"If you are about to abolish the foundation of the ancients and start over, isn't it more difficult than climbing the ladder, and it's too dangerous!"

"so what?"

"Then can you really trust me?"

"of course!"

"Well, let me give you a chance!"

Su Chen smiled happily at Lu Yuyan, leaned against the somewhat unstable wall, and reached out to wipe the blood from the earlobe.

"Are you injured?" Lu Yuyan asked distressedly, taking out her own handkerchief, squatting down and gently wiping off the blood for Su Chen.

"It's nothing, it's just a minor injury. I'll arrange another room for you later. Living in the barracks is boring enough." Su Chen smiled slightly and looked at Lu Yuyan who was frowning.

"Well, thank you, my lord, for being able to save me in time. After the two broke in at the time, they immediately used a kind of smoke to make me feel dizzy. I don't know what happened later."

Lu Yuyan clutched her head and said consciously before Su Chen asked.

"It's okay, people can be fine. You will open the door to do business in an hour. You should come to my place for a rest. Don't worry, you can prepare for the opening now." Su Chen stood trembling. He stood up and said in a relaxed tone.

"Then, your injury?" Lu Yuyan frowned with some worry, looking at Su Chen with an unbearable look.

"It's not a small injury. I have suffered a lot of injuries recently. There is no need to worry about it. Do you think I am still alive and kicking?" Su Chen raised the corner of his mouth and waved the golden sword in his hand, so that Lu Yuyan didn't need to do anything He was worried.


As soon as Su Chen swung his sword, he didn't pretend to force it for a few seconds. As a result, his hand was twisted violently and immediately fractured, and he cried out in pain.

"Look, I said there is no need to worry, isn't this a problem?"

Lu Yuyan sneered, and it was very comfortable to caress like a spring breeze. She stretched out her hand and gently rubbed her arm for Su Chen, and then revealed a distressed look on her face.

"Well, Miss Lu, you really don't have to worry about me, this little injury will recover after a while."

"Don't call me Miss Lu, let the adults call me Yuyan, this bottle of golden sore medicine is a rare and best product, the next time the adult is injured, it will heal soon with a little injury."

Lu Yuyan said seriously, gently pouring the green jade bottle in his hand, taking out a little red powder, and slowly applying Su Chen on the fractured arm.

After the red powder was applied to the arm, it melted into Su Chen's skin instantly, dispersed into his bones, and immediately disappeared.

In the next moment, Su Chen's arm recovered a lot in an instant, and he was able to move directly, although there was also credit for the system to help him recover from his injuries.

Immediately, Lu Yuyan seriously corked the green jade bottle containing the precious golden sore powder into Su Chen's hand, and Su Chen didn't refuse to take her into the bag immediately, seeing her appearance.

"Ding, I found the best golden sore medicinal powder, the star is: five stars, the value is: five hundred apocalyptic points!"

Worth five hundred apocalyptic points? That is simply the best of the best!

Gradually, Su Chen discovered that just this little powder of medicine not only restored his vitality a lot, but also repaired his internal injuries caused by Li Dingyuan who was incarnate as a Tier 5 zombie. It was a god, worth five hundred. Points are not too much.

"Okay, Yu Yan, I really want to thank you this time. You haven't slept all night, so go and rest." Su Chen and Lu Yuyan met and soon they were able to give him such a precious thing, which made him. I am a little moved.

"Okay." Lu Yuyan immediately smiled, as pure and beautiful as a blooming epiphany.

After that, Su Chen took Lu Yuyan to his room on the third floor, and went downstairs alone to the glorious first floor like a palace.

At this time, Mu Rouchun and her three inn thugs were not seen, so I don't know where they are hiding to discuss something.

Su Chen didn't care about them, took out "Cooking Mystery Book" and read it carefully, then watched it carefully for a while, and then found several cold drinks made from ice and snow.

Since it is open for business, the products should not be monotonous, but must be rich and diverse.

And he discovered that these ice and snow would never melt without a man's hands!

In this way, there is no need to worry about storage.

Su Chen took out a little ice and a container from the storage cabinet, and immediately prepared it skillfully. After adding a little snow dew, he used his special technique as a gourmet food to make a cold drink of Snow King in one go.

[Snow King Ice Drink]: Grade Star: Two-star Delicacy Star: Five-star Effect: Increase the attack power of warriors under the realm of wing-making by 10%!

Su Chen didn't have a hurry to drink first. As soon as he entered the mouth, the special delicate taste of Xue Wang's ice drink immediately opened in his mouth, giving people all beautiful fantasy.

Snow King's ice drink is sweet but not greasy, silky and delicate, very good.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's 10% increase in attack power!"

As soon as Su Chen finished drinking a cup of Snow King's ice drink, the system prompt sounded. This time the increase in attack power was only 10% of his original, but it was also a big jump!

It's a pity that the effect is almost only once, but if he can produce a variety of delicious food with different magical effects, it will be shocking and coveted.

