"There are only nine hundred and ninety-nine steps in this road to the sky. As long as you can climb to the six hundredth step, you can qualify and obtain the title of nobleman!"

"That's it? I want to climb the thousandth step!"

Lu Yuyan was taken aback for a moment, then showed a faint smile again, and then looked into the distance and nodded.

"Yeah, as long as our hearts are always connected, why not even if we are in different corners of the world?" Lu Yuyan said with a smile, tears falling uncontrollably.

Su Chen followed with a smile and nodded, looking in the direction Lu Yuyan was looking.

That is the other side of the Northern Qiong Country, and the hometown of Yu Yan!

"Okay, I should go now, looking forward to our next meeting, I believe you will already become a giant of the Megatron!"

Lu Yuyan said, smiled at Su Chen and waved her hand, her hands were definitely displayed, and her figure gradually moved away from Su Chen, dissipating to the north.

Su Chen lost his hand and waved to her, then walked south without looking back.

As Lu Yuyan walked, tears couldn't stop falling crazily, tears like a waterfall wet the face of the city.


After that, Su Chen rushed back without stopping, and joined Cao Mengde and Tang Ransheng.

"My lord, it's not good!"

As soon as Su Chen hurried back, Old Chen hurried over holding a golden scroll in a hurry.

"What makes you so anxious all the time?" Su Chen asked.

"It's the imperial decree sent by the Holy Master before Banzhuxiang. They already knew that we were hiding here!" Old Chen frowned and said quickly.

"Oh? If that's the case, then I happened to see this juncture, what is the decree of this dazzling monarch!"

Su Chen sneered, but didn't despise it either, and immediately took the imperial edict and poured a hint of breath into it.


As a white flying breath quickly penetrated into the imperial edict, the appearance of Emperor Xuanhe immediately appeared in front of everyone.

Behind the lazy Emperor Xuanhe in the picture stood the cunning Nalan Yande, and in the distance was the iceberg woman who had fought against Su Chen and the others in Nalan Mansion.

Unexpectedly, when she was badly injured by Han Xin last time, she looked like a okay person.

"Su Chen, don't you have to kneel down to take the order?!!!"

Even if Emperor Xuanhe's voice swayed in the picture, his laziness was accompanied by a hint of carelessness.

Su Chen sneered, when is the time, your throne is about to be lost, still thinking about giving me these bells and whistles?

Su Chen kept silent and watched the changes.

"Don't kneel? That's okay, anyway, you still have to kneel down in front of me like a slave!" Emperor Xuanhe's lazy expression revealed a hint of arrogance, his expression suddenly stunned.

Su Chen couldn't help but looked at the other party with interest.

"The bones of your father Su Jing have fallen into my hands. That's right. That means I sent someone to dig up your Su family's ancestral grave, not only your father's, but also your grandfather's, great-grandfather's, and great-great-grandfather's. The bones are in my hands!"

As Emperor Xuanhe said, that lazy look disappeared, but some crazy smiles emerged.

After listening, Su Chen was furious and clenched his fists madly.

At this moment, Nalan Yande, who was standing behind Emperor Xuanhe, kept smirking and was not only very cunning, he must have made this plan to Emperor Xuanhe!

But, what about it, Su Chen is someone who has passed through, these are not his real relatives!

Although the memories are combined, the emotions are also deep, which is why he was so angry the first time he heard this.

But if he really wants to choose, in the face of interests, he may even not choose this! !

But there is one more thing that he really scruples!

"Oh, Lord Su, who loves the people like a child, shouldn't you really exterminate your relatives for my throne, regardless of the coldness of the ancestors' bones? Then how many people in the world will be chilled when the message comes out."

"Su Da, who loves his people like a child, can even ignore his own relatives, so how can he take care of them like ordinary people?"

The words of Emperor Xuanhe contained an obvious provocation, and the words and sentences of Yin Han were worrying, and this was what Su Chen really needed to worry about!

After all, in the picture, Emperor Xuanhe actually took out ribs to play with, sneered at Su Chen, his sleazy expression was really annoying!

