"Why, your kid is still stubborn when he died?"

"Hmph, wait for me, I will shake people!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!"

"If you don't call your so-called master, I will suppress you under Jiuyou today so that you will never live beyond!"

"Now, die!!"

The iceberg woman gave a faint sigh, followed by bursts of rose-like blades rippling up, and the moment it filled the whole body, it immediately slammed towards Cheng Song like an escape blade.


Numerous icy auras were condensed in the air, which was released suddenly at this moment, sweeping madly towards Cheng Song.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, and the iceberg girl is a must-kill move once she makes a move, and she does not intend to give Cheng Song a possibility of survival!


Cheng Song burst into tears, the sharp blade in his hand suddenly swelled into an extremely majestic strange light, and a burst of terror suddenly burst from his body.


At the same time, the sharp blade swayed wildly forward, a violent offensive swept up, and directly collided with the rose petals that rolled at a terrifying speed, bursting with an extremely harsh explosion.


With one blow, Cheng Song's body was directly like a kite flying upside down. The whole body was blasted out, and his body suddenly leaned forward, spouting a mouthful of blood.

Cheng Song's entire head felt like being hit by a car with severe pain, and the buzzing made his vision a little blurred.

Coupled with the fact that the injury of the rose poison previously mentioned has not completely healed, it is even more serious at this moment.


Another loud noise sounded on the court, and only a dazzling golden glow blocked everyone's sight.

Immediately afterwards, the entire figure of the iceberg woman was like a kite with a broken line before, falling backward, and the wings carved out of ice on the back were actually broken in half!

Everyone was stunned for a while, never expected that the horrible scene in front of them would change so quickly.

First, the iceberg woman flew Cheng Song, and then it was her turn to be blown away.

Moreover, even the wings of vitality that his own vitality has transformed have been broken!

After the golden light that had hidden his sight dissipated, everyone was dumbfounded to see a heroic uncle with thick eyebrows and eyes standing proudly in front of the iceberg woman.

The heroic uncle didn't have any weapons in his hands, and he apparently blasted the iceberg girl with his bare hands!

Strong wing builders, really terrifying! !

And this person is Cao Mengde!

"I would rather bear the people of the world, and no one would bear me!" Cao Mengde glanced back at everyone, his eyes domineering, and no one dared to look at him when his killing intent was exposed!

"If you dare to move my lord, please ask me if Cao Aha agrees!" Cao Mengde shouted!

"Huh, such a vicious person must be the one who used the rose poison on General Cheng before, don't blame the old man for destroying the flowers!"

Cao Mengde snorted coldly, looking at the dying iceberg woman on the ground who was already seriously injured, and couldn't help but anger.

It is indeed Cao Mengde!

A ruthless person is a ruthless person. The attack is so vicious, and when they meet, they will be a hard blow. The lion fights the rabbit with all their strength, without mercy!

But if it weren't for being afraid of Su Chen's upset, Cao Mengde would have taken the opponent's life as soon as he shot!

Beauty has been a burial mound of heroes since ancient times. Destroying flowers is a necessary method for the hero!

Immediately, under the shock of everyone, Cao Mengde went to help Cheng Song up.

The true essence in the plundered body was instilled into Cheng Song to relieve the injury in the opponent's body, and to get rid of the rose poison that the iceberg woman tried to plant Cheng Song!

After a while, as Cao Mengde's true essence continued to nourish Cheng Song's internal organs, Cheng Song's injury eased a lot.


Cheng Song's body leaned forward again, black blood spurted from his mouth, and his complexion became quite old.

"The old man is still a step late. Fortunately, my treatment was timely!" Cao Mengde couldn't help but sigh.

As for why he came here in a hurry to save Cheng Song's life, this can be said to be just a coincidence!

Moreover, all of this was discussed at the meeting before, and it happened to be in accordance with the plan!

Because Cheng Song was in charge of the Tiger Talisman of the Dynasty, the three armies of the capital that were about to give orders were extremely important.

According to the plan, Su Chen sent Cao Mengde to investigate to prevent accidents.

In addition, Cheng Song was already in control at this time, and Su Chen was not afraid that Cheng Song would change his mind, but worried that once people were silent for a long time, they would suddenly get huge powers, which would lead to a plan to fail.

Unfortunately, Cao Mengde arrived at the fastest speed, but he still saw what was happening in front of him, and he quickly urged Zhen Yuan to take action to suppress the iceberg woman.

The iceberg girl is only in the mid-stage of wing-building, and Cao Mengde is the pinnacle of wing-building. The opponent is like an ant in his hand, and can be choked to death at will.

And these other people are even more ants than ants!

But the dynasty tiger charm that Su Chen gave to Cheng Song was actually a fake!

