"Is it about to start?"

"This game of conspiracy is really exciting!"

"Next, everything that happens will be randomly arranged, and everything is left to fate!"

"It's up to fate to be rich or expensive!"

Following the seductive voice, a man with a red umbrella, red robe and heavy makeup, walked out slowly and stood behind the fierce tiger with white fangs.

"Heh, it's just a mere illusion. What if it scares others, is it possible that I can't see it?" Su Chen sneered, and his witty eyes fell on Diao Sequoia.

Immediately afterwards, a red light flashed in his eyes, and it swept across the white-spotted tiger with fangs, trying to break its illusion by force.

"What? Is it true?" Su Chen showed a look of shock.

This is the first time that Su Chen's third-grade golden eye has lost, and the red light in his eyes shines on the fangs white spot tiger without any response.

"No, it is indeed an illusion. However, the person who created the illusion has a very terrifying cultivation level and has reached the realm where the illusion can be materialized, but it is clear that this person is not that person!"

It was Liu Erye, who had a profound cultivation in the team, and he lost a lot of low-key today.

"Yes, you're the second master Liu in the middle of Shu, right? Long admiring your name!" Diao Sequoia pursed his mouth when he heard the words, and a glimmer of admiration came to Liu Second master.

"Oh? In other words, you don't have that kind of strength?" Su Chen suddenly put away the shocked face before, and smiled jokingly again.

"Hit, kill me this wicked barrier of the Western Frontier Country!" Su Chen suddenly raised his arms and shouted.

"Yes, hammer him to death!"

"People from the Western Frontier are also worthy to step into my Daxia Holy Land?"

"Xijiang Kingdom uses illusion art to attack every year. How many casualties do I cause? This kind of person is a waste of air alive and a waste of land!"

"Yes, kill him so that he has no place to bury him today!"

The crowd immediately boiled, angrily unanimously outside.


The fierce tiger with white fangs suddenly roared again, the sound shook the world, and it was almost deafening. As a result, some people who were still shouting to do it just backed away without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I know you don't welcome people. Why don't we have a harmonious showdown today?"

Diao Sequoia sneered twice and spoke slowly with a false voice like an **** in the palace, while pressing one hand on the head of the fangs, the fangs formed by the phantom immediately calmed down.

"How do you want to compare?" Su Chen asked.

"The rules of the rivers and lakes, for the sake of fairness, among you, choose three capable people to play one-on-one with the people on my side, and the three games will determine the outcome!"

"Then, what are your conditions?" Jiang Sheng said.

"It's very simple. If I win, you will tell me the secrets of these two kinds of food. If I lose, you will be given a secret of illusion and leave your dynasty immediately." Said slowly sincerely.

"No way, how can this kind of good deed be given to the evil obstacles of the Western Frontier Country, Master Su, you must never agree to it!"

"Yes, if you lose, and everyone in the West Xinjiang country has learned, then if the country invades our country, our country will definitely be in a dangerous situation!"

Before Su Chen spoke, everyone began to persuade them with all their heart.

"Huh? It's okay to compare, but you have to show your sincerity first. If I win, what if you just take out a broken book and fool me?" Su Chen groaned a little, and finally said.

"Haha, of course not, but I believe you will not win either!"

After Diao Sequoia heard this, he laughed twice, the red umbrella in his hand fluttered slightly, and then an ancient yellow-skin book suddenly appeared in his hand, accompanied by an agarwood-like smell.

"It's so arrogant!"

"Master Su, let him down and let him see the strength of our Daxia!"

A group of people began to roar angrily.

"Okay, then you guy will leave a deep impression!" Seeing this thing is extraordinary, Su Chen immediately agreed.

"However, I haven't finished speaking yet, you can only send people below the realm of flying breath to compete with me, otherwise it will be too bad for me!" Diao Sequoia said.

"Okay, I promise you!" Su Chen said without hesitation.

"Just like people who are as refreshing as Master Su."

"Wait, sir, how could you agree to him so easily? There are several Feiji strong players present. If the Feiji realm strong cannot play, the winning rate is probably..."

Jiang Sheng frowned when Su Chen agreed so readily, and quickly whispered.

"Yeah, my lord, we have the advantage in numbers, and we can win whatever we want. Why should we tell him something?" Cheng Song couldn't stand it, and couldn't help but say aside.

"No, I have a sense of measure." Su Chen's mouth raised a smug smile and waved his hand.

"Okay, please also Master Su after selecting people, move to the martial arts field!"

A look of ecstasy appeared on Diao Sequoia's face, and after he said that, a string of red smoke rose from his feet, and then, together with the fangs white spotted tiger, disappeared in place.

When Su Chen saw it, he couldn't help but admire in his heart, this person's illusion state was not low, and when he left, he was so close that his third-grade golden eye could not even see it.

"My lord, I'm going to meet that arrogant guy to get him out of my Daxia Dynasty!"

"It's better to send me, an adult. I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I have fought against people from the Western Frontier. It's natural to send me the most suitable!"

