The daily life that is about to collapse
The summer season is about mid-August.
The high-hanging sun brought hot weather, causing heavy heat waves on the ground, and the shrill cicadas on the surrounding landscape trees kept ringing, causing people to be irritable in this hot and dry weather.
In the city can be seen everywhere, the common crossroads.
A dense stream of people crowded at both ends of the intersection. In this hot weather, sweating and looking eagerly at the traffic lights on the other side.
Suddenly, the light of the green light came on, and the crowd of people surging up and down.
At this moment, a yellow-brown stone slab with faint ripples fell from the sky.
“It hurts——!!!”
A cry of pain resounded through the sky.
The slate was in the middle of the crowd. Walking in the crowd, a girl hit her forehead with a heavy blow.
It only came with a scream of pain, and the slate suddenly spread out following the collision, just in front of the girl, on the knee of a spiky-headed boy who rushed over.
The scene seemed to freeze for a moment.
The black-haired, spiky-haired boy looked at the slate that hit his knee with a surprised, helpless, and accustomed look, his face turning blue and purple at that moment.
The slate that hit the knee was bounced off again by this area. It happened to hit the girl in front of her who was covering her head and screaming, and hit the soft lower abdomen, causing secondary damage.
The spiky-haired boy who fell to the ground with his knees in his arms and the girl with round eyes and blood on his forehead, covering his stomach, formed a strange scene on the zebra crossing.
“No, you can’t fall here, or it will be too late.”
The spiky-headed boy quickly got up, glanced at the ground habitually, and found that he had nothing left, hurriedly dragged his blue knees, and limped towards the opposite intersection.
The strangely fluctuating slate suddenly stagnated, and the terrifying art that had been formed stopped at that moment.
Across the book of cornerstones, the two who were observing the material world began to corner.
[According to the budget, the slate should have hit the spiky head. ]
【Eh? At the moment of rushing out of the intersection, he instinctively tightened his muscles and stagnated for 0.03 seconds? So you escaped meow? 】
[When changing direction for the second time, instinctively took a step back? Coincidence or necessity? ]
[How are you, continue? The spell has been completed, but the book of cornerstones is stained with the girl’s blood. If it is eliminated, it will take 1.2 seconds. 】
[… Give up temporarily, I have a little impression of that man’s appearance and his accustomed attitude. ]
[If it is really him, the risk of exposure of the Obliteration Technique will increase in vain, and it will directly affect our arrival. ]
Just when the two people on the timeline were whispering.
The girl who was injured twice resisted the desire to retire, raised her head slightly, and stared at the slate on the ground with extremely annoyed eyes.
While covering her stomach, she raised her free right hand, put it into the satchel she was carrying, and took out a device similar to a remote control.
Drop! The buttons on the remote are lightly hidden.
“[Class Editor 011]: Forced confession!”
With a painful low voice, walking on the street, passersby in a hurry and pedestrians watching the miserable girl all took shape for a while, and strange patterns similar to stars appeared in the depths of their eyes.
The girl took a deep breath, then slowly let it out, and then took another breath to ease her pain. She slowly raised her head, opened her shining galaxy pupils, and asked angrily.
“Did anyone see where this slate fell from?”
At this moment, Shifeng’s mood was worse than ever.
It was just a normal walk through the sidewalk. Although I was a little anxious due to the time of the green light, I walked steadily on the zebra crossing.
But, that bastard, if he is idle, he will drop a yellow and hard slate from a tall building! !
And why, coincidentally, hit her on the head? ! !
“I didn’t see it.”
“It seems to have fallen from the sky.”
“What I saw seemed to be falling straight from above.”
When the girl angrily used her mental control ability to question passers-by, her dark gray eyes silently looked at the girl, or the girl in front of her, through the slate.
What caught Yuu’s attention was nothing else, but the peculiar appearance and the strange stance that seemed to be manipulating his mind.
Like honey, the long hair that falls from the back of the head to the waist, the slender waist and the slender hands and feet are as delicate as a doll, with a childish face…
What caught Yuu’s attention the most was the girl’s beautiful pupils that shone like stars.
[The appearance and impression are very close, but, is there something wrong? ]
Yu’s line of sight gradually moved down, staring at the figure of Pingchuan, like a parking lot, and her tone couldn’t help being a little weird.
According to his impression, if the girl in front of him is really Shifeng Caoqi, the other party should have big breasts, right?
However, what’s going on with the flat loli-type Shi Feng now?
Could it be the wrong parallel world line?
[Ah, Yuu seems to have something interesting with her hairstyle? 】
[Well, two consecutive suspectedIf it was a coincidence, it would be too naive, but I didn’t expect it to be this place, a place where science and magic are intertwined. ]
[Oh, according to the knowledge stored in the egg, is there a catalog of forbidden books of magic? 】
[She looks over here, let’s wait first. ]
After failing to obtain information, the girl with long honey-colored hair came to the slate and looked angrily at the slate on the ground.
“Really, where did this thing come from!”
The impressions of the passers-by around are nothing more than falling from the sky, or at most it is only a straight fall.
However, for this zebra crossing that can look up to the sky, if it were to fall straight from the sky, how high would the slate fall? Is this an intentional murder?
And at what height did the stone fall on her forehead, it was only a bloody injury? This must be too lucky, right?
Beep! beep!
The surrounding cars made a harsh whistle.
Under the control of mind, the motionless pedestrians blocking the intersection became obstacles in the eyes of the drivers, so they issued a full of protests.
And Shokuhou Caoqi, who was awakened by the sound of the whistle, was thinking of the Lord he was in, and immediately planned to pick up the slate and leave the dangerous zebra crossing.
Whether it is to hand over the slate to the guards, or control a passerby to hold the slate to monitor the area, find the intentional murderer, and then wait for an opportunity to retaliate, it is a good choice.
She was beaten twice, and Shokuhou, who was still very uncomfortable to this day, completely inspired the little girl’s careful attention.
However, the moment his palm touched the slate, the daily life of Shifeng Caoqi, the fifth superhuman in the academy city, completely collapsed.

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