Su Chen frowned, his fingernails sunk directly into the flesh, and blood spilled out directly.

He didn't expect that his opponent could be so vicious and able to use such vicious tricks!

"Damn it! These beasts are really vicious!"

Tang Ransheng couldn't stand it anymore on the spot, and immediately swept up a burst of black flying like a tide of black shadows and smashed the scene with a "bang".

However, although the picture is gone, the imperial edict has not been destroyed yet, and Emperor Xuanhe's humble voice still echoes in the air.

"Su Chen, you are only allowed to come to Xuanhe Hall within three days. You are only allowed to come alone. If you dare to lead someone, don't blame me for being cruel!"

As Emperor Xuanhe said, there were waves of sneers in the air. The image of laziness before and now is totally different!

"Good guy, since I'm so eager to die, then I don't need to be polite to you!" Su Chen said coldly, anger enough to swallow all the powerhouses of the same level on the spot.

"My son, this is obviously a trap, you must not go to the palace tomorrow!"

After listening to Xiaobi's face, her face changed drastically, and her hand hurriedly grabbed Su Chen's arm and persuaded.

"Yes, what Miss Little Bi said is extremely true, the lord still needs to think twice about this matter!" Cao Mengde also nodded following Xiao Bi's words.

Su Chen looked at Cao Mengde, sighed slightly, and shook his head.

Even if he knew that this trip was a clear trap, he had to get in alone!

If you don’t go to save their fathers and their bodies, the corpses of all the relatives will not say anything, and the greater loss will be the loss of the people’s heart, and this person who loves the people like a child! !

Cao Mengde immediately glanced at Su Chen, and nodded immediately after thinking quickly.

"It's okay, the son has too many cards. This trip must be foolproof, and I have a plan to retreat, but this step of rebellion will accelerate!"

Su Chen tried his best to squeeze a comfortable smile, gently stroked Fu Xiaobi's head and comforted him.

"Eh, have you heard? It seems that the saint has issued a decree to the prisoner Su Chen who is absconding, asking him to go to the palace within three days!"

The hall was noisy and bustling. I don't know who was the first to start discussing this matter, and I don't know who leaked it out!

"Hey, it's not that. I heard about it a long time ago. I heard that the saint sent someone to dig the tombs of the eighteenth generation of Su family ancestors, and controlled the bones of the Su family ancestors to threaten Su Chen's appearance. Yeah!"

"Tsk tsk, this is really vicious, it's disgusting!" A lady couldn't help but retching after hearing this.

"Huh, you deserve to be a contemporary tyrant. I didn't expect such a stinking thing for thousands of years to be done!"

A female fan who admired Su Chen couldn't help but speak for him on the spot, but only after she said her words did she realize that what she said might bring her a bad end, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

"Hehe, but I don't think Su Chen is such a reckless person. What if the sage says it is false. If Su Chen goes, wouldn't he just fall into the trap for nothing?" One person put forward his own point of view. .

"Haha, that is, Su Chen is not such a reckless person, maybe he can ignore the bones of his ancestors and just keep himself at large?"

"This is also possible. After all, Su Chen is also a ruthless character, and it may not be unusual to make such a move."

"Yes, what Xiongtai said is extremely true, hahaha!"

And the people who said this were the "big talents" Wang Xun and the gang who had been crushed by Su Chen at the banquet held by Concubine Shu that day.

"Heh, the place where you are at this time is still arranged by Master Su personally, and the peerless delicacies you eat are also created by Master Su who racked his brains. You are so embarrassed to be so downcast."

There were ordinary people who had been favored by Su Chen. He couldn't sit still when he heard these words. He stood up and blamed Wang Xun's group for Su Chen.

"Huh, where's the cat and dog, the trivial people dare to stand up for Su Chen?!!!" Wang Xun's dog legs also stood up for the first time.

"Who do you say is a pariah!!"

Immediately, a large group of civilians all stood up one after another. At this time, they were all still enjoying the blessings that Su Chen gave them, so how could they not stand in his position?

