"How about it, General Cheng should let you go, lest you offend Lord Nalan, you will not feel good in the future!"

Zhang Lei still smiled jokingly. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time. As long as he can search for key items, he can keep Su Chen from turning over and insult his son Yixue Jingxin Lake. Shame!

"Huh, don't think about it, I was originally ordered to watch and guard Su Mansion by the Lord Su, just to prevent some villains from taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack behind him. Who would dare to see me here!!"

Cheng Song snorted coldly, pulled out his saber, and shouted, the majesty of the domineering veteran was revealed instantly, and everyone was shocked that none of them dared to move.

But at this moment, a tall young man walked in slowly with a faint smile on his mouth. It was Nalan Yande's second son, Nalanyun.

At this time, Nalanyun revealed a different and powerful aura, as if a qualitative change had occurred, which was obviously a sign that he had just entered the realm of pill cultivation.

"General Cheng, why are you doing this? What benefit did that kid give you? My Nalan family can give you three times as much as his to join us, and it can also allow you to rise higher and higher, and enjoy all the glory and wealth. It is impossible to reach this life. Height, get out of the way!"

Standing behind Zhang Lei, Nalanyun said in a joking and very tempting tone that the conditions offered were very attractive. In the eyes of others, this point made many heroes buckle.

However, Cheng Song turned his head and snorted coldly again, with a look of disgust and contempt, and didn't want to bother with him at all.

Cheng Song's eyes widened and looked a little angry, "Don't use your father Nalan Yande's habitual trick to fool the old man. How dare you say this little bit of profit?"

For him, the most important thing is the word "righteousness". Both Su Chen and Su Jing have been kind to him. He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. How can he do treachery in his life?

And if he is coveting this little glory and wealth, how can he still be a mere defender of the city with a strong strength throughout his life?

Besides, if it weren't for the appearance of Su Chen, he would still stay at the seventh step of Feixi so far, even a hurdle that he would never pass in his life!

"Huh, Cheng Song, are you trying to disobey the emperor's order?" Zhang Lei lighted up the emperor's licensed dragon pattern search warrant again, snorted, stared at Cheng Song severely, and waved at his subordinates. Search for me!!"


The people Zhang Lei had brought immediately responded, and immediately rushed into the depths of the main hall.

"I see who dares!!!"

Cheng Song yelled, his saber did not move, and only his spiritual thoughts moved, a sharp flying breath came out of the air. Under the sound of "swish" breaking through the air, it was like the light of a knife, the person who rushed out first It was the separation of the heads, and they fell down with a "bang".

As soon as Cheng Song shot, the breath of Feixi's eighth rank spread out, and the faces of those who were shocked on the spot were pale and did not dare to shake. After learning from the past, even Zhang Lei was still staring at them and did not dare to step again.

"General Cheng, you!!!"

Zhang Lei immediately yelled, his gaze fell on Cheng Song, and he stared at the opponent fiercely.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, do it!!"

Suddenly, an extremely majestic and harsh voice came from behind Zhang Lei.

Immediately afterwards, a number of figures continued to appear, and the powerful suddenly appeared. The person headed was the Nalan Patriarch, Nalan Yande, who was opposed to Su Chen, the leader of a great power above the court! !




Immediately afterwards, a group of dark arrows shot out toward the main hall, and the sound of breaking through the air appeared extremely harsh.


Facing the sudden dark arrow, Cheng Song raised his brows, and quickly waved his vitality and breath, and quickly resisted with his sword. The sword was like the wind, and the appearance was swift and energetic. Although he is a little old, he is still old and strong!


Nalan Yande let out a cold sigh, and suddenly dozens of powerful men who cultivated a pill and flew out from the secret, and quickly sacrificed their ultimate move and blasted Cheng Song, who was still resisting.

"As long as I, Cheng Song, are still here, I don't want to take another step!!"

Cheng Song yelled, the tiger's body shook, his body exploded with majestic vitality, the saber suddenly slashed forward, and the blade instantly swayed a burst of fierce arrogance, and the majestic breath spread out, exploding a horrible breath. Directly flooded the killer moves that everyone used madly.

Cheng Songfei breathed his eighth-level peak strength, and his absolute strength instantly crushed him. He suddenly took a step forward. A swift tiger palm suddenly slashed out, and what followed was a deadly killing.


Immediately, a lot of people with weaker strength were slashed out instantly, their expressions were shocked and frightened, and even worse, a spit of old blood suddenly spurted out of the body and was extremely weak.

"I can't help myself!"

Cheng Song looked at the people contemptuously, his face was full of disdain, and he became extremely jealous when he was always strong and powerful.

"Kill me!!"

Nalan Yande let out a slightly unwilling roar, and lifted a sword to go to battle in person, followed by several strong men who were also Fei Xi behind them, with awe-inspiring aura.

"It's like a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!"

Cheng Song's contemptuous way again, mobilizing the majestic vitality of his whole body, suddenly blasted a punch, a loud noise suddenly rang out in the air, suddenly formed a horrible palm, and blasted out with a fist and a palm interactive response. A breath of horror.


The few flying breath powerhouses behind Nalan Yande were instantly blasted out even under the absolute killer move formed by this punch and palm, and were immediately hit hard, except that they did not attack Nalan Yande.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Nalan Yande stopped his figure, and the sword in his hand also stopped abruptly.

"The veteran is not dead, but is gradually withering!"

At this moment, a contemptuous and indifferent slender female voice heard outside the door, strong and cold, and the air suddenly became a lot colder, and everyone looked sad, a little shocked and surprised.


At the same time, a series of swift and thunderous arrows flew past again, and quickly flew to Cheng Song's position. The breath and vitality contained in it were extremely powerful and much stronger than before.


Cheng Song's expression froze, and immediately twitched all his strength to resist, but as a result, he was hit by the treacherous trick of the man who released all these secret arrows!

When Cheng Song hurriedly resisted, the fragrant rose petals slowly drifted down from nowhere, spreading across the entire hall, and there were countless murderous opportunities in them!

Only when Cheng Song quickly resisted the dark arrows flying in, he realized the seriousness of the situation, but it was too late to fix the situation!

Between bursts of rose petals floating away, a silver light containing endless murderous intent suddenly vented, plundering a monstrous killing intent and blasting out! !

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