The Strongest Demon Front

sixty-ninth, two thousand and fourteen closing

Chu Ge is a double football player, his main foot is his right foot.

Whether it's playing on the left or on the right, for Chu Ge, it's actually the same.

He's all inside kicks.

Rarely pass.

On the left, he can cut inside and hit the goal with his right foot, and his shot is powerful.

On the right side, you can cut inside and shoot with your left foot. Sometimes the left foot shot has a strong concealment and can be unexpected.

However, if it is really necessary to pass, Chu Ge is on the right, and the accuracy will be higher with the right foot.

In addition to the left and right, Chu Ge can also serve as a center when in the middle.

However, his characteristic of playing center is not a standing center in the traditional sense, and he does not have this physical condition.

He's more used to dropping back with the ball.

If there is a chance, break through along the middle; if there is no chance, divide the football to the side, or hand it over to other teammates, and move to find a neutral position.

Which position is more suitable for him, Zidane is also exploring.

Therefore, in different games, Chu Ge is often arranged in different positions.

However, in modern football, the position of football players on the field is usually not fixed.

Even a winger, when the center pulls the edge, will push to the center position. If the full-back makes an assist, the winger will sometimes go into the box and become the center of the team.

Therefore, Chu Ge didn't care much about where he played. As long as he is a striker, he can do it.

December 9.

The final round of the UEFA Youth League group stage.

Real Madrid youth team against Ludogorets.

Ludogorets have lost all of their previous five games and are relatively weak. In addition to the tasks of Chu Ge and Castilla, the two games were only two days apart. Therefore, Chu Ge did not participate in this game.

Taking advantage of Chu Ge's absence and the fact that the opponent was a fish-belly team, the chicken thief's Marajor happily brushed the data in this game.

He scored a total of three goals and a hat-trick in this game.

As a result, the Real Madrid youth team swept Ludogorets 6-0.

They won easily and secured the first place in the group.

In the other game of the group, the Liverpool youth team defeated Basel 3-0 and became the second team to qualify for the group.

After the group stage, Chelsea's Dominic Solanke was the top scorer.

Chu Ge


Mayor ranked second in the scorer list.

Marajor scored a total of 7 goals.

Most of his goals were basically gifted by opening the Ludogorets spree.

Chu Ge scored 5 goals in the Youth Champions League, ranking fourth in the scorer list. Three of his goals were gifted by Liverpool, and the other two were scored in the Basel game.

Five goals in two games is his current report card in this event.

The third on the scorer list is also an acquaintance.

Jerome Sinclair, who played for Liverpool's youth team, scored 6 goals.

With Ludogorets in the group, Sinclair and Marajor both scored well.

In addition to Real Madrid and Liverpool, the other teams that have qualified for the group are Atlético de Madrid, Olympiacos, Benfica, Zenit, Anderlecht, Arsenal, Manchester City, Roma, Ajax, Barcelona, ​​Chelsea, Schalle Gram 04, Shakhtar Donetsk and Porto.

Among the above-mentioned teams, the odd-numbered team won the first place in the group, and the even-numbered team won the second place in the group.

Real Madrid's record is five wins and one loss, with 15 points to qualify.

In other groups, the teams with 15 or more points are Atlético de Madrid (15), Manchester City (18) and Chelsea (15).

These four teams

The best team in the group stage.

Real Madrid's goal difference is seventeen.

Atletico Madrid, Manchester City and Chelsea have a goal difference of six, 18 and 21 respectively.

In addition to Real Madrid, the most powerful team is undoubtedly the Premier League duo, Manchester City and Chelsea.

The Manchester City team was originally a death team.

In addition to the two line-up teams of Manchester City and Rome, there are also the Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich and the traditional Russian giants, CSKA Moscow.

As a result, Manchester City won the group and scored 18 goals.

In the two games facing Nandawang, Manchester City played 4:1 away and 6:0 at home, showing that they were significantly better than their opponents, and Bayern Munich had to bow down.

It is worth mentioning that the goal difference of this group except Manchester City is positive, the goal difference of the other three teams are all negative.

Even Roma, who are second in the group, are no exception.

Another Premier League giants, Chelsea's performance is also exceptionally good.

Their offensive firepower is the most exaggerated.

In the group stage, they beat Schalke 04 4:1.

The two rounds with Sporting Portugal (that is, Sporting Lisbon) were 5:0 and 6:0 respectively.

The two rounds with Slovenia's Maribor were 2:0 and 7:0 respectively.

With the exception of the 2-0 away loss to Schalke 04, Chelsea have scored 24 goals in five games and conceded just one.

Whether attacking or defending, Chelsea were the strongest team in the group stage.

Among these four teams, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid are not very optimistic due to the lack of star-level players.

Among the Premier League duo, Chelsea is the No. 1 favourite to win the title, while Manchester City is the No. 2 favourite.

Following the conclusion of the UEFA Youth League, the group stage of the UEFA Champions League has also come to an end.

Like the group stage, the Real Madrid first team emerged from the group strongly.

However, unlike the youth team, Real Madrid are the defending champions of the Champions League this season. With their strong strength, they are undoubtedly the number one favorite to win the European Cup.

The quarter-finals are about two months away.

At that time, the UEFA Champions League and the European Youth League will hold a draw ceremony to decide the opponents each team faces in the knockout round.

In Castilla, Chu Ge also ushered in his last game in 2014.

The eighteenth round of the Spanish Serie B Group B match.

This round, Castilla's opponent is CD Guadalajara.

In this game, Chu Ge was still the starter.

He appears on the right wing.

During the game, Chu Ge continued his recent good state.

Not only did he score a goal, but he also provided two assists for his teammates.

In the end, Castilla defeated Guadalajara with a score of 4:1 and won the 2014 league finale.

Castilla got off to a bad start in the 2014 B-League.

Especially during the coaching stage of Zidane, they suffered a five-game losing streak and ranked at the bottom of the league.

However, in the middle of the league, with the joining of Chu Ge, they gradually exerted their strength.

Now, in 18 rounds of the league, they have reached 32 points and averaged 1.78 points per game, ranking second in the league.

Just two points behind top-ranked Huesca.

If such a league ranking is maintained until the end of the league, Castilla can be promoted and enter the La Liga next season.

Chu Ge started from the tenth round of the league and played a total of seven games.

In these seven games, Chu Ge scored ten goals and three assists, and participated in 13 goals for the team.

He is tied with Atletico Madrid's Dani Aquino for third on the current scorer list.

In the seven games that Chu Ge played, Castilla remained undefeated, and the momentum of scoring points was fierce.

It is no exaggeration to say that Castilla can rank second in the league, and Chu Ge's credit is not the first, but also the second.

He is Castilla's biggest discovery this season!

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