"Bah! Bah!"

The audience was silent at the moment, everyone was stunned, and an incredible look appeared on their faces.

I wondered why this Su Chen was so crazy, he killed the dignified prince as soon as he shot, and instantly caused the opponent to destroy the extremely powerful Juxian without any resistance!

This scene happened so quickly that everyone did not expect that such a thing would happen!

And all was put in the eyes of the King of Xijiang, watching this scene uncontrollably made him frown, his expression full of anger.

But he just stood up in shock and slapped the dragon chair viciously, without pouring out his anger.

But the anger in his heart was hard to sink, and he immediately snorted, and then sat down, quietly staring at Su Chen and Su Chen, his eyes widened and his face was unhappy, showing that the right prince was in his heart. There is still a certain status.

He hurriedly waved his hand to send someone down to look at the situation of the right prince, his heart was still burning with anger, but the dignified king of the country could not vent his anger because of the facts have not been confirmed!

And it was the breath on Su Chen that made everyone even more breathless!

At this time, Su Chen's clothes were fluttering in the yin wind, leaving only an invincible and lonely back figure for everyone, but the aura exuding from all over his body was a cultivation of the sub-cultivation realm!

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for him to have only the cultivation base of the pill cultivation realm!"

Someone's face changed drastically immediately, and they had great doubts about this, and they were very unwilling to believe it!

"Yes, how can the cultivation level of the pill cultivation realm be able to achieve this? This right prince is also the initial cultivation stage of the flying breath. The real strength of this guy must be the realm of wing creation, but it is deliberately suppressed!"

Su Chen smiled immediately and waved his hand slightly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a wave of shocking pretences and earning 20 reward points!"

Immediately, Su Chen was also overjoyed. He didn't expect that he would get another twenty points if he just pretended to be so forceful!

"With my blood, listen to my call, make a contract, and show up again, my God of War, GTR!!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, waved his hand to the sky and yelled, pretending to be decent, as if he was serious about it.

Immediately afterwards, a silver light flickered, and the God of War GTR, which was exactly the same as the previous one, once again appeared in everyone's field of vision, and it was even more shocking!

"Hey, it's incredible. Isn't that ‘God Horse’ destroyed? How come it has appeared intact again!" Someone gasped and exclaimed.

At this time, Master Nanshan couldn't help but move his face. He raised his brow, and his opinion of Su Chen was greatly changed, and the shock on his face could not even be concealed.

"Yuyan, get in the car!"

Su Chen walked to God of War GTR, the co-pilot opened the door and held Lu Yuyan's hand slowly.

Lu Yuyan was still slightly surprised, but then smiled slightly like a warm feeling, and got into the co-pilot.

Su Chen immediately got in the car and immediately activated the God of War GTR. Looking back, the Northern Prince's yak-like horse had already caught up, and without hesitation, he blasted the accelerator and galloped up immediately.

And when he went up the mountain, he passed the remains of Juxian driven by the right prince. At this moment, Juxian was blasted to pieces by his Nine Transformation Thunder palm, and the right prince fell dying in the ruins. Although he looked embarrassed, it looked like There is still a glimmer of life.

"Oh, life is as lonely as snow, and I dare to call it an immortal. Even my little horseman can easily crush it. I am really ashamed. To be honest, I am the God of War GTR. Xia Dynasty is mass-produced, almost everyone has it!"

Su Chen slowed down, poked his head out of the car window, with a sullen expression, and the triumphant color made everyone at the scene clenched their fists, gritting their teeth and trying to hammer Su Chen.

Su Chen's stubborn look is really unbearable for everyone, but what he wants is this feeling, the feeling that the other party wants to beat him and can't beat him!

That's right, do you feel very angry? The air will strike me to death!

After that, Su Chen gave no more chances, and went directly to the mountainside track at the fastest speed. Although there were countless obstacles targeted at him along the way, nothing had any effect on him. .

Soon, Su Chen completed the final lap at an extremely fast speed, won the first place and first place in this horse racing competition, and completed the previous bold words!

"Oh, I accidentally used one-thousandth of my strength. I am alive, and I am the only one invincible, sincerely lonely!"

When Su Chen got out of the car, he leaned directly on the body of the God of War GTR, and sighed with a melancholy expression, as if he was serious about it, and he was pretending to be in a good manner.

That extremely melancholy voice reverberated in this valley and the clouds, and some people even slightly resonated after hearing it.

Then, he took out a roasted chicken wing that smelled sweet and frowned and gnawed.

"Life in the hands of invincibility is really loneliness, Dugu seeks defeat, Dugu seeks defeat!"

Su Chen didn't take a few bites of the grilled chicken wings, and shook his head with a melancholy expression. As he said, he threw the grilled chicken wings away.

In this scene, everyone who saw it was greedy and heartache. The fragrance of ten miles of fragrance is always attracting their eager heart.

"Brother, you are lonely when you are lonely. Why do you just throw away the hard-to-find grilled chicken wings? If you don't eat it, I will eat it!"

"Yeah, it's so delicious, it can be so bad!"

"Really shameless!!"

Su Chen didn't care about those sounds at all, and got into the car immediately, immediately turned on the car music, held the speaker and played the song "Invincible"!

"How invincible is, how lonely, how invincible is, how empty!"

"On the summit alone, the cold wind is constantly blowing, my loneliness, who can understand me..."

"Wow, this is too fragrant, I really want to eat it, please, let me have a bite too!"

"No, I want to hold back and resolutely not eat, even if you hold it in front of me, just put it on my mouth, I jump from here, and die outside, I will never eat your food!!"

"Ah, no, no, it's really fragrant, really fragrant, so fragrant, I want to have a bite too!


"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a wave of loneliness and seductive coercion and earning 30 points!!"

Seeing this, Su Chen was also slightly overjoyed and threw the Snow King's shaved ice casually aside. Now that the force has been installed and the points have been obtained, he should also stop!

And then, this great horse competition has also ended, the first place is Su Chen, there is no doubt, and the second is the northern prince who has been unknown and reserved strength, and the third is the much-anticipated horse king Chu Liuyun.

The big prince is not weak. After the left prince, the Diao Sequoia and the right prince, the three dark horses left the game, they have been struggling to sprint and finally occupy the fourth position.

Immediately, he took the hand of Lu Yuyan who was a little surprised, and went directly to the stage, looking at the King of Xijiang with a very bad expression.

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