Just don’t get discovered!
Looking at Yu’s serious face, Saratoga’s eyes were filled with satisfaction, and he felt a little tired and inexplicably happy.
In the past, when Yu faced her, she looked at the bear child with a doting expression, such a serious scene is very rare.
So, her disguise this time even deceived Yuu? ! !
Saratoga, who discovered this, was extremely happy, even a little excited.
“What’s wrong?”
Yu looked at the girl in front of her who was in self-exaltation with some doubts. She said she had something to say. Why did she suddenly blushed and sat on the sofa chair, motionless?
“No, nothing!”
Saratoga’s face stiffened, and he quickly waved his hand, but he realized that it did not conform to Lexington’s ‘settings’ and hurriedly put his hand down, and the series of actions came down, which seemed extremely comical.
“You’re in a bad state now~”
Yuu reluctantly looked at Saratoga, who was behaving chaotically and sweating slightly from his temples. If he hadn’t been curious about what game the other party was playing, he would have let the tired ‘actor’ take a break.
“Maybe I didn’t rest last night, okay? Don’t worry, I’m just a little tired.”
Saratoga smiled reservedly. She was telling the truth. Last night, in order to ensure the success of the imitation, she practiced in front of the mirror all night and put in a lot of effort.
Of course, if Lexington knew about it, he would probably have to reprimand his sister for not doing her job properly.
Yu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to persuade Saratoga to go back to rest, he was interrupted by Saratoga, who had been paying attention to Yu’s face.
“Don’t worry about it, let’s get down to business!”
“Is it right?”
Yu’s eyes became a little suspicious.
“Well, it’s business.”
Saratoga pursed his lips, and wanted to reach out for black tea to moisten his somewhat dry throat, but his movements became stiff, and he changed the naughty reaching into a graceful and gentle handling.
To be honest, Saratoga already regrets pretending to be Lexington. The lady’s attitude is really too tired, and Jia Jia can’t learn! !
Suddenly, Saratoga raised her head and looked at Yuu suspiciously. For some reason, she seemed to feel a playful gaze, delusional?
“What’s the matter? Is it the plan to control the high-level officials of the United Governor’s Office? Or is it the matter of the Yubukai Suji peace talks that are being planned to divide the sovereignty of the sea?”
Yu, who wanted to tease Saratoga, directly listed two major events that, in Lexington’s view, could be called ‘business’.
Although in Yuu’s opinion, the replacement of rights in these human societies is really just a trivial matter.
“Uh, this, this!!”
Saratoga’s expression was a little embarrassed. It was a question about the world structure that she basically did not participate in and did not understand. How would you ask the bear child to answer it?
However, Saratoga himself understands that this is really something that will be regarded as a ‘business’ by Lexington.
“Isn’t it these two things? What’s the ‘business’?”
Looking at Saratoga who looked embarrassed, Yuu seemed to avoid the previous topic with good intentions, but she deliberately accentuated her tone on the ‘business’ and slapped Saratoga intentionally.
Saratoga’s eyes became a little annoyed. She wanted to lift her little feet and kick Yoo’s knee fiercely. When Yoo was ‘in pain’, she made a face, and then happily ran away. .
However, for the sake of her ‘great cause’, she has to endure, she has to endure. After the big deal, put two more spoons of sugar in Yu’s milk tea every day as revenge!
“That, it’s actually about the ‘healthy heart of the 200,000 ships in the Guard House’!”
“Oh? That’s it!”
Seeing that Yuu didn’t question the idea, Saratoga immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and was quite proud that he would be able to come up with this kind of ‘business’ that met his requirements.
After all, for a ship girl who will fall into the deep sea because of negative emotions, mental health is indeed an extremely important issue.
Although for hundreds of years, it is still a question whether there are 1,000 ship girls who have fallen on their own accord.
After coming up with the title, Saratoga’s speech became much more fluent, and he started to relax in a serious manner.
“Commander, do you know that although the replica ships are proud and envious of having prototype ships among the direct ships of the Guard House, if there are only prototype ships all the time, there will be a big problem.”
“Big problem?” Yu looked at Saratoga, who was preaching with a serious expression, with a strange expression.
“Yes, it’s the issue of the commander’s favorite prototype ships. In fact, the ship ladies of the original Coral Navy regiment on the island have already seen each other in January.I had to meet the commander once, but I felt dissatisfied that the prototype ships could be seen every day. ”
“If this is too biased, there will definitely be a big mess in the guard house, and if it doesn’t work, there may be a ship girl who will fall into the deep sea!!”
Looking at Saratoga who was posing as a teacher at some point in front of him, he raised his eyebrows and said expressionlessly.
“What do you mean? You want me to treat the 200,000 shipgirls equally?”
“Yes, that’s it…” Saratoga nodded subconsciously, then his face stiffened, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he jumped up, and hurriedly patted the table and shouted. “No, this is absolutely not possible!!!”
“Oh, so that’s what the consciousness is, I’m not biased towards anyone, and I want to be a saint who restrains all desires? This will make everyone’s hearts balanced?” Yu rolled his eyes and looked at Saratoga with a smile.
“This…this…” Saratoga opened his mouth like a dumb goose.
Although it seems that what Yu said is very reasonable, but what should she do if you run away to become a saint? What about Lexington?
“Neither… not.” Saratoga said embarrassedly, turning his face flushed red.
She clearly mentioned that she should not be biased, but she directly rejected Yuu’s two reasonable actions, which made Saratoga feel an indescribable feeling of embarrassment.
“Then what do you say? I’ve got nothing left.” You spread her hands with a look of helplessness.
Seeing Yu’s helpless face, Saratoga rolled his eyes like a fox wagging its tail.
“Come on, make a compromise and only pet the secretary ship!”
He hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Saratoga in surprise, narrowed his eyes, and pointed out.
“What about Gaga? What about Gaga?”
Saratoga blinked, as if a tail like an electric fan was spinning behind her, she blushed slightly, and said with a drifting gaze.
“If it’s Gaga, if it’s Gaga, it’s okay to sneak in, as long as you don’t get discovered by my sister and me!”
“Oh, is that so?” Yu’s expression gradually became playful.

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