: A Late Meeting Ceremony
Inside the stone temple in the deep sea, the black cloud looks like flesh and blood, and it looks like a mist silently watching the lotus-like sculpture emitting a faint fluorescence, and then disappearing behind the stone temple, the crazy will that pervades the bottom of the sea reveals a faint light. It’s a pity.
Obviously pretending to be weak, restraining the power, trying to give birth to a new child, but failing at the last moment, it is indeed a pity for He who worships the meaning of his own authority.
The black cloud slowly squirmed to the position where it was kicked away, and the will that existed in the depths quietly left this world, leaving only the pure thing that was constantly undergoing [birth] and nurtured the horror of the deep sea.
On the other side, Yu cooperated with Nayko to walk in the deep [darkness].
There is no light, no sound, there are only various kinds of representations of this ‘world’ called the earth, its most fundamental concept.
The only thing that can act here is the ‘will’.
This is the time axis of a celestial body named [Earth], which is…
“Welcome to the Corridor of Stars!!”
Nayko, who arrived at the [starting point] where the planet was born, announced to Yuu.
“Did you actually invade the individual timeline of the earth alone? I despise myself who once thought you were keeping your own way.” Yu’s will conveyed a light self-deprecating words to Nayiko.
[Individual Timeline 29], that is one of the proofs that it has reached the level of the ruler, which represents the sign of self-detachment from the world and self-containedness, and it is also the most important [will].
It is not an exaggeration to say that the [Individual Timeline] is the key point of the ruler, but it is only the key point. If you want to kill, you need a more complicated process.
In general, the celestial will, which has the name of restraint, planetary will, and great source, also produces an individual timeline, which is the planet’s [historical record belt].
And at this moment, where Yuu and Nayko are,That is the starting point of the planet’s history, the moment when ‘He’ just started to rotate.
In front of the two is a pure will that can be described as a [light spot].
There is no ignorant consciousness, or even the concept of self, but a will purely formed by the ‘rules’ of the entire planet.
It records the celestial body called the earth, the law of its material operation, the definition of energy conversion, the model of space-time basis, and the collection of all its concepts.
And the mixed will of Alaya and Gaia, who were supposed to be here, gave the planet the blessing of life, and inspired them, has disappeared.
Maybe it was swallowed by Naiako, maybe it was destroyed by her, but no matter what, this will is already pure and flawless.
It is very easy to take him out of here and inject it into oneself or any object that can be endured to become the [sole god] who manipulates this planet.
“It’s really a great gift!” Yu said with emotion.
For Dirac’s heart, which has collection rules and feeds back to the host where his will is, this is an incredible ‘ration’.
Although it is definitely worse than directly swallowing the incarnation of the Mother of Darkness, it is non-toxic and safe food. In terms of risk, Yuu is more inclined to choose the will of the stars.
“Well, as long as you like it, it’s just an appetizer.”
The silver-haired girl’s form appeared in this initial place, and Nayko used that plain white hand to hold up the crystal clear spot of light.
Along with her movements, curtains appeared in Yu’s ‘vision’.
Lexington, who is in the tea room, savouring the fragrance of black tea; Saratoga, who is arguing with Zuikaku in the dormitory building; Fantasy and Shimakaze, who are rushing on the road with a tired face; The prototype ship girl wandering in the sea, and the ‘soul’ who sleeps here with a faint brilliance of faith.
As well as the six Deep Sea Sugis who were bathing comfortably in the underground hot springs on Lexington Island; Harbor Suhime and others on the way back; The unknown Sugis.
“It took 413 years to remove the toxins from the gauze’s [power], use the rules of the stars as food, and integrate the evil spirits and good spirits born of human belief in ships! Purify the knowledge of aliens and show them as the carrier of life.”
Naiako squinted her eyes full of laughter, and looked at Yu’s will body that exuded faint mental fluctuations.
“Do you like it? This world specially transformed for you, my Nyarlathotep meeting gift!”
“It took more than 400 years to create the [world]?”
Yuu’s figure slowly appeared in front of Naiako, looking at the brilliance of Naiako’s palm with some astonishment, letting the pure and sacred light illuminate his face.