Many people immediately began to recommend themselves, rushing forward, surrounded Su Chen and said one after another.

"Well, it's the man who fought against the people of Xijiang, besides, I will personally fight this battle!"

Su Chen saw that the person was good, and Dang Even chose him.

The man was named Wang Kun, who was a captain of the newly-supported Dynasty Army, but he had already reached the sixth stage of the Pill Cultivation Realm when he was more than 30 years old.

And this battle rule does not allow Fei Bree Realm powerhouses to play, and only dispatches the Cultivation Pill Realm.

He himself went into battle himself, plus the school's Wei Wang Kun, and he was just one person short of him.

With two wins in three games in this battle, the last person must be more cautious in choosing. There are many people in the cultivation realm who continue to recommend themselves, but he is really worried and has no choice.

"My lord, why don't I just go on it. I have been practicing the Dugu Nine Swords taught by adults in my room for the past two days.

Just as Su Chen frowned, a sound like a silver bell sounded.

Su Chen looked up and saw that it was Lu Yuyan who was already ready and holding a Qingxia sword.

"Okay, just girl Yuyan." Su Chen smiled and chose Lu Yuyan.

Su Chen had already made a decision, and other people couldn't stop talking, and Lu Yuyan also became a captain at a young age, and his cultivation talent was far beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, Lu Yuyan has participated in several battles, both large and small, and all of her merits have made her famous. It is indeed the best choice for her.

"In that case, let's go, and meet the illusionist kid for a while." After Su Chen said, he led Wang Kun and Lu Yuyan to the martial arts field near the city gate.

The sales in the inn were temporarily handed over to Jiang Sheng and Cheng Song to continue, and the rest of the people who were okay followed Su Chen to the martial arts field to join in the fun.

"Since this person can break into the martial arts field, there must be the sight of the Western Frontier in the army!" Su Chen whispered to Lu Yuyan.

"My lord's words are extremely true, and I think so too." Lu Yuyan nodded.

"Girl Yuyan, how far have you practiced the tricks I taught you?" Su Chen asked.

"I'm almost perfect. Your lord, remember to teach me new moves next time. This Dugu Nine Sword is really powerful."

Lu Yuyan said with a serious face, the skin of suet on her face couldn't help but want people to pinch it up.

"Then I'm relieved."

Soon, they arrived at the martial arts field.

At this time, the martial arts field was not quite flat. Diao Sequoia was surrounded by countless soldiers, and the fangs and white spotted tigers around him kept roaring and roaring, which was extremely scary. It seemed that the confrontation between the two had been for some time.

"Master Shangshu, you are here!"

Seeing Su Chen's arrival, the leading commander's frown eased slightly, revealing a trace of relief.

"What's the situation? The official came to this person's appointment, let the venue come out!" Su Chen said puzzled, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

"My lord, this person just said to come to Master Su's appointment, but this person rushed into the martial arts field, and his subordinates didn't know what to do..."

"It's okay, this person is a magician from the Xijiang Kingdom, so you don't need to be so polite." Su Chen waved his hand, calm and relaxed.

"Xijiang people?!!!"

The commander was also surprised when he heard the words, but seeing that Su Chen was so calm, he didn't say much, so he immediately ordered the soldiers to disperse and gave Su Chen a way.

"Brother Sequoia is so embarrassed!" Su Chen laughed and cast a playful look at Diao Sequoia.

"Heh, I really made Master Su laugh. When you are ready, you can start the competition." Diao Hongshan glared at Su Chen, then forced a sneer and said fiercely.

"Oh? Are you so self-confident? And this is my place, are you afraid of me cheating?" Su Chen smiled.

"Huh, so what? If I dare to come alone, I am afraid that you will not succeed?" Diao Sequoia snorted coldly while holding the red umbrella.

"Good courage." Su Chen smiled, and a red light flashed in his eyes, directly shining on the body of the carved red cedar.

Diao Sequoia: Cultivation: Xiu Dan realm Tier 5 combat power: two thousand! Very good at using illusion!

Su Chen's look immediately revealed a trace of admiration. He didn't expect this person to be a cultivator at a young age. His strength was similar to him, but his cultivation level was two levels higher than him.

"It's time to start, but are you going to even fight the three of my side?" Su Chen smiled contemptuously.

After Wang Kun stood up and jumped onto the ring, he took out a red-tasseled spear from behind, with a look on his face, without daring to underestimate the enemy.

"In the first battle, I won't play in person, so let him come again." Diao Sequoia smiled confidently, and then clapped his hands, a familiar dark figure suddenly jumped into the ring.

"Is this?" Su Chen uttered a doubt when he saw it.

If you look closely, it is surprisingly the man who cheated everyone yesterday and was hung on the wall by Liu Erye to show the public.

At this time, Ju Jia's complexion was completely blue, and he kept saying something in his mouth. He was completely crazy, and the dancing of his hands and feet made people look like a normal person no matter what.

"What did you do to him?" Su Chen asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, I just saved him, it's just a price." Diao Sequoia sneered.