Moreover, Su Chen and Han Xin are automatically recruiting and training troops in the system. If they can improve their strength by giving them all the food they have produced, how terrifying will the army cultivated?

Su Chen wanted to make some other delicacies, and the system prompt sounded.

"Remind the host, there is a cooling time for making these foods, and the host cannot make them before the time is up!"

Hearing that the system said that Su Chen was not disappointed, after all, it was normal to restrict him according to the system's routine.

After that, the five soldiers who came to serve as employees for him arrived on time, with honest and simple faces.

"This is the Snow King cold drink newly made by this official. Come and taste it soon. I will teach you how to make it later." Su Chen immediately greeted when someone came.

They had already seen the magic of Snow King Su Chen's shaved ice last night, and when they heard Su Chen said that they had made a new variety, the five of them were too excited, and immediately ran up to catch up.

"Emma, ​​what is this? It's so delicious."

"That's right, I have never drank such delicious ice water."

"It's okay if you don't have a name. From now on, you will be called according to your age. Your oldest is the eldest son, and the second one is called the second and the third in the same way." Su Chen pointed to the oldest one, and looked over. Each of them.

"Master Xie." The five said in unison.


Soon after the normal business hours, Mu Rouchun wore a black gauze skirt, stretched her waist and walked enchantingly to the front desk. The five brothers who watched even drooled, but Su Chen didn’t feel much in her heart. Waves.

This woman is a little fairy at all. Although she is the agent shopkeeper of Longmen Inn, she has reached a cooperative relationship with him on the surface, but if she stays by her side for a long time, even if she doesn't take the initiative to find Su Chen trouble, she will definitely be in trouble.

And the huge secret hidden behind him is probably beyond Su Chen's imagination!

"Guest Officer Hao Shuai, your newly introduced delicacy seems to be delicious, can you let the little girl taste it too?"

Mu Rouchun danced enchanting posture. Even if she knew that Su Chen would not eat this set, she still cast a wink at him. In her words, men are all the same, thinking about life in the lower body.

"As a partner, of course there is no problem." Su Chen squinted and smiled, and handed Mu Rouchun a glass of Snow King's ice drink.

"Hey, the little girl thanked the guest officer." Mu Rouchun smiled charmingly, and sipped the Snow King's ice drink without hesitation.

The next moment, Mu Rouchun's face changed suddenly, clutching her boneless abdomen, and hurriedly walked towards the latrine.

Upon seeing this, the five brothers also looked dumbfounded, and only Su Chen laughed alone, "She looks like a very clever Ya (like)."

"My lord, did you put something in that shopkeeper's ice drink?" The boss of the five brothers was the most witty and understood everything instantly.

"Yes, I took advantage of her carelessness, and added a little bit of Chaotian pepper solvent to the glass of ice drink. It must be very irritating to drink it, right? How dare you use the beauty trick on this official? It's the end!"

Su Chen explained to the five brothers with a smile, and then coldly snorted, "Okay, let's open business!"


Immediately, Su Chen opened with great fanfare, and asked the system for a big speaker.

"Longmen Inn is newly opened. Don't miss it when you pass by. There are peerless delicacies you have never seen before!" Su Chen shouted with a loudspeaker under everyone's strange gaze.

"By the way, people, you can come to this inn to receive a daily serving of peerless delicacies based on your identity. The ordinary people in need receive it for free!!!"

Su Chen's voice instantly penetrated the center of the entire Xuzhou county town, and a large number of people rushed to join in the fun no matter what happened, just to see the peerless delicacy that you can get for free?

"Hurry up, I heard that there are peerless foods that you can get for free!"

"Yes, don't forget the identity certificate issued by the court!"

The crowd exploded at the moment when the crowd was bustling, and for the first time I saw good things other than opening the warehouse and putting food.

And when people came to the Longmen Inn, their chins were instantly shocked. The magnificent shapes and furnishings were never seen before.

This moment attracted the attention of the blockbuster, people continued to come one after another, the flow of people was simply many times that of normal.

"Oh my god, is this a fairyland on earth, so beautiful!"

"No way, this is like a certain emperor's luxurious palace!"

"Come on, come to Longmen Inn to feast your eyes, even if you can't eat peerless food, you won't regret seeing this life!"

The whole city boiled instantly, and Mu Rouchun, who came back from the latrine, almost couldn't believe it when she saw this scene, and even wondered if she was in a dream.

"Is this still my inn? Why is every corner filled with people!"

And Cheng Song and Jiang Sheng also heard Su Chen's words, and immediately came to join in the fun, mixed in the bustling crowd, and even struggled.

"My lord, there are too many people here, it's almost like that army of zombies!" Cheng Song stroked his beard somewhat puzzled, and Jiang Sheng on the side also cast an agreeable look.

"Fortunately, as I expected." Su Chen smiled triumphantly.

