The Strongest Demon Front

One hundred and sixteen, gifts


a certain neighborhood.

Du Lin stood on the balcony, looking at the media coverage cars, reporters, and cheerful neighbors in the community.

She was in a good mood.

However, he pretended to be very unhappy.

"Isn't it just going home? Isn't it too much trouble to make such a big battle?" She complained and said angrily.

Suspected of uprightness.

Chu Jianan glanced at his wife helplessly.

"If you really don't want to watch it, just like me, sitting on the sofa and watching TV, isn't it over? You want to stand on the balcony, what else do you say... eh."

"Okay, okay, my wife is right. I was wrong, I was wrong."

Du Lin gave him a blank look, and Chu Jianan immediately habitually admitted it.

He sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, eating watermelon and watching TV.

What was played on a loop on the TV was Chu Ge's goal in the Madrid derby.

Watermelon in June is still very expensive.

But isn't the son coming back today?

Don't say it's expensive, even if it is more than ten times more expensive, you have to buy it back for your son to eat, right?

Of course, if it is ten times more expensive...

Then let's talk about it, anyway, watermelon is not just needed.

"I'm standing on the balcony so that I can see my son coming back as soon as possible. You elm head, you don't understand."

Du Lin looked at the busy reporters and said plausibly.

"Our son is so smart. He will definitely not come back swaggering when he sees so many people. Can you see him on the balcony? I don't believe it."

Chu Jianan began to die again.

"Did I let you eat the watermelon on the table? I bought it for my son."


What you said makes sense...

Chu Jianan looked at the watermelon in his hand, swallowed, and struggled to put the watermelon in his hand.

At this time.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it? Is there someone knocking on the door at this time?" Du Lin was a little puzzled.

Chu Jianan stood up from the sofa, "Maybe our son is back, let's go and have a look."

Du Lin scoffed at her husband's statement, "It's not like our son has no keys. You think they're all the same as you, and they're lost."

Chu Jianan walked to the door and looked out from the cat's eye.

At first glance, he saw a man with a hat on his head, a mask on his face, and a yellow backpack on his back. He didn't know him, but he seemed a little familiar.

Beside him, there is a little girl wearing big sunglasses and a mask.

"It's such a hot day, aren't these two hot?" Chu Jianan thought.

"Who is it?" Du Lin's voice came from the balcony.

"I don't know, two weirdos." Chu Jianan replied casually.

At this moment, a woman's low voice came from outside the door.

"Uncle Chu, Aunt Du, it's me."

As soon as he heard this voice, Chu Jianan immediately knew who it was, and he immediately opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, the man rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.

Chu Jianan was startled, and he almost fell on his back.

"Dad!" The man shouted excitedly.

Behind, the girl quickly closed the door.

Chu Jianan was clever and reacted.

"Son! Son!"

He hugged Chu Ge tightly.

"Our son is back?!"

When Du Lin heard this, she hurriedly ran from the balcony to the living room. Because of her excitement and the slippery ground, she almost stumbled and fell.

Seeing her mother staggering, Chu Ge quickly pushed her father away and ran towards her.

Seeing that his mother stood firm, he immediately rushed over and hugged Du Lin.


You are still so young and beautiful! "

"Old Chu, look, look, your son can talk more than you. I love to hear this!" Du Lin proudly showed off holding her son without letting go.


Chu Jian'an didn't answer, he beckoned Lin Murong to change his shoes.

"Why are you dressed like this, I almost didn't recognize the two of you."

"Uncle Chu, isn't this because your son is too hot! If you don't dress up like this, I'm afraid the two of us won't be able to get in. Fortunately, you gave me the access card for the underground garage last time, and we just slipped out of the garage. Come up. Hee hee."

"Don't Chu Ge have a key?"

"No, he said the last time he flew to Madrid, he took out the keys and gave them to you at the airport. He didn't take them with him."

"Oh, yes. Look at my memory." Chu Jianan slapped his forehead.

Lin Murong took off her mask, changed her shoes, and went to help Chu Ge take off the mask and hat.

Looking at her son, Du Lin suddenly felt a little sad.

"You've turned black. This year, you have suffered a lot."

"Where is it? I had a good time there. Besides, it's not called black, it's called a little wheatish color, which is the healthiest skin color."

"Cristiano Ronaldo has this skin color, and I'm not as black as him."

"Look again."

With that said, Chu Ge rolled up his shirt, showing his abdominal muscles, showing off his biceps again, showing off: "Your son is in great shape now! Much stronger than before!"

Chu Jianan also came over.

Seeing his son's muscles, he couldn't help but nodded again and again, "It's much stronger. Much stronger than some of our national football team members."

"Of course, I practice every day."

Chu Ge said proudly.

When he first went abroad, his weight was only 64kg, which was still the weight after gaining weight.

At school, he was only 59kg.

Now, Chu Ge's weight has reached 70kg, and his height has risen to 181cm.

More importantly, his body fat rate has dropped to around 11 now, which means that the weight he has gained is all muscle group weight.

In terms of physical confrontation, as long as they are not those who are too strong to be abnormal, Chu Ge will generally not suffer too much. Coupled with the technical advantages, it is difficult for a general defender to rely solely on his body to take advantage of Chu Ge.

"Come on, don't stand talking, let's sit on the sofa and eat watermelon."

Du Lin hurriedly greeted her son and Lin Murong to sit down.

Chu Ge opened the backpack he brought with him.

First of all, I took out a pile of cosmetics, many of which were two copies, one for my mother and the other for Lin Murong.

These are all selected by Su Qingqing.

As a straight man of steel, Chu Ge's head is big when he sees these gadgets in bottles and cans. And, despite being small, these are super expensive.

Disguise is simply sorcery!

Of course, this can't be said nonsense.

Especially when I saw my mother holding these cosmetics in her hands and smiling from ear to ear.

Lin Murong didn't expect her gift, her eyes turned into crescents when she smiled.

In addition to cosmetics, there are also some health products.

It was also chosen by Su Qingqing.

Chu Ge took it all out.

Finally, a few jerseys.

There are Zidane's No. 5 jersey, Ronaldo's No. 7 jersey, James' No. 10 jersey, Casillas' No. 1 jersey, Ramos' No. 4 jersey, Marcelo's No. 12 jersey, etc. Of course, there is also Chu Ge's own No. 23 jersey.

These are all autographed.

Among them, on the clothes of Ronaldo and Marcelo, they also wrote in Chinese, "Papa Chu is healthy."

The writing is not very good-looking, but it is the handwriting of two big stars, which is unique.

In addition, some Real Madrid souvenirs, such as scarves, water glasses, etc., are also signed.

These are all gifts that Chu Ge prepared for the fans' father.

He also asked Ronaldo for a few autographed photos for his father, some of which were taken with Chu Ge.

Except for the gifts, there was nothing left in the backpack, and the other items were placed in the hotel together with "Jiu Sen".

Looking at these gifts, Chu Jianan was very happy.

Especially seeing the photo of Ronaldo with his son.

In the photo, Ronaldo and his son are side by side, very close.

Chu Jianan watched football when he was young and also chased stars. Ronaldo was his idol at that time. Now that I am older, the former feeling of chasing stars has faded away. Although Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi are both powerful, Chu Jian's peace of mind has lost the excitement that he had when watching Ronaldo play.

Chu Jianan was both happy and relieved to see the original idol standing side by side with his son.

"I don't know if my son can be like him and become an idol in the hearts of a generation of fans."

He couldn't help thinking.

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