However, this dynasty tiger charm was personally stolen to Su Chen by Concubine Shu!

Su Chen believed in Concubine Shu's feelings for him, so it was obvious that someone on the emperor's side had seen through Su Chen, who would send someone to steal the Tiger Talisman of the Dynasty to prepare for rebellion, and dropped the Tiger Talisman in advance.

However, this disguise technique was so superb that Su Chen did not recognize it, and the system did not prompt it in time.

This led to the tragedy in front of us!

Fortunately, it was not too late for Cao Mengde to come, and he instilled the true essence of the Wing-Making Realm powerhouse in time to heal Cheng Song, and it eased a lot.

Immediately, Cao Mengde was aloft, glanced at the hundreds of thousands of army, as well as the commanders and Nalan Yande like a sentient being, and appeared in front of the iceberg woman in the blink of an eye.


With a wave of Cao Mengde's finger, a red gold true essence suddenly penetrated into the iceberg woman's mouth. The iceberg woman's complexion gradually became painful, and her complexion suddenly became savage.

But it was just a change in facial expression, but his body did not struggle at all. Cao Mengde blocked all the true essence of the Bingshan woman in a single thought.

Let it be in a state of half-life, extremely painful but without causing any harm, and still unable to struggle.

The reason why Cao Mengde did this was to hand over this woman to Su Chen. After all, the opponent's strength was very good in the middle stage of Wing Building. If he disposes of it at will, it will make this particularly strange-tempered lord angry.

Then, Cao Mengde picked up the jade neck of the Bingshan woman with one hand, and looked at everyone like a sentient being, announcing the coming of authority.

Under the horrific pressure of Wing Creation Realm, everyone looked extremely ugly.

The jade box was shattered, and the bones of the ancestors of the Su family were also shattered, and there were ashes everywhere.

"Oh! The feeling of the hand-blade enemy ancestor is really wonderful, and it's refreshing everywhere!" Li Yingshuang half-squinted inhumanely, as if he enjoyed it.

Su Chen watched this scene happen in front of his eyes, but felt that he was unable to stop it. He couldn't help but resent to the extreme, and his eyes were almost cracked!

The speed of the other party was beyond his imagination, and it was not what he could have expected!

Damn it! !

In this way, he has become a sinner of the Su family!

Su Chen's father, Su Jing, died unfairly. The cause of his death so far is still unknown. This is because of him, and all the bones of the ancestors were shattered!

This is extremely disrespectful to the deceased, the deceased can't rest in peace, what face does his eldest son Su Chen have to continue to live!

Damn it! !

Oh, it's a pity that the real Su Chen had already died a few months ago. At this time, Su Chen was nothing more than a traverser who came over with sheepskin.

He worked extremely hard to control the immense resentment given to him by the depths of his brain, memories and emotions, and tried to calm himself down so that he could cope with the next situation.

Because, including Li Yingshuang himself, at this time there are at least four strong players comparable to wing-building or even above who need him to deal with it.

This is completely beyond his expectations!

What is the origin of the other party? It is definitely not a person from his own country, or even from this continent!

To be able to give orders to three Tier 5 zombies at once, what a terrifying strength is needed to do it!

Not to mention that the opponent possesses special magical powers and magic weapons, but the strength alone is afraid that it will be above the wing-making realm! !

"How about it, it feels good to see your ancestors being smashed in front of the enemy, hahaha!"

Li Yingshuang smiled gloomily and coldly, watching Su Chen's playfulness and jokes, and the laughter was full of disdain.

"You are looking for a more adequate reason for your death, Grandpa Li!" Su Chen said in a cold voice, his eyes distraught.

"Joke, this is really the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life!" Li Yingshuang laughed a few times, disdainfully said.

"System, quickly draw me a **** summoned!"

Without saying a word, Su Chen quickly shifted his gaze to the system.

"Ding, it is being drawn..."

"Ding, the draw is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining a [Wei Zhongxian] summoning card, which has automatically deducted 70 points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining additional bonuses. You can enchant a weapon at will and use it against zombies to gain additional effects!"

Character: [Wei Zhongxian]

Strength: [The Peak of Wing-Building Realm! 】

Supernatural powers: [Fast speed realm! 】, 【Quickly capture! 】

All your own personnel, in the [Fast Speed ​​Domain], will have their speed doubled!

Seeing that Su Chen had drawn Wei Zhongxian out, his expression could not help but eased. As a result, the odds of winning this battle doubled!

And more importantly, the bonus rewards obtained. Enchanted weapons have additional effects against zombies, just to solve the immediate crisis!

Without a word, Su Chen immediately summoned Wei Zhongxian, the famous Dongchang factory official, with a move of his mind.

"Ding, the summon is successful, Wei Zhongxian will be on the battlefield in one minute!"

