"This, but..." The shopkeeper of the inn was also helpless, and didn't know what to do.

"I don't care, if you can't make spicy lamb buns that are neither spicy nor spicy nor lamb today, don't even think about opening this inn in the future." Aunt Qiao Biluo stared fiercely, with a stubborn face. Tao.

Seeing this situation, everyone immediately turned around. Obviously, this kind of thing happens often, and everyone is already quite surprised.

"It's all coming out to mix, why bother people, you want to eat, why don't you try my peerless and delicious grilled chicken wings?!!!"

Standing on the wooden ladder, Su Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately couldn't help but speak.

"What about grilled chicken wings? Chicken wings are only eaten by the poor. Do you think I look like that kind of person?" Aunt Qiao Biluo said with disgust and disdain without turning back.

"Hehe, then you might as well try my one, it will definitely make you linger!" Su Chen sneered twice, and immediately took out a grilled chicken wing.

"Wandering? I haven't met for so many years. What makes me linger...Wait!!! What kind of fragrance is this!!"

His Royal Highness Qiao Biluo was still thinking about taunting Su Chen, but he didn't say everything yet, but he was already deeply attracted by the peerless aroma of the grilled chicken wings. He immediately turned his head and closed his eyes slightly with a face. Enjoying the way, smelling the rare fragrance.

The scent spread quickly, and everyone who drank and ate meat immediately noticed it, and immediately turned their heads to wait and see, and some people were already salivating.

"Quickly, give me the grilled chicken wings, it's so delicious!"

His Highness Qiao Biluo's eyes bloomed with a strange brilliance and a look of excitement and covetousness, and immediately drooled and roared.

"Hmph, it's okay for you, but you'd better do it here less frequently."

Su Chen snorted with an extremely disgusting expression when he saw it, and then threw the grilled chicken wing in his hand into Aunt Qiao Biluo's hand.

Looking at Aunt Qiao Biluo's hunger and thirst, grabbing the grilled chicken wings and feasting on it, Su Chen also shook his head in disgust, and then led people out of the inn with everyone's awe-inspiring gaze.

"My son, the teleportation formation of this spring willow city is in the center of the north of the city. The old man has already inquired clearly. After passing this teleportation formation and trekking through the sandbar, you can reach the capital of Western Xinjiang!"

Lu Fangli followed Su Chen and said slowly, respectfully.

"Well, let's go, it's better not to meet the knight in clothes of yesterday." Su Chen nodded, and left immediately.

Then, under the leadership of Lu Fangli, Su Chen and others also smoothly came to the large ancient teleportation formation in Chunliu City in the north of the city.

This teleportation array looks larger than the one in Xuzhou City, and it is ancient and simple. At this time, no one is using the teleportation array.

Around this teleportation formation were guarded by several specialized pill-cultivation powerhouses, as well as a Feixi general.

And this teleportation array is extremely far away, and even if it can get permission from the Great Xia Dynasty, it can even cross across the country, but this is not something that a prince and noble is qualified and able to use, it is Xijiang and the entire continent. One of the famous large teleportation formations in the city.

"Young man, my son is passing through Chunliu City, and now I am going to the capital of Western Xinjiang, can I let him go?" Lu Fangli stepped forward respectfully, arching his hands at the fifth-order Fei Xi general.

"Flying Step Seven? Pre...senior, the use of this teleportation formation requires the permission of City Lord Chunliu to use it. You, you should go to the City Lord."

The Feixi general was a middle-aged man. He was slightly shocked when he saw Lu Fangli, and he immediately replied respectfully with his expression.

At the same time, I guessed in my heart, who is this Su Chen, I didn't expect that there are several flying breath powerhouses around him at the same time, plus the red-haired beauty of the fragrance of the country, such a lineup is the focus no matter where it is placed. The presence.

"City Lord?" Su Chen frowned slightly after hearing this, and his eyes fell on Lu Fangli.

"This... is the old man. I didn't inquire to understand. The young man will wait here for the time being, and the old man will go to the city chief." Lu Fangli was also slightly embarrassed and said in a slanderous manner.

"I'm sorry, but the rules are here, and the young ones dare not violate them."

The general smiled wryly, a little embarrassed. He didn't let Su Chen and the others go. He didn't dare to offend Su Chen and the others. Moreover, he felt that Su Chen had an incomprehensibly familiar feeling, but he suddenly thought. Can't get up. .

You should know that like Su Chen, there are four characters who are accompanied by strong breathers when you go out. To say less, they are all extremely extraordinary characters who have reached the highest status at the time.

"Wait, the city lord has an order!!"

Just when Lu Fangli was about to turn around and head to the City Lord's Mansion, a young man came out panting and driving his horse, obviously in an emergency.

Hearing the message from the city lord, Jiang Sheng and Bi Xing held him from left to right. The prince left his eyes suddenly brightened, as if he had seen the straw for life, but he was afraid of Jiang Sheng and Zhao Yu. Did not speak.

"The city lord has an order to let them go, and the city lord's mansion will bear the cost of wherever they go!" The man quickly dismounted, and said loudly.

After hearing this, the prince Zuo's eyes dimmed immediately. He had an extraordinary friendship with the City Master Chunliu. He did not expect that he noticed Su Chen and the others but did not notice him at all.

"If that's the case, that's fine." Su Chen nodded.

Immediately, the guarding general immediately gave way, making everyone scattered, and entering the teleportation formation for Su Chen and others.

"If that's the case, then I'm not welcome." Su Chen smiled slightly, of course he knew why.

"My son, why is this? We have never met the city owner, why should he have to bear the cost of this teleportation array?" Lu Yuyan asked with her beautiful eyes faintly, puzzled.

"As for the deeper reasons, I'm afraid there will be more, but maybe it's because I happened to win the title of Yum! Now my reputation may have spread all over the city." Su Chen smiled slightly and looked at Lu Yuyan's water spirit. The beautiful eyes slowly said.

"Well, the teleportation array has already been positioned and can be activated. With the specific permission of the city lord, it is a lot more convenient, and it can be directly positioned to the capital."

As a guide, Lu Fangli was the only one in this group to go to the capital of Xijiang. Therefore, this positioning was completed by him.

And this teleportation array could not go directly to the capital, but with the green card issued by the city lord, this banned function was also activated.

Afterwards, the people from the City Lord's Mansion sent the huge spirit stones needed to open the big formation. Because of the distance, this was a lot of money.

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