Ok, I will wait for you! Hurry up and start your performance, otherwise I will change my mind when it's late! "Su Chen smiled contemptuously.

Zhang Shuyu was slightly startled when he heard it, and quickly stepped away and ran.

At the same time, he was running barefoot on the snow-filled ground, feeling sour and sour all over his body. The biting cold stimulated the soles of his feet and made him scream, and at the same time he kept jumping up, his appearance was very impressive. Laughing.


Zhang Shuyu jumped and jogged in embarrassment while still clutching the indescribable parts below him. His appearance was really a big laugh, which made everyone laugh wildly, and made some people who didn't like this person very angry!


Unexpectedly, the arrogant Zhang Gongzi at that time can actually end up today! "

"Hahaha, laughed at me, no, I'm going to laugh on the spot!"

"Hmph, this person dared to seduce everywhere by relying on his talents to attract other people's eldest daughters of Huanghua. I can't stand it for a long time. I really deserve it today!"

"Yes, this man is a well-dressed bird, nothing more than a beast, Master Su did a beautiful job!!"

"Yes, a couple of days ago, the old sow of more than two hundred catties in my house next door cheated him away by bluffing. The pig owner has been sad for a long time!"

"What? Your old sow was also cheated away? My family's too, I was still wondering who it was, I didn't expect it to be like this!!"

After seeing such a funny scene, everyone said, after everyone's mouth, many people also began to recognize the true face of this Shuyu!

"Oh, ridiculous!" Su Chen was very relieved when he saw it, sneered with disdain, and the resentment in his heart was alleviated a lot.

Seeing Zhang Shuyu's embarrassed appearance, Su Chen smiled, shook his head, and wanted to leave.

Moreover, the purpose of his trip was also because Li Yingshuang and Grandpa Li came to call him back to the palace with the imperial decree to send his food to the emperor. This was a long delay!

However, this peerless beauty, who is no less than Lu Yuyan, is still waiting for him in the attic to exchange life and reciting poetry together! !

If you go, wouldn't it not only delay the emperor, but also look a little beast and beast?

But if you don't go, you will miss a wonderful life again! And if you miss it, you may leave a lifelong regret!

Wait, if you really don’t go, wouldn’t it be a little bit "inferior!!!"

"Ahem, what do you think, I am a good-looking young man, a big and upright gentleman, how can he do those inferior things? I went to Concubine Shu, it was just to exchange poems and fus with her! "

Immediately, Su Chen slowly walked onto the loft of Concubine Shu with a sloppy and unrestrained pace!

"Official man, are you here?"

As soon as she boarded the attic, Concubine Shu winked her eyes and implied Chunbo, slowly and honestly, holding a collection of poems in her hand, very delighted.

But when Su Chen heard it, he felt something was wrong!

Your official person has a numb scalp!

"Yes, it's coming down." Su Chen said lightly without thinking.

Then, Su Chen slowly began to walk towards Concubine Shu, with expectation in his eyes.

"Previously, after hearing the poems of the officials and the wonderful piano art, the concubine was very impressed. The concubine loves these on weekdays. I wonder if the son can perform it again for the concubine?"

However, things were not what he thought, Concubine Shu asked serious and sincere questions, and Su Chen felt a little numb in his scalp!

I thought we were going to have some story, but I didn't expect it to be such a simple poetry and poetry exchange!

Su Chen was a little uninterested right away, which is equivalent to when it was time to go, you suddenly said that your relatives are here! !

But when it came, Su Chen couldn't refuse the incomparably beautiful Concubine Shu.

"Then, I will show my ugliness now." Su Chen sighed, slowly.

"The imperial concubine empress is optimistic!" Su Chen smiled slightly, and then, he waved his hand to block her vision for an instant, immediately reached out his hand, and suddenly took out the Qin Yun Youzang from the system. Guqin.

"Wow, it's amazing!" Concubine Shu couldn't help laughing in surprise like a child, and patted it.

"Today, I will improvise in the next stage to compose a poem and a song for the imperial concubine and empress." Su Chen said slowly.

Then, he took a deep breath, his fingers began to move, and the strings began to play.

Su Chen slowly played the guqin, and a melodious artistic conception also spread, and he began to sing poems, "Green Ant New Roasted Wine, Red Clay Little Red Furnace."

Then he plucked the strings again and slowly chanted, "If I come to the sky late, can I have a drink?"

A five-character rhyme poem was created with the melodious and far-reaching piano sound under Su Chen's fingers, and it was slowly sung by Su Chen's wonderful singing voice to a higher level.

The whole poem is just a few crosses, without far-reaching sustenance, let alone gorgeous rhetoric, but the lines are filled with warm carnival tones and warm and passionate friendship, which is intoxicating.

Concubine Shu closed her eyes at this time, enjoying all this with enjoyment. After Su Chen's piano sound slowly ended, she opened her eyes.

"Today, to have a glass of wine with such a perfect person like Master Su, it is really a blessing to be a concubine, my concubine, to toast you a glass!"

Concubine Shu Qingcheng smiled and said respectfully, raising the glass beside the table.

Su Chen didn't slack off when he saw it, and immediately raised his glass to clink with Concubine Shu.

After drinking this glass of wine, Su Chen put down the glass, put his fingers on the guqin again, and began to move.

Then, there was a sound of lovesickness of the ancient style, and Su Chen chanted indifferently, "Sit down under the flowers for a few times, and the Yinhan red wall looks into the distance."

Seeing Su Chen started again, Concubine Shu also immediately put down the wine glass and listened seriously.

"It seems that this star is not last night, for whom the wind will stand for the midnight." Su Chen chanted indifferently. Under the silent piano sound, the artistic conception rose to a level, deeply affecting Concubine Shu.

"Thinking about it, drawing silkworm cocoons, turning heartbreak and peeling back bananas!"

"In March and May in three to five years, the poor glass of wine never disappeared."

Su Chen sang with his piano sound melodiously and slowly, and a lonely piano sound was even more beautiful against the lonely poems. After a little while, Su Chen chanted, and the wonderful piano sound also stopped.

"Okay, Master Su's performance is really great!" Concubine Shu immediately applauded and praised.

Su Chen shook his head indifferently, and sighed slightly, as if something happened.

Seeing Su Chen's appearance, Concubine Shu began to ponder over and over again the verses that Su Chen had just chanted, and began to fall into deep thought. Then, a red cloud appeared on her face, as if she had discovered something incredible!

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