The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1770: Do you have something too?

"You don't know, this is actually a scene. The code of the scene depends on you not knowing it clearly. This is a scene!"

"It looks like everyone is drunk, but you are alone!"

"It seems that everything is going well, after all, I am a man with a system!"

After the dry pyre burned, Su Chen urged his vitality again, and steadily controlled the size of the flame to just reach the appropriate level.

Then, he put the barbed wire on the dry pyre and placed raw chicken wings on the barbed wire.

With everyone's dumbfounded look, he also took out a pu fan and slowly fanned the wind.

Immediately, Su Chen applied various seasonings to the chicken wings that he had marinated in advance, and when the excess seasoning dripped into the firewood, he made a "chuck" sound.

"Well, that's the smell! Next, just wait." Su Chen bent his head and smelled the smell, took a deep breath, his expression was somewhat enjoyable.

Immediately, he lay on a beach chair leisurely, fanning himself with a fan from time to time, and taking care of the grilled chicken wings from time to time.

Then, Su Chen saw that the time was almost up, and then slowly brushed the honey on the chicken wings with a brush, spreading it evenly and full, and the fragrance had already diffused wantonly, which made people appetite.

The people who watched Su Chen's series of operations looked stunned, standing by and watching, Su Chen saw him, and hurriedly said, "What are you doing stupidly? Don't you sit down and prepare to enjoy the feast of food."

After listening to Su Chen's words, everyone gathered around Su Chen and sat and rested, and the youngest of the five brothers, the youngest fifth of the five brothers, had been unable to restrain his saliva.

"By the way, do you want spicy, or what kind of flavor? What kind of spicy, cumin, all kinds of spicy!" Su Chen smiled slightly, pointing to the seasonings and asked.

"Uh, the old man wants something abnormal and spicy!" Cheng Song was the first to answer, the old face blushed, and he looked embarrassed and wanted to laugh.

"Haole, you are abnormally spicy!" Su Chen smiled and brushed the abnormally spicy seasoning all over the chicken wings, then baked a little more and handed it to Cheng Song.

"Well, it's delicious, delicious, the best food in the world! It's so spicy and delicious!"

After Cheng Song took the chicken wings, he gobbled it up, his mouth filled with oil, and he continued to praise him.

The grilled chicken wings exudes an incomparably alluring fragrance, and the smell of delicious food is tangy. Even if you are not hungry, you can smell such a peculiar fragrance, but I really want to taste it.

The surfaces of the several pairs of chicken wings have been grilled by Su Chen's skillfully oily and crispy, very tempting, and the appetizing breath filled the whole inn, causing countless people to rush out to watch, but again Fear.

"Wow, my lord, my lord, I want a piece of cumin."

"My lord, give me a perverted spicy too!"

"I want spicy!"

When everyone saw Cheng Song's expression of satisfaction, they couldn't help but cried out with an expression of enjoyment.

Su Chen smiled, and after helping everyone to paint the corresponding seasonings, they passed them to their hands.

"Delicious, so delicious!"

"It's so amazing, adults can make chicken wings so delicious and delicious."

"It's so delicious. When I tasted this kind of food, my subordinates couldn't help but think of the years I spent with Master Su Jing."

Jiang Sheng's eyes widened as he ate the abnormally spicy grilled chicken wings, and two lines of tears flowed out of his eyes, and he did not know whether it was the effect of the changes over time or the abnormality caused by it.

Moreover, the surface of the chicken wings became fragrant and crisp after adding honey. The meat inside was smooth and sweet. One bite, not only the outside is charred and the inside is tender, but also the mouth is full of oil after eating. The overflowing is delicious. aromatic.

Su Chen saw that everyone was enjoying eating so much, he also made a bit of cumin and enjoyed it.

After eating, I felt comfortable for a while, as if flying lightly like a swallow.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for eating the secret roasted chicken wings. The speed is increased by 10%. It can be stacked. The more you eat, the more the bonus stacks!" The system's voice immediately sounded.

"Wow, my lord, after eating your unique grilled chicken wings, I feel that my whole body is more powerful, and my body is as light as a swallow, I feel like I can go to heaven without wings!" Cheng Song said with ecstasy.

"Yes, me too, this is amazing too."

"Yes, right, right, I feel full of power now, I feel like I'm flying over the walls, it's not a problem to climb over the mountains."

The ecstasy on all the people's faces after eating was utterly stunned. Not only was this grilled chicken wings extremely delicious, but the bonus was also very special.

"My lord, you are really a god-man, too powerful!"

"Low-key, low-key, the gods don’t dare, but it’s just Orleans grilled chicken wings. When I have time, I will ask you to have some French fries, spicy chicken drumsticks, honey roast chicken and so on, ah, in short The whole Kentucky and McDonald’s will be given to you."

Su Chen smiled slightly, took out more chicken wings and started roasting.

