In addition to resentment, Wang Xun's black line at the moment was unwilling.

"Hmph, I'm not convinced, come again!" Wang Xun shouted angrily.

"Okay, welcome at any time, just talk." Su Chen turned his head and shrugged, his expression relaxed.

"Listen well, I'm Russian, riding a strange horse, stretching a long bow, and fighting each other, and the eight kings of the piano, the pipa, and the king.

As soon as Wang Xun's voice fell, and everyone was about to sigh with Wang Xun's problems, Su Chen shook the folding fan and smiled slightly, coming without even wanting to open his mouth.

"You, you, fake, Qiu Qiuyi, you can take it together, the four little ghosts, ghosts and ghosts are on the side!"

"Humph!" Wang Xun said when he saw that Su Chen was so quick to answer, of course he was still afraid to be angry, and said, "Everyone is said to be said, everyone is said to be said, it is better not to say! "

"It's just a trivial pediatrics department." Su Chen sneered disdainfully, "The official is in charge, the official is in charge, the official is in charge, it's better to leave it alone!"

"What?" Wang Xun couldn't help showing a look of shock when he saw that the Shanglian with such a slurred voice was quickly corrected by Su Chen.

Even he, who is known as the king of the pair, had not been able to give an appropriate answer within half a time.

"Chickens and dogs cross the Shuangqiao Bridge, plum blossoms and bamboo leaves all the way?" Wang Xun asked unwillingly again.

"Yanying wears the embroidered screen, half-window jade cuts gold branches!" Su Chen said quickly without blinking, and the skill that came with opening his mouth was extremely admirable.

"Dry gossip, kun gossip, eighty-eight sixty-four hexagrams, the hexagram universe has been set, Luan nine tones, phoenix nine tones, ninety-nine and eighty-one tones, sound to luan and phoenix and ming?

Wang Xun was unwilling to say the last pair. This is a double pair of upper couplet. It requires a neat confrontation and confrontation. The requirements for the lower couplet are very demanding. So far, no talent has been able to say one. Perfect next link!

As soon as Wang Xun asked this question, a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He thought that no one had got the answer to this question at all. I think how do you answer it?

As soon as Wang Xun’s words fell, everyone took a deep breath. Many knowledgeable talents understood the difficulty of this Shanghai League and knew that Wang Xun had no choice but to win against Su Chen. determination.

But many people have a slight contempt for Wang Xun.

"Cut, it's another problem that a three-year-old kid can do. I think it's a rare idiot. Listen to all of them!"

Su Chen suddenly felt that there was such a difficulty when he heard it, but immediately the answer was already in his mind, and he immediately shouted with disdain.

"Yang counts nine, yin six counts, counts ninety-six fifty-four, counts yin and yang to be sure!" Su Chen said the first sentence of the Xianlian, and suddenly paused, covering his head and instantly plunged into contemplation.

"Hahaha, the dignified and all-powerful Master Su is also stumped, even if he only said the first sentence, it won't work!" Zhang Shuyu laughed proudly when he saw it, stood up and sneered.

"Shut up, Master Zhang, if it were you, could you say even one sentence of this unsolved next couplet so quickly?"

Liu Yunshang was very uncomfortable when he saw it, and immediately stood up to speak for Su Chen, glaring at Zhang Shuyu.

"Liu Yunshang, you!!!" Zhang Shuyu was so angry that he couldn't speak again, so he sat down with an aggrieved expression and drank the stuffy tea alone.

At this moment, Concubine Shu's eyes were also full of expectant flashes, her beautiful eyes faintly, and she looked expectantly at Su Chen.

She also knew how difficult this question was, but she couldn't help pinning hope on Su Chen, hoping that he would be able to say the correct and complete xialian and solve this unsolvable problem for a long time.

Su Chen is unprecedented. For some reason, Concubine Shu began to believe him very much, and placed great hopes on him, looking forward to seeing from him what others could not do.

"I understand!!"

The next moment, Su Chen suddenly burst into laughter.

what? Can it be solved so quickly? Is it too enchanting?

Su Chen ignored the doubts and admiration of those people, and walked slowly around the hall step by step, and said slowly as he walked:

"Yang nine number, Yin six number, ninety six fifty-four number, counting Yin and Yang has constancy" Su Chen took a step and said, and he seemed to be measuring something. Everyone watching was in the clouds and mist, "Tian Jiu Zhong, Nine layers of earth, ninety-nine and eighty-one layers, the world is divided early!"

Su Chen chanted to this and stopped abruptly. Everyone thought that this was the correct link of the incomprehensible couplet. They wanted to cheer for Su Chen, but Su Chen stretched out his hand and stopped.

Immediately, Su Chen stepped forward again and said, "Seven days of yin, seven days of yang, seven forty-nine days, harmony between yin and yang every day!"

"This is the complete lower couplet, mother-child couplet!!" Su Chen added, after saying.

"What? Three sentences? But it sounds like that!"

Some people began to wonder, this couplet was rarely seen by them, and now they couldn't help but reveal their doubts when they heard the answer from Su Chen's mouth.

"Okay, that's it, this is the real Xianlian!!" Just when someone questioned, Liu Yunshang was the first to stand up to support Su Chen and applaud.

"Fart, although this sounds very right, but where is the so-called mother-child couplet, you must be wrong!" Seeing Liu Yunshang coming out to support Su Chen, Zhang Shuyu couldn't bear it again.

"Huh, shut up, you don't know what the goods are!" Su Chen scolded in disdain even after hearing this, "A mere generation of ants, even if they don't know the goods, they dare to speak nonsense!"

"You!!" Zhang Shuyu was so angry that he was so angry today is the first time in his life!

"Yes, this is the mother-child couplet that we have never noticed before, so no matter what the Xianlian should be, we always feel that something is missing, and we have been unable to get the correct answer. What Master Su said is the correct answer. !"

Concubine Shu's beautiful eyes widened, she spoke for Su Chen, and her admiration for Su Chen rose to a new level.

"Yes, what the imperial concubine empress said is extremely true." Su Chen smiled slightly and cast an appreciative look at Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu was also "chuckled" with a smile when Su Chen saw it in this way.

"Okay, I announce that Master Su will come out on top and win the victory, Master Wang, Master Zhang, do you have any objections?"

Immediately, Concubine Shu stood up and said slowly.

As soon as Concubine Shu made this statement, everyone on the court continued to shout and applaud, and all kinds of flattering words continued to bombard Su Chen.

Wang Xun and Zhang Shuyu had a black line at this time, and they almost didn't faint with anger.

Although they and Liu Yunshang are known as the three great talents in Beijing, each has its own strengths, but they all lost completely, and they lost facelessly. They were crushed by Su Chen severely, and they failed to win from beginning to end. Even a trace!

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