Immediately, Su Chen glanced at his surroundings, and the surrounding area was green with bamboo trees ringing together, and everyone patted the ash on his body and stood up, but it was all right.

"Fortunately, the people are not scattered. If they are scattered in the teleportation formation, it will be troublesome!" Su Chen sighed slightly and said with satisfaction.

"My lord, although we are all okay, this doesn't seem to be the destination of the capital of Western Xinjiang." Jiang Sheng glanced at the surrounding environment and said slowly.

"Yes, this is not the capital of Western Xinjiang, but an oasis in the south. The economy here is prosperous and the population is diverse. It should be a big city in the southern part of Western Xinjiang, and it should not be far from the central Western Xinjiang. ."

The veteran Lu Fangli said slowly, he looked ahead and gave Su Chen an accurate answer, and he was the only one among them who had traveled to the Western Xinjiang, and this time he also acted as the guide for the Western Xinjiang.

"It's okay, since they are here, there is no need to worry. Why don't you go to the city and have a fun, let me see their folk illusions in Western Xinjiang."

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and relieved as soon as he heard that he was not far from the Western Frontier.

Immediately, Su Chen and his party rushed to the city without a word.

The outside of the city is surrounded by bamboo trees on all sides, flowers, plants and trees are surrounded by groups, and the green is extremely high. It is a big city that can be considered in the resource-poor Xijiang country.

Straight into it, you can see the towering city wall. At this moment, the gate of the city wall obviously does not allow strangers to enter.

Su Chen and the others couldn't help frowning when they came under the city gate.

What do you want to do at the gate of the city? Except for the city wall, no one is guarded yet, so let people not enter?

And Su Chen and the others couldn't rush over the wall and enter the city directly. They were foreigners from other countries. If they acted like this, they would be regarded as enemies and be attacked by the city.

"Cough cough, hello, is there anyone? I am waiting for the negotiation messenger sent by the Great Xia Dynasty to open the city gate!" Su Chen gave a dry cough and roared directly.

However, inside the city wall was a piece of silence, and even the guards on the city wall were nobody.

Su Chen yelled twice again, but it turned out that there was no reaction at all, but the outside of the city was still silent, with no visible figures.

"Jiang Sheng? Solve his guard and enter the city with a little domineering."

Su Chen also had no choice. If he couldn't even enter this city, he would negotiate with the other party on how he would go to the Xijiang Nation, and wait here for a domineering appearance.

What's more, there is also Han Xin, a wing-making powerhouse in his system, who can take action at any time, and Jiang Sheng, who is already about to enter wing-building, can show his great power in the Xia Dynasty.


Jiang Sheng responded indifferently, and didn't need to do anything. He saw a white streamer flashing by, and a powerful flying breath swiftly flashed like a bolt of lightning, and stood on the wall. Guards.


Unexpectedly, in the next moment, the soldier who was attacked by Jiang Sheng Feixi was immediately blown into a mass of dust by Jiang Sheng's Feixi, and then, along with the rest of the guard soldiers, burst into a pile of dust.

"Huh? It's illusion! Good fellow."

Su Chen said indifferently when he saw this. He hadn't used the third-grade golden eye before, and he couldn't see that all the soldiers standing guard on the wall were all illusions.

"My lord, what should I do now? It stands to reason that this city gate shouldn't be closed!" Lu Fangli, the guide, frowned, not knowing what to do.

"This, wait, let's watch the changes first." Su Chen had no choice but to wait and see for now.

"You are from a foreign land, right now is the time when the Fighting Skills Conference is in full swing. Everyone in the city has visited, so the city gates will not be open to people who are not in the city in the past few days! "

Just when Su Chen and the others frowned, an old and kind voice came from behind.

Su Chen looked back and saw that an old man over sixties was slowly riding towards them on a green bull, and the bull cart he was driving was filled with piles of hay.

"Old man, I don't know how to enter the city? To be honest, I have important things waiting for this time."

Seeing this, Su Chen stepped forward and asked without evasiveness.

"Young people, I don't think you are any evil people. If you want to enter the city, you might as well follow the old man." When the old man heard it, he laughed loudly, and recruited and signaled Su Chen and the others to come up.

Immediately, after Jiang Sheng and the others looked at each other for a few moments, they followed Su Chen into the bullock cart full of hay without hesitation.

"By the way, old man, why are there such fighting techniques all over the city, why don't you go?"

Su Chen asked curiously as soon as he got into the car. Logically speaking, there is cultivation in the whole world, but this old man is doing whatever he wants, and the appearance of retreat is really contemplating.

"Hey, what is there to participate in? The old man is a lot of age, and he did participate when he was young." The old man didn't shy away from asking Su Chen so he just smiled and replied.

And when Su Chen saw that the old man actually answered like this, he would not mind, he didn't continue to ask, he just lay in the bullock cart and took a break.

It's just a bit strange. When his third-grade golden eyes swept the old man, his data turned out to be blank, just like Li Yingshuang's.

Could it be that the unremarkable retired old man in front of him is also a rare powerhouse in the realm of wing-making?

"The old man, what exactly is this fighting skill conference doing?" Lu Yuyan next to Su Chen asked with a gentle smile.

"What exactly is the fighting technique conference? This is too much. The fighting technique conference is held in the south of the city. It is not all fighting technique. There are also many strangers who come to sell all kinds of strange things. There are also some auctions. But the most worth mentioning is fighting skills!"

The old man's tone hasn't changed from beginning to end, it's always that kind of indifferent tone, but when it comes to fighting skills, a bright strange light suddenly blooms in the ancient eyes.

"Then, the old man, what is this fighting technique?" The young general Zhao Yu couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Fighting skills, as the name suggests, is to pay attention to fighting. It is mainly held in an arena. In a battle, there are two people, one for offense and the other for defense. If the attacker fails to defeat the defender within the specified time, he will lose. , The defender does the opposite."

"And this offensive and defensive all pay attention to the use of some secret methods, because in the unpredictable fighting skills, offensive and defensive changes at any time, and even lead to some unexpected changes." Tao.

"By the way, if you can win a hundred undefeated games in the fighting technique conference, you can challenge the old city owner who has been in hiding for many years. Even if you lose, you can still get a supreme secret technique!"

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