, turned his eyes and looked at Shōkaku, who was stuck on the door with a tangled and anxious expression.
The reason why she stared at Shokaku was naturally that Lexington didn’t want the other party to rush in to stop Yu’s violent education, not because she was targeting Zuihe, but because the other party’s previous behavior was a bit too much.
But the good thing is that Xianghe understands the priorities of the matter, even if Zuihe is suspected of being beaten by Fatty, he doesn’t rush in the door impulsively.
Come to think of it, he was also a little dissatisfied with Zuikaku’s reckless behavior of ramming the Admiral with a carrier-based aircraft, so he suppressed his doting attitude in the past.
“It seems to have been beaten four times, or five times? Poor child, I hope Shengguang can heal Ruihe’s pain…”
Guanghui eavesdropped on the sound of the crash in the room, counted silently, and finally put his hands together and sighed, looking like a sympathetic Virgin.
However, in the next second, the mischievous character of that little devil was revealed.
“Eh, Commander, why don’t you hit a few more times? Just five hits, isn’t it too light?”
“Please don’t add fuel to the fire!” Xianghe looked at the brilliance praying for Ruihe with a bit of laughter, sighed helplessly, turned around, and leaned his forehead against the door.
“I admit that I have a problem with education…”
“This is no longer the level of a problem, but the level of a big problem, Xiao Xianghe!” Guanghui half-opened his eyes while praying, looking at Xianghe’s profile with a very serious tone.
“Although Guanghui’s expression is a bit strange, it’s true, this is no longer a small problem, Shōkaku.” Lexington glanced at Guanghui, then turned his head to look at Shōkaku seriously.
“As the ship’s maid of the guard house, what is the culpability of attacking the commander directly with a carrier-based aircraft? I think you, Shokaku, should know very well that this is murder, a complete murder.”
“Don’t think I’m joking, think about it, if the commander is just an ordinary person, you should also understand the possible consequences!”
Xianghe opened his mouth, and finally slipped along the door feebly and sat on the ground, hugging his legs a little low.
Lexington opened his mouth slightly, and seeing Xianghe’s dejected appearance made her uncomfortable, but she also understood that if she didn’t completely smash Xianghe’s stubborn doting, things would become more and more difficult to handle.
“Actually, there’s no need to say it so hard!”
Guanghui hurriedly waved his hand, and smoothed out the two people who were emotionally unstable.
“Even if Shōkaku can’t change his style, won’t Commander still help educate Zuikaku?”
Lexington opened his mouth, remembering the crash he heard earlier, stunned, shook his head, and sighed.
“That’s right, although the commander treats us prototype ships a little better, he’s not the kind of good gentleman who can be bullied.”
Xianghe raised his head, pursed his lips, smiled bitterly, clasped his legs, and said hesitantly.
“My current mood…To be honest, it’s very complicated. I hope that the admiral will educate Rui He well, but I also worry that she may not be able to accept the admiral’s excessively violent education!”
“I’ve also made it clear that the previous commander’s angry look really looked like he wanted to kill someone, but it shouldn’t be so, right?”
Lexington took a step back nervously, pressed against the door, and began to eavesdrop on the movement in the room.
“Have you gotten so angry?” Xianghe got up quickly and pressed his ear to the door nervously.
Guanghui looked at the nervous two people, tilted his head in doubt, and stuck out his tongue.
“What should be worried about, shouldn’t it be that Zuihe was the only one who was deceived?”
Shōkaku and Lexington both stiffened.
Then the next second, the strange conversation in the room entered their ears.
“I said, is it necessary to take off the kyudo uniform?”
“If necessary, it doesn’t seem necessary, but the bandages wrapped around the chest have to be undone.”
“…Yes, is that so?”
“Oh, isn’t it below? This is a lot more convenient.”
“Bastard, don’t pinch me hard… ah!!!”
“Bastard, if you just abandon me in the future, be careful I blow up you!”
Hearing the strange conversation and exclamation, the experienced Lexington turned his head and looked at Shōkaku who was flushed with embarrassment.
“Okay, I admit that I overestimated the commander. Although this kind of education is also needed, it shouldn’t be done at this time, right?”
“Oh, it will turn out like this, but in this way, sneak attacks or something, forcibly defined as resisting atrocities, seems to be able to be fooled.”
The only one who finished listening to the entire dialogue, Guanghui smiled helplessly.
“Really, does Ruihe finally dare to act?” Xianghe smiled with relief, a very bitter smile, as if he was crying.
Are you crying with joy? Lexington, who saw this scene, didn’t think so.
“Why, are you planning to quit? That’s right, Zuihe’s kid has a strong desire for monopoly? It’s not like that little bastard Gaga!” Looking at Shōkaku, who silently bowed his head in front of him, Lexington sighed helplessly.
“Really,Are all Japanese ship girls such kind of guys who need people to worry about? Guanghui shook his head, silently held the doorknob, and gently moved the door lock.
“Lexington, don’t you mind?” Guanghui pointed at the door that had been pushed open a crack, and looked at Lexington with a smile.
“Forget it, it’s fine as long as the position of the secretary ship is not robbed.” Lexington sighed, and Kouki and Kokaku held Shōkaku’s slender arms from left to right.
“You? What are you going to do?”
“1, 2, 3! Catch it!”
With a bang, Xianghe was thrown into the room by the two of them.
Zuikaku, who was being bullied by being pressed on the sofa, raised his head and widened his eyes when he saw Shōkaku flying towards him.
“Sister Xianghe? Wait, don’t look at it!!”
“Remember to write a review this time!” Lexington sighed and rolled his eyes in surprise.
“Goodbye! Let’s go first!!”
Guanghui seemed to not care at all, and closed the door directly.
Yu lowered his head, looked at Shōkaku who was thrown on the sofa, covering his head as an ostrich, and Zuihe, who was also covering his head as an ostrich, and chuckled a few times.
“Okay? An ostrich is also a bird, so can it be regarded as a crane?”
“So, shall we continue?”
Without waiting for the two cranes to agree, Yu already bullied him and pressed him.

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