Then, he stepped directly on the counter and shouted loudly with a loud speaker: "Everyone, be quiet!!"

The crowd who was still chatting in chaos immediately became quiet in Su Chen's deterrent loud shout.

"Listen to the official way, today's move is the benefit that the official alone brings to you. Now, please prepare your identity certificate. The poor and the people are given priority. Line up one by one. Those who dare to violate discipline will be severely punished!"

As soon as Su Chen's voice fell, the crowds boiled again. Many people called out for good, but some wealthy businessmen and clan officials were not happy. Why are these poor people more noble than us?

"Quiet! Arrange the queue for me, the offender, cut it!" Su Chen shouted harshly while holding the horn.

Under his deterrence, those people calmed down again. Many people lined up with joy and waited for Su Chen's next step, while some wealthy children complained quietly.

Su Chen was very satisfied when he saw it, and then said: "Our store has launched two new peerless delicacies, namely Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Ice Drink, which contain magical effects! Who eats knows, who eats becomes immortal!"


After Su Chen took out the two foods, the crowd was in an uproar again.

"What is this, is this ice really edible?"

"No, want us to eat ice? Is this really a peerless delicacy?"

"Oh, it's almost gone, I'm afraid it's a scam, and it's still a fairy. It's almost a lie to a three-year-old!"

Su Chen smiled indifferently when he saw it. With a wave of his hand, the peculiar scent of Snow King's shaved ice spread instantly, and went directly to those who mocked him.

The crowd soon had no objections, and this peculiar fragrance completely aroused people's desire for food.

After Su Chen was satisfied, he said: "The Snow King Shaved Ice, the son of a wealthy businessman, Jujia, etc., all sell thirty taels of silver, and Snow King ice drink, 40 taels of silver. There should be no objections. Those who don't want to buy will go out. Turn left!"

Su Chen said loudly without concealing that, with the addition of the horn, his voice spread throughout the inn. There were many spectators watching the excitement on the second and third floors.

And after hearing the price, many people who were not the poor retreated. After all, the price is simply scary!

Let alone whether Su Chen’s food has magical effects, the price alone is no longer a small amount, why don’t you grab it?

"Well, you will leave the work of checking the identity certificate to Jiang Sheng!" Su Chen ignored the changes on the faces of those people and turned to Jiang Sheng.

"No." Jiang Sheng replied, and immediately walked to the side of the counter, glanced at the five busy brothers and then prepared to start work.

"Okay, let's get started. After everyone comes up to check their identity certificates, they can choose one from the Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Ice Drink. Each person can only choose one. Don't be greedy!

The process only started after Su Chen gave the order, and people happily came forward and handed their identity certificates to Jiang Sheng.

"Cheng Song, you should check with Jiang Sheng to prevent any signs of fish in troubled waters."

"Yes!" Cheng Song respectfully responded and joined in.

"Remember, each person can only choose one, and the two kinds of food have different miraculous effects!" Su Chen reminded again.

"Brother, I want the ice cubes that look delicious!"

The first passenger was a plainly dressed little girl. She stared at the Snow King Shaved Ice with watery eyes and coveted.

After Jiang Sheng and Cheng Song checked her identity certificate and confirmed that they were correct, Su Chen immediately held a copy of Snow King's shaved ice and smiled and delivered it to the little girl.

"Go and call your adult to come too." Su Chen bent over and smiled and patted the little girl's head gently.

"My mother is behind." The little girl pointed at a poorly dressed woman in the crowd with a serious face.

Immediately, the little girl bounced around to dig the Snow King's shaved ice with her hands to eat, and immediately shouted the incredibly delicious, her face flushed with an incredible look.

But originally it was just a little girl who had not yet stepped into martial arts training, and in an instant, she had the strength of the second-order realm of Qi Yang!

Everyone saw this change, their eyes widened, and their chins almost didn't fall to the ground.

"Ah, it's delicious, mother, you should try it soon."

The little girl held the Snow King's shaved ice in a carton to her mother and asked her to take a bite. The woman instantly changed from a person who was not suitable for cultivation to a second-order warrior!

This just proved that it was not a coincidence at all, and the crowd boiled up again instantly.

"I want too, give me five copies!"

"Don't say five copies, give me fifty copies, no problem!"

"Huh, poor ghost, I want as much as there are here!"

Those wealthy businessmen or officials and eunuchs who had originally looked extremely disgusted all changed their faces instantly, rushing to the counter to buy Su Chen's Snow King Shaved Ice.

"Cheng Song!" Su Chen glanced at Cheng Song, and the other party immediately understood.

"Presumptuous! Didn't you hear what my lord said before? Go back to the queue!"

The pressure of Cheng Songfei's breath realm spread out immediately, and the flying aura caused those unruly and self-respecting guys to immediately rush back to the end of the team in disgrace, queuing obediently.

At this time, the line had already lined up several streets outside the inn, and the number of people was simply not too much!

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