"Hey, I'm really helpless. This person's strength is really not weak. He actually forced me to use one-thousandth of his strength. I should have no regrets in this life!"

Su Chen looked regretful and shook his head, and sighed slightly, making people feel as if they were really serious.

And the warrior who was not far away suffered a serious internal injury and finally got up slowly with the help of people. Hearing Su Chen's words, he was scared to death on the spot and ran like crazy. Going out, for fear that Su Chen will pursue a wave of revenge.

"The son is so powerful. I heard that the son used one thousandth of the strength to destroy Mo Jieshan. I saw it today and he really deserves it!"

The red-haired Lu Yuyan in the audience was full of admiration, and his watery eyes were simply overflowing admiration for him.

"It's so terrifying!"

"But previously I heard that the son used this trick to kill Mo Jieshan with the horrible thunder palm that turned Thunder Tiger. Today I was able to see the son use it. The old man is really lucky." Lu Fangli couldn't help but stroke his white beard. , Sighed with admiration.

"What? One-thousandth of the strength? Terrible, it's terrible!"

"It seems we are too ignorant, we simply don't know anything about power!"

After hearing this, everyone was even more shocked. The worship of Su Chen was like the flood of the Yellow River, out of control!

The Zuo prince in Jiang Sheng's hands was even more shocked. I didn't expect Jiang Sheng to have made him so jealous. This Su Chen is the real ruthless man, even more terrifying than Jiang Sheng. The blow just now almost failed. He was scared to pee!

"I say now, everyone here is rubbish, there is no problem, right?"

Su Chen cast his gaze on everyone, and said with a big smile, no matter how contemptuous, everyone did not dare to refuse.

"Who else!! Come and fight quickly." Su Chen's voice kept rippling.

However, no matter what he said, everyone would have no response, and looked at him without saying a word.

"Hmph, the fool went up to fight him, so strong, how could he be an opponent."

"That is, when we are fools? The first two people are the best example, how dare to go up and die."

"It seems that this time the corolla is none other than him!!"

Everyone kept whispering in the audience, but no one dared to challenge again.

"Hehe, I thought how strong you are. Now that you are scared to death after only two battles, I am really ashamed. It seems that I will use less than one-thousandth of the strength in the future. "

Su Chen sneered and shook his head, and then looked sorry, as if he was very ashamed.

In fact, he also wanted to hide his strength to achieve a 100-game winning streak, but he didn't expect that a strong man would come, and he had to do his best, otherwise he would really not be able to fight. That's it.

"As expected of him, his strength is so powerful that everyone is dumbfounded." Jiang Sheng couldn't help but praised.

"Low-key, low-key, these are not what I wanted to cause, but those people are really too weak, and they will be wiped out in the blink of a finger."

Su Chen waved his hand, and sighed very sadly, as if he was serious about it.

Seeing that Su Chen was so invincible, no one dared to challenge them, and immediately dispersed, all of them were transferred to other arena where they were still fighting.

"It's really boring. Too invincible is also a kind of faint sadness!" Su Chen looked sad.

"How invincible is, how lonely, how invincible is, and how empty!" Su Chen immediately sat down on the edge of the ring and sang "Invincible" directly.

"On the peak alone, the cold wind blows constantly, my loneliness, who can understand me?!!!"

Su Chen sang impassionedly, and the uproarious and frustrated singing echoed all over the street. When he sang the song "Invincible" as his one-star musician, the lonely and lonely atmosphere immediately exaggerated.

In this strong atmosphere of loneliness, everyone turned their heads back one after another, their eyes all fell on Su Chen's body, listening with their ears upright.

"How invincible is, how lonely, how invincible is, how emptiness!" Su Chen then closed his eyes and slowly sang with a face of enjoyment, his singing voice was high and moving.

"Oh my god, what kind of devil's song is this, it's so nice, that loneliness, that emptiness, it's like being on the scene!!"

"Oh, so touched, he is really lonely, I really want to accompany him, don't stop me, I want to go up and fight him to the death!!"

"Although I am too, but you have to hold on, don't be impulsive, ooh, can't stand it, I really want to rush to wash him!!"

"No way, stop them two quickly, or you won't save your life later!"

"Is it really so lonely and so empty? I'm so touched, but why do I want to go up and hammer him impulsively?"

Everyone sighed with emotion, and even burst into tears. Even though they had an impulsive impulse in their hearts, they still did not dare to go up and do it.

Su Chen saw that there was no movement, so he sang with more power, "Standing on the top alone, with the cold wind blowing constantly, my loneliness, who can understand me?"

"How invincible is, how lonely, how invincible is, how empty!"

"Ah, I can't stand it anymore, I'm so touched, I'll break this loneliness!"

"No, let me come, let me come, see if I don't hammer him, and solve his loneliness and melancholy!!"

"Damn, don't be impulsive, you two, don't get caught in his illusion. Under his influence, you rushed up to challenge him and played Duck!"

Everyone wanted to go up and hammer Su Chen to kill all their hatred, but they were still prevented.

Su Chen saw that he had sung to this point, these people were still indifferent, and immediately also very helpless. If you don't come up to challenge me, how can I win a hundred consecutive victories to complete the system mission?

"Hey, am I still not empty, lonely and cold enough? Still no one comes up to challenge." Su Chen sighed slightly, very melancholy.

"I really can't do anything with you. In order to complete the task, it seems that I have to sacrifice my outstanding and handsome face."

So, Su Chen put his hands on his hips, made full of momentum, his eyes swept across everyone's faces sharply, and after a slight sigh, his expression suddenly stopped, his eyes flashed with a steady light, as if he had done something serious. decision.

"Erebati, since you are so ignorant, then you can't blame me. You forced me to release this big move today!!"

"Are you all ready? Ready to listen to the baptism I gave you!!"

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