"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 600 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 666 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 888 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 888 experience points!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the ninth level of alchemy cultivation. There is still five thousand experience points before the alchemy cultivation is completed!"

"Ah ah ah, I'll get you beast!"

Immediately, a roar containing a monstrous murderous intent roared, and after the voice fell, an old rickety figure pushed away the basketball that was heavily pressed on his body with difficulty, trembling with a scepter and barely supported it.

The original image and vigorous temperament of this national teacher were instantly destroyed, the original tall body became rickety and old at this time, and the whole person seemed to be more than twenty years old!


As a result, the ruthless words of this national teacher just came out, it was a dullness in the chest, and then he looked at him, feeling an incredible spout of black blood, and his whole body trembled a little.

And this battle is indeed because they really underestimated Su Chen. The task of Su Chen was only in the realm of pill cultivation, no matter how strong he was, he was only a monk in the realm of pill cultivation, like a praying mantis in front of the wheel.

Praying man’s arm is a car, and he doesn’t know what he can do. In the heart of the national teacher, he has such an evaluation of Su Chen. He originally thought that he would preside over the battle with his half-foot-made wing repair base. No matter how strong Su Chen is, he cannot be a turtle in the urn. Make any big waves!

But he was wrong. Su Chen didn't want to break the formation at all, but controlled an unknown mysterious force to instantly strangle them with the power of the outside world!

But at this time, in the heart of the national teacher who has gone through countless years of wind and rain, and has been accustomed to the big wind and waves, Su Chen is just the last struggle, in fact, he is already poor!

"The generals listen to the orders! Those who are not dead will kill me!!"

The national teacher suddenly wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and in order to maintain the final image, he immediately trembling and finally stood firm, waved his scepter, and roared.

Immediately, many of the generals who were relatively strong and barely survived the terrifying Fireball Strike with their strength showed a deep fear of Su Chen, shaking slightly, but he did not dare to do it again. !

Su Chen laughed when he saw it. He poked his head out of the car window again, and looked at everyone with a mean look of joking, "How about? Come here if you want to go, anyway, this kind of move like just now is just commonplace. , I can put a few hundred tricks at will to beat me to the end!"

Damn, are you still human? With such a powerful move like this, even the cultivation base of the Wing-Building realm would not dare to say that it was just a few hundred moves, right? Are you too scary? ! !

As soon as Su Chen's words came out, it instantly sounded in everyone's heart. Many people who were still alive had a deep fear of it. They trembled violently and constantly wanted to retreat, and many of them even There is no tears about this.

And even the national teacher raised his brows after listening, and his eyes stared at Su Chen with an incredible shock!

But then, based on his qualifications as a national teacher, he naturally saw the clues, and immediately the scepter clicked on the floor and shouted, "He must be at the end of the battle at this time, so he will only say these words to scare us!"

"And if he really has such strength, he will not negotiate with me before in the court, but will directly kill him, not to mention that he is only a groom, soon, at this time, he must be after casting the spell. Very weak, killing him while he is sick!!"

As soon as the words of the national teacher came out, it instantly affected the hearts of the surviving Fei Bree generals, and they realized instantly, with an angry expression on their faces.

"Yes, he must be at the end of the crossbow at this time and he can't make a big wave!"

"Yes, I'll go up and kill him together, and then I will reward the military merits!!"

"That is, he will inevitably fall in a pool of blood later, don't worry, we can definitely kill him without leaving it!"

The seriously injured generals regained their confidence under the influence of the national division, and immediately nodded affirmatively, clenching their weapons and making plans.

"Hmph, it's not your fault that you have no ability, but I can't blame me if you want to be embarrassed!"

Su Chen snorted coldly, and the Jiuyuan Longquan Sword in his hand suddenly splashed out an extremely dazzling golden light.

And if it wasn't for the system's spellcasting to have a cooling time, he would have cast another "Fireball Strike" to completely solve these people right now, otherwise, how could he waste time BB with them so much!

At this moment, although those flying generals were killed by his'fireball blow' a lot on the spot, it also instantly made him enough to earn his money, but at this time, there are still more than ten who can continue to fight. This made Su Chen couldn't help feeling a bit of pressure!

And at this moment, he was already weakening, and he couldn't help but start to sweat big beads all over his body. Even though the surface was still very strong, it was actually the end of the force.

"Master, do you need me to take action?"

Lu Yuyan showed a look of distress, and looked at Su Chen with worry in her beautiful eyes, and she was even a little bit disappointed at Su Chen's appearance.

"No, you don't have to make a move, I can settle it all by myself!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly at Lu Yuyan and waved his hand, seemingly far-fetched.

Lu Yuyan was already in trouble at this time, how could Su Chen get her involved?

Moreover, the black spots attached to the Qingxia sword will accelerate the absorption of vitality when the user uses it, and may even squeeze the vitality of the person without knowing it!

Moreover, this Qingxia Sword is already bound to Lu Yuyan and cannot be unlocked, so how can he let Lu Yuyan make a move?

Although he knew that Lu Yuyan had mastered a secret method that could greatly increase her strength in an instant, she would have a better chance of winning, but the price was extremely high. How could he be cruel!

"Damn it, if only Jiang Sheng, Lu Fangli, and Tang Ransheng were here at this time!"

Su Chen was a bit unwilling and gritted his teeth. If Jiang Sheng and others were there, he wouldn't be so single-handed, at least the odds of winning would be around 80%!


Su Chen gritted his teeth and slammed the accelerator and galloped away. At the same time, he grabbed a basketball and slammed his vitality out.


The basketball rolled up a majestic vitality and ignited a raging flame on the spot, and blasted directly towards the National Teacher and others.

Then, one basketball after another suddenly blasted past, magnificent.

"Huh, little bugs, he is really poor!"

The National Teacher snorted and waved his scepter when the basketball that was flying first was about to split in half.

The rest of the people didn't dare to slacken their efforts and hurriedly waved to resist.

However, at this time Su Chen smiled triumphantly and contemptuously again, banging the accelerator violently and turning into a swift shadow, blasted out at that instant, giving the opponent no chance to react.

And when the national teacher reacted instantly, Su Chen had already galloped out and disappeared, leaving only a **** of white eyes and a confused face in the wind.

"Grass, what to look at, it's not fast to close the gate!!" The national teacher roared, flushed with anger.

"Yes, hurry up, close the city gate soon, and then all will catch up with me!!" The commander who was reprimanded immediately shouted.

Immediately, those people and the national division quickly drove a magic horse and quickly followed in Su Chen's footsteps.

"Huh, you want to chase me just like that? Let's practice for a few more years!" Su Chen snorted jokingly, laughed, and put his head out of the car window toward the national teacher who was trying to catch up with him. The others sneered and said:

"You waited for the Rats to be the fast-breathing generals of the Western Frontiers? It's really rubbish, so you dare to go to war with Tobu with our strength? Don't laugh to death!"

"Little beast, today's humiliation, I don't share the same spirit with you!!", the national teacher roared, his entire face was red and blue and purple with anger, he immediately roared, yelling at his side to manipulate The general who is looking at the horse.

"Give me all my strength to catch up. Whoever can win his head, the local division will make him a general in front of your majesty!!!"

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