"you guys!!!"

Due to the large number of people on the civilian side, Wang Xun's dog leg was choked on the spot, and he glanced at Wang Xun, only after obtaining acquiescence, he snorted and sat down reluctantly.

As a result, this matter slowly subsided.


At night, due to the need for heating, the Longmen Inn at this time becomes even more hot.

"Eh, have you heard that, it seems that there is new news."

"What's new? You are well informed. Tell me!"

Hearing that there was new news, people who wanted to inquire immediately surrounded him immediately.

"I heard that Master Su seems to be quiet all day, and the entire capital city has never seen Su Chen, so what do you guess?" The man slowly said, arousing everyone's curiosity. .

"Hey, don't sell it anymore. Hurry up. We know that Su Chen is afraid of death, so we didn't go to the palace for the appointment today!"

The man immediately stopped selling off his son, his face suddenly changed and said: "I heard that, for this, the sage was furious. I didn't expect that Su Chen would really dare to resist the decree!"

"Hey, what's the matter? Isn't it just fighting the decree? Guess what is the shocking poem left by Su Chen when he rebelled and escaped from the palace?" Another person said at this time.

The curiosity of everyone listening to gossip was suddenly pulled to the extreme, and their eyes shifted to the person behind.

"When autumn comes on September 8,

After my flowers bloom, a hundred flowers kill.

The incense is soaring through Chang'an,

The city is full of golden armor! "

The man chanted verses quickly, with a wave of arrogance and boldness.

"Hey, if you really want to soar the capital of Chang'an with blood in the sky, it will be really terrifying!" After hearing this, one person couldn't help taking a breath, and his face was incredible.

After listening, everyone looked bad.

Such arrogant and daring threats to penetrate Chang'an's poems and openly oppose the emperor, I am afraid that only Su Chen has the courage!

"Oh, what are these, these are all imaginary, guess what the content of the decree of the Holy Spirit is?" The person who first attracted the attention of everyone spoke again.

When everyone heard that it was about the imperial edict, they couldn't help but cast expectant glances at that person.

The man didn’t sell Guanzi and said immediately, “The Holy Master has already issued the imperial decree to Su Chen. If he dares not to go to the appointment within three days, he will immediately send the bones of his ancestors of the Su family to the spot, and randomly Slaughter 30,000 innocent people!"

After all, that person's face is also extremely bad.


After hearing this, everyone took a breath. I didn't expect that the saint today is so frantic, not only digging the ancestral graves, but also frustrating bones and ashes and slaughtering 30,000 innocent people randomly!

On the spot, after hearing the news, everyone present turned into a pig liver color with fright.

Unexpectedly, the dignified generation of saints, you are usually faint, or even violent, it doesn't matter, but you actually acted like this to regard human life as grass and must, regardless of the affairs of the world, to really chill the hearts of countless thousands of great Xia subjects in the world what!

The anger of everyone was at its extreme!

And all this was caused by a little Su Chen!

The focus of everyone's anger could not help but gradually shifted to Su Chen, pouring the anger in his heart onto Su Chen's body!

But due to the power of the Dragon Gate Inn, and the need to receive Su Chen's blessings, these people were fortunate not to do anything extraordinary!

"Hmph, I guess this Su Chen is a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, and he will definitely not go to the palace to receive orders!"

"Thirty thousand innocent people will all wait for death. If there are any funerals, the last words will be explained earlier, so as to avoid trouble when there is no chance!"

"Come and come, let's place a bet, guess that Su Chen will go and buy against this side, guess that Su Chen will definitely not go, let's buy this side!"

"Buy to leave, buy to leave!"

"Hmph, I guess this greedy and fearful Master Su will never die, so I buy to support it!"

"How can I say this? The matter has not yet reached an irreversible stage. How can you know the result? I believe Master Su, so I stand against it!"

"That is, Master Su is omnipotent, and I also oppose your ideas, and I will follow to buy and oppose this side!"

"It's not that simple!"

"What do you think?"

"In my opinion, let's wait and see, don't act rashly."

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