The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

The Strongest Deduction of Comprehensive Comics Chapter 560

At the same time, nearly a hundred fighters, under the guidance of the leading Hellcat fighter, came to the sky above the sea area.

"Life and death are only in the blink of an eye." CV-16, who was 20 nautical miles away, waved his right arm indifferently.

In the next second, pitch-black raindrops poured out towards the sea surface, and the black grains the size of peanuts, like bait for feeding fish, smashed down.

The ignorant deep-sea perch opened its mouth wide as if there was no one around, breathing like a drum.

As if it had been rehearsed, grains of black 'peanuts' fell into the wide open mouth with incomparable precision.

In the next moment, a dull roar exploded.

With a huge roar, the deep-sea habitat hit by the shell exploded like a bursting balloon.

A series of black flesh and blood fragments exploded on the tranquil sea area, and there were bursts of pops! Snapped! The sound of splashing water.

It was just a wave of carrier-based aircraft bombing, and at least 30 deep-sea habitat ships were ruthlessly sunk into the bottom of the sea.

Its spread is even more incomparably wide, nearly half of the deep sea has broken through the armor, exposing the black flesh and blood underneath.

"The hit rate is so high." Essex narrowed her eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice.

Although the body of the deep-sea habitat is quite large, it is impossible for Essex to accurately throw the bomb into the mouth of a deep sea 20 nautical miles away.

At least, without relying on Yu's admiral's network assistance, she thinks she can't achieve this precision.

"Saturation strikes with this precision may not require battleships to do it!"

A gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, and CV-16 said with a serious face, as if relying on himself to wipe out all the enemy deep sea.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bismarck, who had sunk a deep-sea battleship, turned his head and asked along with the huge roar of shelling.

‘No, no, that’s not stupid, let me translate it, ahem! '

'You deep-sea scumbags have been surrounded by me alone, quickly surrender obediently, open your mouth, and wait to eat a high-explosive bomb from me! ! '

CV-16 staggered, unable to maintain that serious expression any longer, and shouted coquettishly through the admiral's network with shame and anger: "Commander, what are you talking about!!!!"

‘Didn’t I translate what’s in my heart for you? ’ You’s smiling voice reached everyone’s minds.


As Lexington, who was beside Yuu, burst out laughing, the admiral's network was filled with the slightly teasing laughter of the six ship girls.

At the same time, in the distant sea area, the people in the deep sea who were suddenly attacked suddenly floated up, and the radar signals continued to explode.

In just a few seconds, nearly a hundred pairs of scarlet eyes locked onto several figures 20 nautical miles away.

The brilliant red light on the sea level kept flickering, and the next moment, the shells were fired amidst the roar.

However, if the football-sized cannonball can hit those petite girls at a distance of 20 nautical miles, then the steel battleship will not be eliminated by the deep sea and the ship girl.

Looking at the flower of death that exploded a thousand meters away, Veneto sneered, the huge Italian cannon behind him quickly adjusted its angle, and said with a look of disdain.

"Accept the baptism of the strongest artillery fire, miscellaneous fish!!"

boom--! ! ! ! ! ! !

The gorgeous flower of death blooms suddenly on the sea level.

For a moment, the sea surface for several sea miles was covered by orange flames and billowing black smoke. The blood of the deep-sea dwelling ship polluted a large area of ​​the sea surface, and even blazing flames continued to burn on it.

"Obviously only 6 people can achieve this kind of firepower that is close to the level of an aircraft carrier battle group?"

Yura lowered the brim of her hat, looking at the scene of gunfire outside through the windshield.

Lexington next to him said with a look of emotion.

"Yes, Commander. It is precisely because of this that steel warships have been eliminated by the times. The current sea is already a sea of ​​deep seas and ship mothers."

Looking at the scene of gunfire outside, Yuu, who has seen the wind and waves, has long been accustomed to the scene in front of him, and even vaguely dissatisfied with the level of firepower.

You slightly squinted your eyes, and said in a flat tone.

"However, in my opinion, the firepower is still too weak. I guess I have to find a time to change the ship equipment for you."

"Oh?" Lexington was surprised, nodded with a smile.

"Then, I will look forward to the Commander's 'gift'."

The low-level deep sea without the command of Shenhai Qiji is like a mess of loose sand. Even if it has 20 times the number of its own, it will be wiped out within half an hour of the naval battle.

Its remains were burned by raging fire on the sea surface for half an hour, and then slowly extinguished under the endless sea water.

However, Yuu on the yacht was troubled by a problem.

As we all know, there are three ways to obtain a ship girl: building a ship, salvaging a ship, and purifying a ship.

You have played with something like Dajian a few times, and you understand its procedures more or less. As for the ready-made thing of fishing a boat, you are naturally clear about it.

After all, the purpose of his opening up the Qingdao route this time is to fish for boats.

However, Yuu, who had only purified a certain Mrs. Fukami once before, said that he couldn't understand things like purification.

On the deck of the yacht, looking at the fresh 'elementary school students' who almost filled the entire deck in front of them and the few girls who vaguely only had 2 or 3 people, the expression on Yuu's face was a little confused.

"What the hell does this happen!!!!"

Chapter 90 The part-time population py's Governor's Mansion!


Exhale rhythmically.

Veneto put one arm around the waist of a petite brown-haired little girl, and carried the dizzy little girl to the deck along the simple gangway lowered down the side of the yacht.

It wasn't that she didn't want to put the little girl with a frowning face in front of her, who seemed to be having some nightmare, into the cabin with soft cushions.

It was because the twelve rooms of the armed yacht were already filled.

Except for the most important wheelhouse and the passage that must be cleared for the convenience of attacking, the entire yacht has been occupied by 'elementary school students'.

Seeing Veneto skillfully place a little girl on a vacant deck position next to the row of ship girls, and then go into the sea again, the corner of Yuu's mouth twitched with a numb face.

Anyone who sees 6 rows neatly arranged on the spacious deck, and it is estimated that there are more than 30 destroyer "schoolchildren" lying on the ground having nightmares, will have a strange expression like Yuu.

Especially, when the faces of these little girls are slightly delicate and unusually beautiful, the sense of weirdness becomes stronger.

Because this scene is so similar to the painting in the early stage of a certain American development that Yuu had seen.

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