Immediately, the passionate young man ran into the depths of the medical hall, and went to call his master, who can be called the number one genius doctor in Shacheng.

At this time, the wife is still washing her face in tears, weeping, sitting next to her husband, muttering in her mouth, not knowing what she is talking about to her husband.

The wife said, and then she was going to raise her hand and gently stroke her husband's back, which was corroded into coke, to relieve him a little bit of pain.

"Wait, don't move him!!"

An old but powerful voice sounded the moment the wife stretched out her hand, and quickly stopped the wife. The wife was also slightly startled, and immediately her hand stopped in the air.

Then, an old man with a peaceful face in a white beard cloth robe rushed out anxiously, and immediately behind him was the previously passionate young man.

Su Chen looked at the old man, wearing a cloth robe, simple and simple, the old man's cultivation was only in the realm of pill cultivation, and his hands were full of calluses.

The old man hurriedly arrived. He was the young man's master. He immediately waved a thin white curtain to cover her husband's body, frowning slightly.

"How did he get hurt?!!!"

The old man immediately showed a full face of shock, a trace of suspiciousness and incomprehension flashed across his eyes, staring at Su Chen and his wife intently.

Hearing that, the wife was silent, as if the husband had used his back to protect him under his awe-inspiring husband before, and the scene of standing upright against the black rain still emerged.

The wife's eyes suddenly passed these images, and then she became even more sad. After choking a little, she cried again, but did not speak.

Su Chen felt pity upon seeing this and said, "He was made like this by the attack of the Zombie King!"

"Zombie...Zombie King?!!!"

The old man was naturally more shocked when he heard this. He did not expect that he would be able to witness this happening with his own eyes after he lived for almost half of his life. Moreover, the zombie king's strength was so terrifying that he could survive his attack until now. It's too hard.

At this point, Su Chen also had to admit that if he changed his individual, perhaps he would have been unable to hold it at the moment when the black rain eroded his body!

Maybe there is something special about this person, it's a miracle to be able to survive until now! !

Immediately, a curl of black smoke gradually appeared on the husband's back, and the thin white cloth was immediately scorched by the black smoke.

In the blink of an eye, I didn't expect that the white cloth would also begin to corrode, and then just in an instant, the white paper quickly disappeared!

Therefore, this is also the reason why the old man reminded his wife not to touch the husband. The human skin is like paper. If the wife's hand touched her husband's infected back at that time, it might not be long before. Come on!


Upon seeing this, the old man shook his head, sighed, and looked helpless, and he was not indifferent, but helpless, even more chilling!

"This person will die soon, at least I can't save it, so cherish his last time!" The old man sighed helplessly.

The words of the old man immediately obliterated the last glimmer of hope that his wife had held, and immediately fell into the bottom of the valley and began to cry more, crying very miserably, and even more self-blame and guilt.

"Finally, stay with him, maybe his deadline will not reach tomorrow!"

The old man shook his head and turned around to carry a pair of hands. There was really no way he could help when it came to the level of the Zombie King.

When Lu Yuyan saw it, she also met Su Chen with a pity on her face, a little unbearable.

"By the way, there are you, grandpa, and you!!!" The wife suddenly flashed a bright light in her eyes, remembering something, and immediately smiled forcibly, looking at Su Chen, and facing Su Chen knelt down.

"My dear man, you have great powers, and I know you must have some way to help us! No matter what the price, even in my next life, I am willing to be a cow and a horse in the next life, as long as I can save I am willing to live him, and I will never regret it!"

The woman knelt in front of Su Chen, tears streaming down her face, she quickly wiped the tears on her face, and then barely squeezed out a smile, shook Su Chen's leg, begging Su Chen, it made people bear it. Can't help but feel it.

When Lu Yuyan saw it, she also felt pity, and also looked at Su Chen, passing a trace of begging and seeking Su Chen's consent.

"This..." Su Chen sighed slightly, very helpless. In fact, he had nothing to do. I really don't know why this wife gave him the last hope, "I, I Try it!"

Su Chen glanced at Lu Yuyan, then glanced at the wife, nodded and agreed. In fact, he couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Okay, okay, thank you, grandfather, no matter what the price is for me, I am willing!!"

When his wife heard that Su Chen was willing to help, there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she burst into tears and smiled, and wiped the tears on her face.

Hearing this, the old man also turned his head suddenly, and his heart trembled suddenly, thinking about who this young man was. This man was clearly dying. The situation was so bad that even the gods might be powerless to come back!

Moreover, this person might even change into an irrational zombie when the virus erodes his whole body tomorrow and deteriorates completely! !

"System, is there any way to save this person?"

Su Chen couldn't help but asked for help from the system immediately.

"Yes, of course, but there are certain conditions." The system quickly replied.

Hearing what the system said, Su Chen was slightly ecstatic, "Speak, I should still be able to bear it."

"The method is not difficult. At that time, the system will deliver a special spell to you to form a special contract, and then consume 20 points, but this last step requires the heart and blood of this beloved person. , He was able to recover from his injuries, but still need to pay some alternative price, and the success rate is only 30%!"

After listening to the system, Su Chen's heart trembled. He didn't expect that the way to save her husband was to sacrifice his wife, and there was an alternative price, and there was only a 30% chance! ! !

Is this born for love and died for love?

Su Chen sank his head, his tone was calm and indifferent, "The method is very simple, but are you really willing to pay the hard work of your loved one?"

"I am willing, as long as he can survive, this is nothing!!"

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