He decided to prepare a little more grilled chicken wings as a stock in case of emergency. After all, this speed bonus can be superimposed and it is really terrifying!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a grilled chicken wings again and gaining a little gourmet proficiency, which is 9999 points away from Sanpin Gourmet."

After the sound of the system sounded, Su Chen was even more delighted. While teaching the five brothers and the soldiers who came out of the system to make grilled chicken wings, he worked hard.

"It's a mere 10,000 points of proficiency. In a few days, you may be able to be promoted to the third-grade gourmet and unlock more delicacies." Su Chen said to himself while flipping the grilled chicken wings.

"Ah, sir, what you just said, I don't seem to hear clearly." the boss of the five brothers asked.

"Nothing, study hard, look good!" Su Chen said.

"Well, what is the best food in the world? Why is it so fragrant?" Mu Rouchun slowly walked towards everyone in a somewhat open dress, and by the way, she gave Su Chen a wintry eye. His eyes were full of charm and style. .

"Oh, it's from shopkeeper Mu. It's been a long time since I saw you. Come and **** new delicacies, the best grilled chicken wings in the world!" Su Chen smiled without shy.

"Ah, it's so fragrant, it's so fragrant to eat. It turns out that this mouth-watering thing is grilled chicken wings!" Mu Rouchun said with a shocked look.

"Of course, there are cumin, spicy, abnormal spicy, secret, what taste do you want?"

"Perverted spicy? Okay, just this, let me have a taste of how different it is!!" Mu Rouchun smiled with a winking smile.

Immediately, Su Chen handed Mu Rouchun a perverted spicy grilled chicken wing. He had already started to replenish what kind of expression Mu Rouchun would look like next, and the complacency was already on his face.

After Mu Rouchun took the roasted chicken wings, he took a sip of it carefully. An incredible expression appeared on his face, and he was shocked. Then, his entire face turned red, as if recalling some bad memories.

"Ah, it's delicious, but how does it taste the same as the snow king shaved ice that you gave me a few days ago?" Mu Rouchun asked curiously, and at the same time began to show pain on her face. look.

"Ahhh, it's no more, my stomach hurts!" Mu Rouchun then ran out in pain, clutching his stomach and ran straight to the hut.

"You can't blame me this time. It's the taste you want to choose." Su Chen smiled helplessly, shook his head and gloated.

After that, Su Chen spent the whole night in the long process of making grilled chicken wings, and Jiang Sheng and others had been sent back to the barracks to rest by him.

"Ding, the host has gained a total of 200 points of proficiency this time cooking food, and the proficiency has reached the upper limit and cannot continue to increase!" The voice of the system rang.

"Fuck, it's such a pit, I'm still thinking about making thousands of copies in one night, why is the upper limit set?" Su Chen immediately became a little unhappy, this is like the usual style of the studio one day. !

"Nonsense, fool host, how can you be promoted in two days? How can people play this?" the system immediately replied with contempt.

Su Chen had no choice but to put down the work in his hands, and went back to the room to rest.


The next day, Su Chen hadn't woken up yet, and the lobby on the first floor had long been like a vegetable market.

"Damn, don't worry, I'm here first!"

"Put your special mother's spiced spicy rainbow candy fart, I live on the second floor and have I early?"

Someone in the lobby had taken up a place overnight and lined up, but later people had lined up on the street long ago. Some trivial incidents of jumping in line also caused a lot of disputes. In short, the entire lobby was full of trouble.

And Su Chen's fame has spread throughout the entire dynasty. People from all over the dynasty have ignored the difficulties and dangers of the snow disaster and risked zombies to attack the city. They only bought the legendary edible to instantly increase their cultivation level. Peerless cuisine.

"BB what? This official's rules seem to have been forgotten!"

Su Chen walked down the stairs with sleepy eyes, and even wore a set of HelloKitty pajamas that made everyone look confused.

As soon as he spoke, the whole inn became more boiling, and all eyes were focused on him.

"Look at what kind of fancy clothes Master Su is wearing?"

Immediately, Jiang Sheng, Cheng Song and others also arrived at the inn.

Su Chen then glanced at the crowd and shouted, "Today, this inn has launched the world’s first delicacy, the ultimate invincible and delicious grilled chicken wings! The price is absolutely conscience, absolutely unique in the world, and it will definitely make your taste buds explode and have The magical effect, whoever eats it, knows, the young man is not deceived!"

"Ah, my lord, you are so handsome, give me some copies."

"No, a few copies are enough, I want a hundred copies!!"

Su Chen once again caused a sensation among girls, aunts, and grandma.

"Ahem, if you want to buy it, line up for me. In addition, Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Ice Drink are still open as usual, everything is the same as yesterday. As for the grilled chicken wings, it only costs 80 taels of silver!" Su Chen said with a dry cough.

Immediately, Su Chen continued the process of grilling chicken wings last night, and immediately a unique fragrance spread out in the world, hitting the noses of the crowd. Even people with anorexia would have their taste buds instantly open, making people uncontrollable and want to eat Desire for things.