"Give you one last chance, hand over the secrets and formulas for you!"

Seeing Su Chen's expression dim, Li Yingshuang said in a cold voice.

"Hmph, dead eunuch, don't think about it!" Su Chen snorted coldly, with a firm attitude.

"Then you will be buried here forever!" Li Yingshuang said fiercely.


After Li Yingshuang finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, three Tier 5 zombies immediately roared and rushed up.

The lion also used its full strength to fight the rabbit, and the three Tier 5 zombies burst out of the strongest strength and rushed up, trying to tear Su Chen to pieces!

However, Su Chen had reserved his hand long ago and summoned Han Xin in advance!

"Han Xin's escort!" Su Chen shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the sky suddenly changed again, and a silver dragon, accompanied by a terrifying aura, smashed the top of the palace with a devastating force, blocking Su Chen with a "bang".

"Silver Dragon Roar!"

Han Xin yelled, the silver dragon spear in his hand suddenly burst into silver light, and suddenly burst into a terrifying torrent.


Accompanied by the deafening cracking sound, the three Tier 5 zombies were bombarded back and forth again and again, and a large amount of black mist was filled in front of them, and their power was shaken.

"Oh? Interesting"

Seeing this scene, Li Yingshuang could no longer sit quietly on the dragon chair, his closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of surprise and playfulness.

"If it's just that, it won't be enough for my subordinates!"

Li Yingshuang's soft and icy voice came again, and it was full of creeps in Su Chen's ears.

Li Yingshuang's words fell, and the three Tier 5 zombies suddenly looked at each other and quickly communicated in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, the three Tier 5 zombies suddenly charged up with a majestic black air, and their hideous features suddenly appeared.

A disgusting and unpleasant stench erupted immediately, not only in the Xuanhe Hall, but the entire palace was filled with such a disgusting stench!

Soon, the three Tier 5 zombies finally revealed their true colors!

Among the three zombies, the one on the left has a sharp blade made of a huge beast rib in his right hand, and a large shield made of animal bone in his left hand, with a few fangs on his face and all over his body. A breath of horror spread, and his face was hideous and ugly.

The one on the right is holding a special medicine bottle in each hand, with bursts of sulfuric acid smell, which makes people shunned.

This zombie is full of countless pustules that make people feel extremely disgusting when they see it, densely scattered in every corner.

The overflowing pus possesses terrifying toxicity!

The strength of the two, the former is comparable to the eighth-order wing, the latter is comparable to the seventh-order wing.

But obviously the latter's strength is even more so that Su Chen feels jealous!

And the leader is the strongest, reaching the ninth level comparable to Wing-making Realm, a terrifying existence that can stand tall and dominate the world!

The headed zombie, composed of countless human bones, has already undergone an abnormal change, not the human body before it was infected as a zombie.

If you want to reluctantly comment, the first two still have a humanoid appearance, you can see that they are still human under infection.

And the headed zombies are all mutated, and their bodies can't even see the human form.

The body is made up of countless human bones and does not have "limbs".

This zombie had six eyes on its head, and six hands and feet were piled up from human bones. The breath was extremely terrifying.

The headed zombies have already stepped half of their feet into the sixth-tier threshold, and the resulting abnormal changes make their strength even those who have reached the realm of Bigu can not help but feel jealous.

Even the powerhouses in the Bigu state may not want to be enemies!

Earlier, it was clear that this zombie only used at least two or three levels of skill!


The three zombies screamed in unison, and then, when they moved, a flood of evil spirit burst open.

Han Xinhu was in front of Su Chen, his face was firm and firm, and his strength was so strong, he couldn't help feeling jealous at this time!

Seeing the offensive, Han Xin didn't hesitate to shake his whole body, exploding with a majestic element of essence to resist.

"The old slave is too late for help, and I hope the Lord will forgive me!"

At this time, a soft, shrill voice sounded.

I saw a terrifying breath, and immediately, a man with a thin face and a gorgeous Dongchang robe rushed forward holding a machete embroidered with a pattern on the handle, and guarded Su Chen.

"The factory owner, you finally came!" Su Chen was a little relieved.

As a result, their odds of winning are much greater.

Wei Zhongxian arched his hand towards Weiwei Su Chen, and then slashed in front of him, staring at the three zombies vigilantly, and a burst of purple essence spread out.

"Fast Speed ​​Realm!"

Wei Zhongxian shouted in a low voice, and immediately two majestic waves of air burst out behind him, swiping a scimitar with a terrifying breath and suddenly slashed.


As a result, before the zombie had time to resist, he was bombarded and flew backwards.

"Are you threatening to suppress my disciple's eternal waste under Jiuyou? How ridiculous!"

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