Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he looked at the group of zombies that swept toward him frantically, and he didn't give the slightest retreat in his heart.

I swept away and counted this group of zombies. I'm afraid that there is no sixty or seventy, maybe there are forty or fifty. What Su Chen can't think of is why they are going to send two flying to deal with them. What about Tier 4 zombies in the interest period?

If it were normal, he and Lu Yuyan were just two ordinary cultivators in the Pill Cultivation Realm, and they were simply not enough to allow two senior Tier 4 zombies with wit to come out in person.

However, he actually couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was, and he could only solve the immediate problem immediately when he faced it.

"Yuyan, are you ready?"

A bright light flashed in Su Chen's gaze, and he immediately glanced at Lu Yuyan vigilantly. It is impossible for him to take it lightly when dealing with a group of zombies, not to mention that this is still a group of zombies guarded by high-intellect Tier 4 zombies!

"You're ready, you'll be happy to kill the son later, don't worry about Yuyan." Lu Yuyan's eyes were extremely firm, and a strong war spirit gradually ignited in his eyes, making Su Chen slightly startled.


This group of zombies is getting closer and closer to Su Chen and Lu Yuyan, and the roar can pierce the eardrums. The leader surrounded by the zombies waved their hands as if they had issued some order, and immediately these zombies became more crazy than before. , Fearless madness rushed towards Su Chen.


Su Chen roared, and a little red light suddenly burst out of his eyes. Then, holding the sword of Jiuyuan Longquan, the edge of the sword suddenly swayed and slashed forward fiercely.


When Su Chen's sword front came, the sword aura fiercely rippled, and a large area of ​​zombies like cannon fodder was split to pieces immediately under this sword, and immediately above the desolate desert, a lot of green blood was sprinkled.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Tier 1 zombies and gaining two experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Tier 2 zombies and gaining 30 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Tier 2 zombies and gaining 30 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Tier 2 zombies and gaining 30 experience points!"


Lu Yuyan did not show weakness either, she immediately followed Su Chen's previous appearance, condensing a large amount of sword energy, instilled with vitality, with a slender wave of her arms, the sword edge of Qingxia sword slashed away, and immediately a blue sword energy was violent. And the quick and straight slashed towards the zombies who were still constantly rushing crazy.

Su Chen couldn't help but gave a thumbs up when he saw it, thinking that Lu Yuyan was also a kendo wizard. After learning this trick in "Dugu Nine Swords", she used it to the fullest, including her own. understanding.

And the two of them only killed a dozen zombies with just one move.

"Roar!!!" "Roar!!!"

The group of zombies was not frustrated just because they lost more than a dozen cannon fodder at once, but it was an incentive. Therefore, the zombies in the front row rushed towards Su Chen and Lu Yuyan even more crazily, and even continuously spewed green from their mouths. The saliva is extremely disgusting!

"Hmph, in that case, I might as well make a quick decision. Anyway, it's just a bunch of experience points!!"

Su Chen snorted coldly, and a red golden light suddenly condensed in his eyes. In Su Chen's eyes, the few zombies in this area were just lambs to be slaughtered on the display board.

"Yu Yan, step back, I'm going to make a big move!!" Su Chen opened his mouth slightly, persuading Lu Yuyan, who wanted to fight melee with the zombies, to step back.

Lu Yuyan didn't continue rushing up when she heard the words. She looked at Su Chen with a golden light in her eyes. There was a trace of doubt on Jiao's face, but she immediately retreated quickly.

Immediately, Su Chen closed his eyes abruptly, and an extremely hot flame ignited indifferently in his heart.

When his "Ninth-Rank Golden Eye" was still at the third-rank, this ability could be used, but it was only a mental release, but it could only be aimed at Mu Rouchun's existence in this aspect. The monk with weakness.

Now that he has been promoted to the fourth-grade golden eye, he has also awakened a lot of new abilities, including this one. When he was at the Chunliucheng Inn, he was afraid of being too powerful to be controlled, so he didn't use it.

However, there is just a group of zombies in front of you, and you can just give them a try to check the power of these fourth grade golden eyes, and the experience points in front of them are waiting for him to harvest! !


The zombies in front of Su Chen were about to be in front of them, and Su Chen still closed his eyes even when he was infinitely close, and even the sickening green saliva of the zombies was almost about to be thrown on Su Chen's face. He did not respond.

"Su Chen!!!"

Lu Yuyan immediately yelled in a bit of panic. She immediately raised the Qingxia Sword and stood in front of Su Chen with full fighting spirit. The red hair fluttering behind her stood in front of Su Chen with a sword. Just cleaved a few Tier 2 zombies.


