The Strongest Demon Front

Three hundred and three, The Old Man and the Sea

Chu Ge's pass error caused Wolfsburg to play a quick counterattack, and Real Madrid's goal was almost lost.


And none of his teammates blamed him for it.

Chu Ge's passing line was actually chosen very well. If it wasn't for Henrik to return to the defense and let Chu Ge pass the ball, and the football was sent to Ronaldo's feet, then there would be another chance for a near-single goal.

Just like the last time Chu Ge assisted Ronaldo to score.

On the football field, all forward through balls will bear certain risks. You can't go wrong with a conservative style of play, but it's also hard to bring goals.

This is the so-called, the greater the risk, the higher the return.


Bell's fans will obviously not let Chu Ge's pass error pass this time.

On the Internet, they took advantage of the issue and once again questioned Zidane's decision to replace Bell with Chu Ge in the starting lineup.

"It's hard to imagine that a champion player like Bell was put on the bench in such a crucial game. Moreover, the one who replaced him was actually a Chinese."

"I'm not saying Chu is bad. But Bell is stronger than him."

"Chu is still young, he can still wait, Zidane is so anxious to put him in charge, why does he look down on me like Bell?"

"If Bell was on the court, he would definitely not make such a low-level mistake, allowing Wolfasburg to steal the ball directly and counterattack. If Draxler hadn't shot a little higher, the score would be 1:2 now! Wolfsburg will not only lead the total score, but also have an away goal!"

"If Wolfsburg score, Real Madrid must score four goals to advance. My God!"

"If Real Madrid is eliminated in this game, Zidane's employment will definitely be a big problem!"

They fought for Bell.

"Didn't Xiaode's shot miss?"

"The players are working hard on the court, but the keyboard man only shows his superiority by typing."

"Don't forget, although the two goals of our team were scored by Ronaldo, they were also assisted by Chu!"

"Two assists are going to be sprayed, and Fei Dian is talking about you keyboard warriors, right?"

"No matter how bad Zidane is, he is better than you. If you say he can't, you can do it."

Soon, fans of Real Madrid or Chu Ge fought back.

The two sides began to have some disputes.

Focus games will always attract a large number of fans, and fans from some opposing camps, as well as some barbers who enjoy bragging will also be mixed in. All kinds of rhythms make the fans drool.

And more fans are silent.

They only care about the game, not the war of words.

For most fans, in today's game, all Real Madrid players did their best, and everyone deserves praise.

The only regret.

That is, until the end of the first half of the game, the score on the field never changed again.

In the fierce fighting, the first half of the game ended.


Real Madrid is still two goals ahead of Wolfsburg.

After the referee blew the whistle, the players of the two teams went to the player tunnel one after another.

As Chu Ge walked, he was still thinking about his missed pass.

Like the previous assist, for this pass, Chu Ge also used Guti's through pass skill.

The first time it works, but the second time it fails.

Between the gains and losses, Chu Ge needs to sum up some things by himself.

"Still thinking about that missed pass?"

Modric walked to Chu Ge's side.

Seeing that Chu Ge was frowning and thinking, he smiled and quickly guessed what Chu Ge was thinking.


Chu Ge nodded.

"Through balls must be risky, and you don't have to take it too seriously if you make a mistake."

Modric didn't think much, patted Chu Ge on the shoulder, and comforted him a few words.

"I know. I'm not obsessed with turnovers, I'm just thinking, is there something I didn't do well enough on that pass.


Chu Ge is not so glassy.

If you make a mistake, you make a mistake, admit your mistake, and get beaten at attention.

There is nothing to say.


Isn't failure success?

Learn from failed passes to become even better.

"Oh, you're thinking about that." Modric smiled, "Shall I tell you my opinion?"

On one hundred ways of passing the through ball.

In this industry, Magic Flute is a master figure.


Chu Ge didn't talk nonsense, and immediately climbed up the pole.

Teacher Magic Flute deals cards online, such an opportunity is rare.

"What do you say about that pass? The route is correct. Ronaldo can almost run out of the gap. If you pass it, it will be a single-handed ball. From the design of the pass, there is no big problem."

"However, the through ball is not so easy to pass."

"It doesn't count if you see the opportunity. You have to make sure that the opportunity is not a flaw deliberately revealed by the opponent, or a trap left by the opponent."

"Take your pass as an example."

"C Ronaldo is in a good position, but not only you know it, but also the opponent's players. Can they not take precautions? There is Ronaldo passing in front of you. You have been staring at his running position, and even a fool knows it. You want to pass the ball like this."

"Why did you pass the pass successfully the first time? That's because besides Ronaldo, you still have Benzema in front, and then I'm on the right. The opponent is not easy to defend, and I didn't expect you to pass through, so you made it."

"Simply repeat the same move a second time, and if the opponent doesn't know how to defend, it's an amateur."

"Wolfsburg is obviously not an amateur team!"

"Your passing intention is too obvious."

"Of course, it doesn't mean that a through ball with an obvious passing intention must not be passed. It also depends on the situation. The few times I passed you the ball before, some intentions were also obvious. But why can I pass it successfully? Because I am familiar with your characteristics. You sprint fast, and I gave you enough room to accelerate. Even if the opposing defender knows how I pass, he can't catch up with you, and he still can't defend."

"As for the failed pass you passed to Ronaldo, Ronaldo didn't have enough space in front of him, and you forced the pass, the opponent was prepared, and he would naturally succeed in stealing."


Modric draped Chu Ge's shoulders, patiently analyzing bit by bit.

Not only told Chu Ge why he made mistakes, but also told Chu Ge bit by bit of his own experience to help him how to do his best.

Playing with these star players not only makes it easier to play football, but also learns a lot of experience.

Chu Ge nodded while listening.

The Magic Flute was so right.

Chu Ge only noticed that the skill was on, but he didn't think about whether it was the right time to use the skill at that time, so he made a mistake and almost made Real Madrid pay the tuition for his recklessness.

After Modric's on-site teaching, Chu Ge has a deeper understanding of the timing of passing the ball.

The skills of the system are very powerful, but it also requires Chu Ge to grasp the timing of using the skills well. Instead of copying them mechanically, he must integrate them thoroughly, deeply understand the skills of his predecessors, integrate them into his own technical movements, and use them reasonably.

Only in this way can he become stronger.


"Old man, it's halftime, what are you still doing staring at the TV?"

Kathy started nagging again.

"The doctor said, you should pay more attention to rest."

Listening to his wife's chatter, Sir Ferguson smiled, and he was still staring at the screen.

"It's okay, I'll just watch the game for a while, what can happen."

He didn't care.

On the screen, Ronaldo walked over.

Looking at Ronaldo on the screen, Ferguson's eyes were full of doting.

Despite being nearly three years away from his job as United manager, Ferguson has never really left football.

While watching the horse race, he will still pay attention to his Manchester United and Ronaldo from time to time.

These two football kids of his forever.

On the screen, Ronaldo walked quickly and calmly.


The figures of Chu Ge and Magic Flute appeared in the camera.


Ferguson looked at Chu Ge.

He was a little emotional.

"If Ed could have listened to my advice last summer, this kid would be wearing a Manchester United jersey by now..."

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