“In my human sense, it’s an exaggerated gift!”
“This place was originally based on the information of the ship girl world recorded in Dirac’s heart, and the world specially transformed to make up for your material rule base, and also as a gift for stepping into the dominant class.”
Naiyako’s eyes were curved into crescent moons, and a faint smile appeared on her ingenious little face, as if she was remembering something.
“According to the arrangement after the initial meeting, you should have reached the advanced steps in this world, and then relied on the pre-set in the deep sea, representing the old ruler of [Darkness in the Heart of the Earth] – Nigyoda The incarnation of , arrived in the realm of the Old Ones.”
“Then we will use the corrupted planet as the material for making taboo books, and completely incorporate ourselves into our system.”
“Then, because of the appearance of that guy Cthulhu, I entered this class directly in Xingyue, did you make a mistake?”
You narrowed his eyes slightly, although he was a little unhappy that the road ahead was arranged, but to be honest, the value of being manipulated to arrange the road ahead is better than having no value.
What’s more, in this one, the one who obtained [power] is himself. Although there is a risk of personality distortion, if he is really desperate, he will still take this road.
“Although there were some accidents, in general, it was still within my personal expectations.”
“Guide the power I cut from Nigyoda, and take the initiative to give birth to those deep-sea women that suit your preferences, and at the same time use their bodies as an explanatory diagram of the basis of the rules to stabilize the foundation for you, and do a good job of stepping into the old rulers. preparation, that was my original plan.”
Hearing this, the corners of Yu’s mouth twitched slightly. She was a deep-sea woman who she liked, meaning that Nayiko’s original plan was to make him the Admiral of the Deep Sea?
“And then, after you become the ruler in advance, replace Nigyoda with a higher-level gauze incarnation, pollute your essence, and become the ruler. This is me before you came here and made arrangements. After leaving, the gauze’s acted without authorization.”
Nayko stuck out her tongue in disgust, as if she would be disgusted by saying gauze.
“However, after I discovered your nostalgia for human thinking, I came here in advance, made changes, controlled the power of the gauze incarnation, and cooperated with the rebellious planet, and gave birth to a special called Jianniang, which has the same supplementary basic utility. life.”
“Well, I’m really flattered to see you take me so seriously.”
Yu spread out his hands, shook his head and said, specifically to transform a planet, the incarnations of the two Cthulhu system rulers in the front and rear, to provide him with a foundation and enjoyment, this kind of cultivation method made him a little surprised.
“Since you are so moved,How about being eaten by me, but being reborn as my son of God? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to wash some attributes! ! ”
“Get out!! Also, didn’t you give up before? And you injected blood before, but now you just eat it?” Somewhat annoyed, Yuu forcefully broke away from the silver-haired girl who was holding Sisi around her neck, and was about to bite her .
“Kiss, just kiss~~!”
“Get lost, who knows if you will suddenly turn into a tentacle monster and swallow me in one gulp!”
“Mama, after all, I don’t have the ability to forcibly transform like gauze. Since Yu hates joining us so much, then just be a non-staff member!”
Giving up her insistence easily, Naiyako casually threw the [Glory] in Yu’s hand.
For ‘Nayako’ who was born from the ‘creeping chaos’ and was manufactured entirely based on Yu’s aesthetics and cognition, Yu’s thoughts have always been above her own.
“Since you are not going to be the ruler of the old days, then there is no need to modify this. It can be used as a material for making taboo scriptures. It can be used to make exclusive artifacts, or it can be used as a [star terminal] to control the planet. It is a gift after all. Naturally, the new owner must decide!”
Looking at the ‘brilliance’ in his palm, Yuu was silent for a while, and said to Naiyazi.
“Thank you very much!!”
Naiyazi’s eyes lit up, she leaned forward happily, and hugged Yu’s neck again, kissing his cheek like an idiot.
“If you are so grateful to me, as a reward, how about a 365-day exchange of love with me?”
“Do you want me to blend into your body and die by being sucked dry by you?!”

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