Suddenly, Su Chen opened his eyes suddenly, a golden light suddenly splashed out, and the entire pair of eyes became golden, so dazzling, even the golden pupil in the transmission was even slightly inferior.

"Yu Yan get out of the way!!!"

Su Chen yelled, and immediately pushed Lu Yuyan. There was a touch of surprise and a trace of unbelievable on Lu Yuyan's face, and he quickly flashed to the side intentionally.


Immediately, two fiery pillars of fire shot out from Su Chen’s eyes. The fiery hot pillar of fire contained a majestic and supreme mystery. Under this desert, even the hardest stone must be burned. The fly ash is annihilated.


Su Chen roared, the blazing flames ejected by the pupils emitted bursts of fiery red mixed golden light, and immediately blasted towards the group of zombies.

"Roar!!!" "Roar!!!"

A large swath of crazy zombies were immediately burnt to ash and annihilated under the two penetrating pillars of fire, and even the last drop of green blood was turned into flying ash in the roar.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Tier 2 zombie and gaining 30 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Tier 2 zombie and gaining 30 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Tier 1 zombie and gaining five experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Tier 3 zombie and rewarding one hundred experience points and three doomsday points!"


Then, Su Chen was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the strength of the fourth rank golden eye was completely beyond his expectation.

And immediately, the two pillars of fire that were extremely powerful immediately continued to hit Huanglong, and the zombies were instantly evaporated under the extremely terrifying high temperature, and the vitality and the supreme mystery were even more shocking. The Tier 4 zombies who possessed the wisdom showed a disgusting look of shock.

When the two Tier 4 zombies wrapped up in the zombies group saw it, they felt that something was wrong and immediately stepped back slightly, and the gazes looking at Su Chen suddenly rose a lot.


One of the female Tier 4 zombies suddenly roared violently, and the remaining group of zombies immediately retreated.

However, another male Tier 4 zombie with stronger strength glared at the female zombie beside him, and had no intention of retreating at all.

"This person is extremely powerful. If I can swallow him alive, my cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. I can't retreat!!"

The male zombie roared abruptly, and said with a roar, that mouthful of green saliva splashed directly onto the surrounding sand, and the sand that made it corroded directly into pieces, and immediately turned into a black scorched earth sand.

"Give me all, capture this person alive, let this king swallow him alive!!!"

The male Tier 4 zombies uttered words directly, and immediately roared, and between a wave of hands, countless green foam-like things directly rose into the sky, directly attacking Su Chen and Lu Yuyan.

Lu Yuyan, who had seen the strong green spit, would naturally not take it lightly, and immediately swung the Qingxia sword as a resistance.

But before that, the green bubbles in clusters were suddenly burnt clean by the two pillars of fire splashing in Su Chen's eyes.

"Live poultry him!!!"

The male zombie king immediately waved his hand, and a roar that went straight into the sky suddenly came from all directions, which was almost deafening.

Immediately, densely packed zombies rushed from all directions in an instant. Tier 1 and Tier 2 were countless, to say nothing of nearly thousands, and there were even more than a hundred Tier 3 zombies!

Such a large scale is enough to be called the little king of the zombie group, but these are still nothing in the eyes of Su Chen, who has faced tens of thousands of zombie frenzy, it is completely a group of experience points!

"Experience? Give it to me!"

"Look at me, charcoal grilled zombies!!"

Su Chen gave a deep cry, closed his eyes, and suddenly opened his eyes, the fiery red mixed golden light splashed out again, and in an instant, the majestic vitality immediately rippled away, the two lines were more fierce, longer, and thicker. The red pillar of fire broke out immediately.


The dense group of zombies rushed to Su Chen fearlessly, but under the baking of Su Chen’s two pillars of fire, the first-order and second-order zombies were even qualified to become charcoal grilled zombies. No, it was immediately evaporated into air by the extremely long pillar of fire on the spot, leaving no trace.

As for the Tier 3 zombies, apart from the individual high-level zombies that became charcoal-burned, and the heavy fall of the coke all over them turned into experience points, they were also annihilated under these fourth-tier golden eyes!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing ten Tier 2 zombies and rewarding 350 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing fifty Tier 1 zombies and rewarding 400 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing 20 Tier 3 zombies and rewarding 2,500 experience points and 20 doomsday points!!!"

Su Chen's ears continuously heard system prompts, and immediately there was a burst of ecstasy and direct excitement in his heart!

This is so cool!

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