"One by one, our grilled chicken wings have cumin, spicy, secret, abnormal and spicy. Those who come to buy please tell us what you want. In addition, the poor people can only Choose one of the samples, please go to Jiang Sheng for identity verification."

Now, they formally follow the division of labor mentioned by Su Chen, and Jiang Sheng will verify the identities of the poor people, Cheng Song is in charge of the Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Ice Drink, and Su Chen is solely responsible for the grilled chicken wings.

"Wow, it smells so good, let me have one for every taste!" The first customer almost couldn't hold back his saliva dripping on the floor.

"Okay, three hundred and twenty taels of silver." Su Chen wrapped the four flavors of grilled chicken wings and handed it to the first guest.

"This is a silver ticket of four hundred taels of silver, no need to look for it." The first guest paid the silver ticket lavishly, and immediately took a bite of the cumin-flavored grilled chicken wings.

In the next moment, a sense of satisfaction that had never been felt before instantly exploded in the taste buds, making one bite to take a second.

"Ah, it's so delicious! After eating it, it seems to fly like a swallow, magical, magical!"

The guests were full of praise after eating, and quickly ate the second portion, and then they were shocked. The person who was only at the top of the forging realm actually jumped directly and quickly turned into a phantom and swept out of the inn. They all showed incredible expressions.

"Ah, I want too, give me some too!"

"Unbelievable, I want too, buy the first one quickly!"

"Don't squeeze, I want to hurry too, I'm moving forward!"

After seeing the magical change of the first guest, everyone's participation became more intense.

Su Chen's business has also become extremely hot, but the Snow King Shaved Ice on Cheng Song's side still has countless people coming to buy it, and the number of people is not below Su Chen's side.

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time!"

Su Chen was overjoyed, he was about to laugh and split his mouth. He was almost getting cramps when he was collecting money, and if he hadn't had five brothers to help him, he would be too busy.

And in a few days, I am afraid that not only will he make a lot of money, but he may even become wealthy!

"OMG, is this really chicken wings only eaten by the poor? Isn't it too fragrant? And I feel like I will fly," a rich man said with tears.

"Hmph, I don't care, you must be all supporters, I Zhang Jingze, even if I am dead, I will never eat your grilled chicken wings if I jump from here!" An angry youth said awe-inspiringly, and then strode forward. , Stepped to the line of Snow King Shaved Ice.

"Hey, don't stop, you bought the grilled chicken wings? Hurry up, let me have a taste!" The young man who claimed to be Zhang Jingze said excitedly.

"Emma, ​​Zhenxiang, what's this, it's so delicious!" Zhang Jingze immediately showed a look of enjoyment after eating, and he kept praising him, but in the end he couldn't escape the law of Zhenxiang.


"Huh? You said that Su Chen, the world's number one gourmet master, has another new work? What is it?"

"I heard that it is grilled chicken wings. Although chicken wings are used as ingredients, they are really delicious!"

"Furthermore, after eating it, you can still fly like a swallow. If you are at the peak of the Breathing Realm, you can almost have the ability to fly to the sky comparable to the Wing-making Realm!"

"Fuck, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry and pass it to the county town of Xuzhou, don't be too late!"

Gradually, Su Chen's grilled chicken wings became extremely hot, but in a mere day, the news spread all over the country, and even overshadowed the Snow King Shaved Ice, which can instantly enhance the realm, just because it is actually too delicious!

In the Longmen Inn, Su Chen was almost too busy to come. Because the grilled chicken wings were so delicious, many people couldn't resist the temptation. Many even gave up the Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Ice Drink and ran away. A team of grilled chicken wings.

As more people were pouring into the city, Su Chen's roasted chicken wings sales team lined up in the Yeyou Inn until it was near the city wall.

The people at the bottom almost forgot that there are zombies everywhere outside the city. In order to be able to buy the unique gourmet grilled chicken wings that day, what is this!

In the inn, a person suddenly bypassed the long queue, traversed the in-store team, and came to Su Chen's front.

The man wore a black robe to cover his figure, and he also wore a mask on his face to make people invisible, which was very mysterious.

This person came to Su Chen, sniffed the aroma of the grilled chicken wings, and then raised his head, as if enjoying the smell.

"Hey, who are you, you really have no quality and morality, why are you messing up?"

"Yes, if you understand the rules, get out if you don't understand?"

"Are you looking for death? How dare you jump in the line? Who gave you the courage? Come, let me break them all!"

The actions of the black-robed man instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of the people behind.

But the black-robed man didn't seem to care at all, still enjoying the fragrant breath.

"Ah, just smell it and you know it's delicious, it really is the best food in the world!"

"Hey, in black robe, if you want to eat, just run to the city wall and queue up!"

"Yes, do you want to cause public outrage?"

"Yes, yes, do you want to arouse public outrage? With so many of us, are you sure you can fight?"

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