Ju Jia was not only bruised all over his body, but now he was crazy again, making people feel a little unwilling to start.

"Please!" Wang Kun said, clenching the red tassel spear tightly.

After Ju Jia looked back at the carved red cedar, white foam was spit out from his mouth, and then he turned from a wilted look to incomparable spirit. His hands shook, and a spear appeared in his hand.


Immediately, Wang Kun rushed forward bravely, and the two people who were also in the realm of pill cultivation instantly collided.


The weapons of the two came and went, and the killer moves continued. In addition to the harsh sound of the collision of the weapons, many sparks continued to burst.


Wang Kun shouted angrily, and the red tasseled spear in his hand suddenly flashed a silver ray, and slammed at the crazy giant.

But Ju Jia Diandian looked silly and cumbersome, but turned around and easily escaped the blow.


Suddenly, Ju Jia spit out a word in a dull manner in his mouth with white foam, the spear in his hand suddenly flew out, cutting the air, and the sound of breaking through the air was very harsh.

And halfway through the flight, the spear broke into two in the blink of an eye, the front was stab at Wang Kun, while the back was lifted by the giant Jia and suddenly held in his hand.

The next moment, the giant Jia Jingshengsheng broke the second half of the spear, and the sharp fracture flew directly towards Wang Kun with lightning speed.


The change was but in the blink of an eye, Wang Kun didn't have time to react, the spear was about to pierce his body, and the spear that had broken into two hands was about to plunge into his body.


Wang Kun's eyes widened, and instinctively flashed to the side, just avoiding the spear that was flying across.

But the last spear in Jujia's hand had already plunged into his waist fiercely, and immediately blood flowed out wantonly, soaking through the armor, and shouting in pain.

And these changes are nothing more than a few breaths.

"Stop it!!"

Su Chen narrowed one eye when he saw it, and had to shout.

After Diao Sequoia heard this, he waved his hand and ordered Ju Jia to come back and stop fighting.

Immediately, someone went to the ring to lift the injured Wang Kun down and carried him to the medical camp for treatment of his injuries.


"That's it, so shameless, how can you use such a trick? You deserve to be the scum of the Xijiang Kingdom!"

"The evil barriers of the Western Frontier Country surrendered quickly, and get out of me!"

Seeing that Wang Kun was defeated in one round, the crowd was also angry.

But Su Chen squinted his eyes, and his gaze fell on Ju Jia's body and did not speak. After all, there is no eye on the battlefield, and the opponent is a little bit ruthless, but he can only recognize it if his skills are not as good as people!

"The first game, you won." Su Chen said slowly, with a hint of unwillingness in his tone.

He knew that this carved sequoia must have used some hallucinogenic drug or technique to cause the bruised giant to fall into such a crazy state, causing its combat power to increase sharply.

And he has a way to control the giant Jia, so he is in the palm of his hand.

"So, who should you play next?" Diao Sequoia said slowly, with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"Let me come! Let me know that guy." Lu Yuyan stared at Diao Sequoia, her face was full of anger, and she firmly grasped the Qingxia sword in her hand.

Immediately, before Su Chen agreed, Lu Yuyan jumped straight into the ring.

But Su Chen did not stop either, because he knew that the fangs white spotted tiger beside Diao Sequoia was obviously more terrifying, and if Lu Yuyan was to deal with it, there would be no chance of winning.

"If this is the case, I will have a sister who will be incomparable in person."

The carved red cedar gave a playful laugh, and stepped forward holding the red umbrella step by step, stepping on the lotus steps under his feet, and the ripples of the water continued to be swayed.

Immediately afterwards, a monstrous wave surged directly, carrying a devastating offensive madly forward, extremely fast and extremely powerful.

"It's an illusion!" Su Chen shouted and reminded him without holding back.

Lu Yuyan focused his attention, trying to ignore the turbulent waves that continued to flow in, holding the Qingxia sword in her hand, screaming, and waving her slender arm, the sword edge rippled away and directly cut out a sword energy, straight to the weird. The carved red cedar that walked slowly, Dugu Nine Swords, used the skill of a master.

With the sword qi slashing out, Diao Sequoia also felt a shock of pressure, snorted coldly, and the red umbrella in his hand turned gently, and the monstrous wave surged before the deadly sword qi and drowned it. , But the storm also disappeared.

"Sister is good at swordsmanship."

After Diao Sequoia said, he sneered, the red umbrella in his hand suddenly shook, and many blades were suddenly exposed, clinging to the umbrella eaves.

Lu Yuyan did not dare to slack off, and the hand holding Qingxia Sword suddenly shed a lot of sweat.

The Carving Sequoia attack was very sharp, pinching the foot of the red umbrella and quickly escaping, the umbrella blade smashed towards Lu Yuyan.

Lu Yuyan, on the other hand, retreated passively, while constantly using Qingxia Sword to arrive.

"Look at this trick!" Diao Sequoia yelled, the red umbrella in his hand suddenly smashed at Lu Yuyan, and the blade on the umbrella's eaves was also cut off.

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