Answers that determine the outcome
It seems like there is a boom! A sound like this is normal.
Misaka Mikoto’s annoyed face, the moment Yuu’s words reached her ears, her pink face and neck turned red in an instant.
Just like a red Fuji apple that has just been watered with raindrops, its delicate appearance makes people want to take a bite.
“W-what, what nonsense are you talking about ahhhhhhhh-!!”
Like a synonym for dexterity, Misaka Mikoto quickly pulled her legs back and twisted her body suddenly., bounced to the ground on the side, like a diver, twisted his posture in a strange beauty, and landed firmly on the floor.
The arc swept across the neat and refreshing tea hair.
Obviously, the series of actions just now were achieved on the basis of the [Super Electromagnetic Cannon].
Just like Junko Fanfeng’s [Heavenly Clothes], as a railgun that also manipulates electrical signals and is even more widely used, it is not impossible to achieve the same body control no matter how you look at it.
The reason why she didn’t use it could not be because Misaka Mikoto didn’t understand how to use it.
However, in the previous girl’s shame and anger, Misaka Mikoto, who inexplicably broke through her own limits, easily completed the same skills as a gymnast.
However, the things that girls care about now are obviously not such trivial matters as ‘the ability to apply more widely’.
“Are you a pervert? You actually asked me to use my legs to clamp… clamp…!”
The excessively intense emotions caused Misaka Mikoto to stutter for a short time. She blushed, stared at Yuu with some anger and some embarrassment, and stomped her feet in place.
“If you don’t do this, will you let go?”
Yu spread out his hands, and somewhat arguably defined the act of molesting as a general act of self-preservation.
However, at the same time as he said this, his eyes involuntarily looked at Misaka Mikoto’s twisted slender legs.
According to the personal test of You’s neck, although the upper circumference is a little barren, the legs full of the atmosphere of middle school girls are completely middle school girls, showing the youthful vitality.
——It feels surprisingly good, very energetic.
“You were staring at my legs just now, right? You’re definitely staring at me, right!”
At this moment, Misaka Mikoto’s visual perception of the opposite sex was raised to the limit. There were even tears in her annoyed eyes, and she kept staring at Yu’s face with extremely annoyed eyes.
“Hey, can the funny sitcom stop for a while?”
The third person who had been silent for a long time let out a pleasant laugh.
Misaka Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and looked at the honey-haired girl standing beside the bed smiling, her eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.
“Ah, Mikoto has been taken as a general.”
Yuu, who had already noticed it, shrugged regretfully, without any sense of the culprit at all.
Misaka Mikoto was stunned. She was about to say something, but she closed her mouth due to excessive surprise.
Outside the door that opened with the creaking sound, there were many members named [Shijing Faction]. They were led by a gentle woman with light purple curly hair, blocking the door like an iron wall.
Misaka Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look out the window.
With all kinds of equipment, the girls who seemed to be able to activate props with slight smiles completely blocked the open space outside the window.
As Yuu said, Misaka Mikoto, who had all the passages blocked, was really taken by the general this time!
“It’s also feasible to use an electromagnetic attack to defeat the human wall in front of you, or directly smash the wall, and forcibly escape.” Yuu suggested an escape plan to Misaka Mikoto in plain words.
The faces of the faction members who surrounded Misaka Mikoto couldn’t help but change. Some girls quietly changed their positions, as if they were guarding against Yu’s plan.
The kind reminder woke up the faction members and at the same time Misaka Mikoto, who was at a loss, as if she was helping both parties at the same time, and at the same time hurting both parties.
Yuu, who was intent on aggravating the conflict, looked playfully at the farce in front of him.
Yes, in his eyes, this is just an interesting farce.
While both sides were on guard, Shifeng Caoqi took a step forward, stuffed the remote control into his satchel, took a deep breath, and raised his right hand slightly under Misaka Mikoto’s surprised eyes.
“…Let’s reconcile!”
The surprising words naturally caused everyone to exclaim.
They didn’t expect that when Misaka Mikoto became the turtle in the urn, the victor, Shimin Koki, would actually make a reconciliation statement.
“…What the hell are you doing?”
Misaka Mikoto took a step back cautiously, looking at Shifeng Caoqi with a wary expression, obviously not believing the kindness sent by Shifeng Caoqi.
In the end, after being hunted down for a long time, he has been forced to the end, and the other party would choose to reconcile, and even a fool knows that there is a problem.
“Don’t be so wary~~☆”
A sweet and sweet voice like honey came out of Shifeng Caoqi’s mouth. She blinked her lovely eyes and looked at Misaka Mikoto, who was all guarded, with a funny look.
“Actually, the power used to arrest you has already aroused the vigilance of the school’s top management. If you don’t stop it, even if I have [Psychological Mastery], it will be extremely troublesome to eliminate the impact, and if you forcefully erase your memory, Fierce fighting will completely destroy the apparent calm I have maintained.”
Shi Feng Cao Qi paused, spread out his white silk gloved hands, and sighed helplessly.
“No matter how you look at it, it’s a lose-lose ending. Is it normal for me to choose reconciliation?!”
However, in fact, the school’s impression is that Shi Feng Caoqi still has the ability to eliminate it. One of the reasons for choosing to reconcile is the interaction between Yu and Misaka Mikoto.
That kind of acquaintance-like attitude had a heavy blow to her confidence in borrowing the Book of Cornerstones.
And more importantly, in the hesitation before, Shifeng Caoqi discovered that he didn’t want to hurt Misaka Mikoto.
Not that she became a lily party, butIt is the only ‘proof’ left behind as a dead friend. In the bottom of her heart, she didn’t want to be rough with Misaka Mikoto.
As for the noise on weekdays, in her opinion, it is nothing more than the interaction between friends.
After he figured it out, Shifeng Caoqi pursed his cherry lips, showing a bright and lively smile, and looked at Misaka Mikoto with a smile.
“So, what are your thoughts?”
For a while, as if moved by the bright smile, Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth with a clear hesitant look on her face.

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