Nanalan couldn't recover for a long time in shock.

He has been fighting in politics for so many years, and he can't force himself to believe that the scene before him is true.

And a few minutes ago, he even vowed in his heart to think that Su Chen was so completely defeated, and it turned out that all of this was ushered in by himself.

This time he still lost all the time, the loss was particularly thorough, completely defeated by Su Chen, and there was never a day to turn back!

As soon as the master under the opponent shot, it was to crush a master as strong as the iceberg woman, how can he not be shocked.

Nalan Yande was extremely happy, he laughed bitterly, the sadness on his face made him look like a few dozen years old instantly.

"Hahaha...It's fine, that's fine, it's okay to lose, it's a relief to lose!" Nalan Yande looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, the light from the sky gradually rising and falling to exaggerate his sadness to the extreme. mood.

"My Nalan family may have disappeared from the political arena of this dynasty, but I hope the army can still have the hope of my Nalan clan!"

After that, Nalan Yande looked up to the sky again and laughed, madly in sorrow.

Unexpectedly, he would not be able to compare with Su Chen, this stinky kid after all his life!

"It's all over, from now on there may be one less star in the sky, but my lord, will fill the sky full of stars again!" Cao Mengde said coldly after Nalan Yande finished speaking.

If it hadn't been for Cao Mengde to cherish talents, perhaps he would have done it a long time ago.


With a wave of his hand, Cao Mengde plucked a scarlet gold essence to deal with Nalan Yande in the same way as the iceberg woman, and did not harm the other party. Su Chen personally took care of everything.

"Senior for mercy, senior for mercy!!"

Immediately, Cao Mengde's gaze was dazzling, and he swept towards several powerful generals, his eyes burst out with coldness, and the frightened several generals directly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Huh, who else is not convinced!"

With a cold snort, Cao Mengde snatched the real tiger charm from Nalan Yande. He glanced at the hundreds of thousands of army like sentient beings, shouting with a cold voice.

The audience was silent, and there was no one in the army to deal with Cao Mengde.

"The three armies should listen to my orders, save the people of the world in the deep waters, and don't let it go!" Cao Mengde yelled, holding the Imperial Tiger Talisman high in his hand, and bursts of golden light spread out under the breath of terror.

Cao Mengde deserves to be a famous military strategist in history, and he is extraordinary!

Everyone was shocked, extremely excited, and was affected by Cao Mengde's pressure.

Under the command of absolute horror, who is in the hands of the Tiger Talisman of the Dynasty, when the command is followed from generation to generation, it cannot be changed!

"Save the people of the world in the deep and fierce waters, do your part!" The hundreds of thousands of army shouted in unison, deafening, and their voices resounded across the sky.

"Save the world..."



The Panlong incense in front of the city lord's mansion of all states and counties had already burned to the extreme at this time, and after the last bit was ignited, the icy and disgusting voice rang again.

"Oh, the one hour rule has arrived, but it's a pity that Su Chen still didn't come to Xuanhe Hall. That's a pity, the miscellaneous family had to order a mass murder!" The voice was emitted from the palace and spread to every corner of the country. Reverberate.

At this time, everyone was extremely angry, clenched their fists, and hid in the dark to protect themselves as much as possible.

"It's useless, no matter where you hide, my people can find you. Let's kill now! Hahaha!" The voice was icy and looked extremely crazy.

People really can't believe that they dare to do such a horrible thing that regards human life as a careless thing. This is simply not what humans can do!

Because they are not human at all!

It's not as good as livestock!

"Cry, cry, struggle, and then die!!"

The next moment, there were sudden black shadows everywhere, and the executioner holding a butcher knife swept across with a burst of killing and blood.


Immediately afterwards, the terrifying killing actually happened to the unfortunate person.

Some are hiding in the well, some are hiding under the bed, some are superbly hiding in the painting...

However, none of these unfortunate people is spared.

At this time, blood was flowing everywhere, killings became disasters, and the **** breath permeated the air for a long time.

Fear and slaughter came in an instant, covering the last land of the Great Xia Dynasty, and there was no pure land for hundreds of thousands of miles!

"Never sit back and wait, let's all turn around, kill them all!"

"Yes, everything is reversed, never make meat to be slaughtered on a cutting board, brothers, resist!"

Everyone didn't want to see the innocent killing go on, and they ordered the rebellion to rise up and resist, and never be a lamb to be slaughtered on a chopping board!

People in various states and counties began to resist one after another, fighting with the executioners who were hidden in the dark. The scene became abnormally chaotic, and blood was everywhere!

"Kill, I revolted, I'd rather drain the last drop of blood, and never die cowardly!"


There were killing shouts everywhere, murderous intent everywhere, more and more people were killed and injured, and the scene began to go crazy and out of control.

But the executioner on Li Yingshuang's side still has the upper hand, and this is precisely what Li Yingshuang aims for!

The sky became more and more faint, and the nine stars above the dome transposed, and countless stars gradually began to become a little dim, as if the clouds also seemed to begin to be enveloped in layers, and a certain seal began to loosen.

At the same time, the zombies outside the border city gradually began to be around for a while, and the zombies' neighing soaring to the sky was a bit deafening. It was not that simple!

At this moment, Cao Mengde had already led all kinds of troops to Xuzhou City, ready to solve the trouble this time!

The rest of them had already assigned tasks and went to different routes to save the world.

Everything is in accordance with Su Chen's plan.

"Everyone, kill me, save the people from the raging waters!" Cao Mengde shouted and ordered.

"Kill me!!"

The army was full of morale and awe-inspiring killing intent, and instantly wiped out the executioners who were killing frantically with a very fast offensive.

Many people were saved because of this, "Thank the general for saving me, and dare to ask where you are!"

"We are the newly compiled \'New Army\', it is the army of the Su Masters, there is no need to thank us, this should be!"

"Great, great, Master Su is here to save us!"

"Yes, we rushed to rescue you!"

Everyone was extremely excited, and Su Chen really did it!

After a stick of incense, the crisis on the side of Xuzhou City was temporarily lifted, but the executioner hiding in the dark still did not catch it.

At this time, the zombies outside Xuzhou City were still struggling to attack the city, and the screaming sound made the heart tremble, and the offensive was so huge that the defending army seemed to be unable to resist it.

Cao Mengde immediately discovered this, and immediately ordered 80,000 horses to follow him to the city gate to rescue, while the remaining tens of thousands stayed at the city to prevent the incident from happening again.

At this time, the soft and cold voice did not appear again, and the Panlong incense in front of the city lord's mansion was no longer lit.

No one ignited Panlongxiang. This was definitely not because Li Yingshuang and the others lost their minions. On the contrary, the powerful minions were still hidden in the dark.

So obviously Su Chen has already arrived at the palace at this time!

Cao Mengde led 80,000 soldiers and horses to the gate of the city hurriedly. There was a mess here, and obviously the guarding army was slaughtered!

Fortunately, there were not many casualties, but the city gate was almost unable to hold on.

The defending city formation was faltering, the energy almost reached the extreme, and it was on the verge of collapse.

Cao Mengde stretched out his hand and waved, and immediately behind him, two red gold wings condensed by the true essence appeared, and he flew up the city wall in one leap.

At this time, some zombies had already leapt over the high city wall, resisting the last might of the defense formation and leaped up!

"One part, go to reinforce the city wall and guard the city gate, some people go to the city wall to meet the enemy!" Cao Mengde quickly ordered.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, Cao Mengde immediately mobilized the true essence in his body to start repairing the city defense formation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

When Cao Mengde waved his hand, a burst of majestic essence like a flood immediately poured into the core of the formation, and under the folds of brilliance, the sky was shining brightly.

The wing-building peak powerhouse is really terrifying!


With a harsh buzzing sound, the defense formation seemed to have regained a lot of vitality, but it was only second to being on the edge of shattering.

The variables in the upper layers of the sky are still constantly changing, and the dark clouds cover the sky, but above that is an extremely rare nine-star translocation. It seems that something big will happen!

However, there seems to be a certain kind of seal that is quietly weakening, making the zombies still eager to move forward.


On the battlefield, suffocating winds continued to roll up, and the terrifying breath contained endless monstrous killings, and those breaths were terrifying to the horror.

The real good show may not have started yet, the previous ones are just appetizers.

After being silent for such a long time, the high-level zombies quietly behind may also be dispatched!

After that, a new **** storm will be set off, a new era will be opened, and a new world order will be established!

At the same time, it is not just an anomaly on the land of the Great Xia Dynasty.

In the western part of the mainland, the western border country, the eastern part, the Tobu country, the north, the northern dome, the southern, and the southern part of the country, the zombies are all wildly active.

In addition, the zombies in each place represent different types and strengths. They plunder resources, seize spiritual energy, and hunt various ethnic groups...

These are about to herald that the crisis of extinction has crazily swept across the entire continent, and perhaps no one will be spared by then!

The end of the dynasty is coming!

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