"Why do you think you can cross this endless sea?"

"Because I am a bug?"

"B what? What is that?"

"Anyway, I'm good at it!"

"But it is a pity that everything was anticipated by me in advance."

"This is the end!"

Immediately, Su Chen glanced at his surroundings, and the surrounding area was green with bamboo trees ringed together, and everyone patted the ash on his body and stood up, but it was all right.

"Fortunately, the people are not scattered. If they are scattered in the teleportation formation, it will be troublesome!" Su Chen sighed slightly and said with satisfaction.

"My lord, although we are all okay, this doesn't seem to be the capital of Western Xinjiang, the destination." Jiang Sheng glanced at the surrounding environment and said slowly.

"Yes, this is not the capital of Western Xinjiang, but an oasis in the south. The economy here is prosperous and the population is diverse. It should be a big city in the southern part of Western Xinjiang, and it should not be far from the central Western Xinjiang. ."

The veteran Lu Fangli slowly said, he looked ahead and gave Su Chen an accurate answer, and he was also the only one among them who had traveled to the Western Xinjiang, and this time he also acted as the guide for the Western Xinjiang.

"It's okay, since you are here, there is no need to worry. Why don't you go to the city and have a fun, let me see their folk illusions in Western Xinjiang."

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and felt relieved as soon as he heard that he was not far from the Western Frontier.

Immediately, Su Chen and his party rushed to the city without a word.

This city is surrounded by bamboo trees on all sides, flowers, plants and trees are surrounded by clusters, and the green is extremely high. It is a big city that can be considered in the resource-poor Xijiang country.

Straight into it, you can see the towering city wall. At this moment, the gate of the city wall obviously does not allow strangers to enter.

Su Chen and the others couldn't help frowning when they came under the city gate.

What do you want to do at the gate of the city? Except for the city wall, no one is guarded yet, so let people not enter?

And Su Chen and the others couldn't rush over the wall and enter the city directly. They were foreigners from other countries. If they acted like this, they would be regarded as enemies and be attacked by the city.

"Cough cough, hello, is there anyone? I am waiting for the negotiation envoy sent by the Da Xia Dynasty to open the city gate!" Su Chen gave a dry cough and roared directly.

However, inside the city wall was a piece of silence, and even the guards on the city wall were unattended.

Su Chen snarled twice again, but found that there was no reaction at all, but the outside of the city was still silent, with no visible figures.

"Jiang Sheng? Solve his guard and enter the city with a little domineering."

Su Chen also had no choice. If he couldn't even enter this city, he would negotiate with the other party on how he would go to the Xijiang Nation, and he might as well have a domineering appearance just waiting here.

What's more, there is also Han Xin, a wing-building powerhouse in his system, who can take action at any time, and Jiang Sheng, who is already about to enter wing-building, can show his great power in the Xia Dynasty.


Jiang Sheng responded indifferently, and didn't need to do anything. Only a white streamer flashed by, and a powerful flying breath quickly flashed like a bolt of lightning, and stood on the wall. Guards.


Unexpectedly, in the next moment, the soldier who was attacked by Jiang Sheng Feixi was immediately blown into a mass of dust by Jiang Sheng's Feixi, and then, along with the rest of the guard soldiers, burst into a pile of dust.

"Huh? It's illusion! Good fellow."

Su Chen said indifferently when he saw it. He hadn't used the third-grade golden eye before, and he couldn't see that all the soldiers standing guard on the wall were all illusions.

"My lord, what should we do at this moment? It stands to reason that this city gate shouldn't be closed!" Lu Fangli, the guide, frowned, not knowing what to do.

"This, wait, let's watch the changes first." Su Chen had no choice but to wait and see for now.

"You are from a foreign land, right now is the time when the Fighting Skills Conference is in full swing. Everyone in the city has visited it, so the city gates will not be open to people who are not in the city! "

Just when Su Chen and the others frowned, an old and kind voice came from behind.

Su Chen looked back and saw that an old man over sixties was slowly riding towards them on a green bull, and the bull cart he was driving was filled with piles of hay.

"Old man, I don't know how to enter the city? To be honest, I have important things waiting for this time."

Seeing this, Su Chen stepped forward and asked without shy.

"Young people, I don't think you are any evil people. If you want to enter the city, you might as well come with the old man." When the old man heard it, he laughed loudly and recruited and signaled Su Chen and the others to come up.

Immediately after Jiang Sheng and the others looked at each other for a few moments, they followed Su Chen into the bullock cart full of hay without hesitation.

"By the way, old man, why are there such fighting techniques all over the city, why don't you go?"

Su Chen asked curiously as soon as he got on the car. Logically speaking, there is cultivation in the whole world, but this old man is doing whatever he wants, and the appearance of retreat is really contemplating.

"Hey, what is there to participate in? The old man is a lot of age, and he did participate when he was young." Seeing Su Chen's question, the old man smiled and replied.

And when Su Chen saw that the old man actually answered like this, he would not mind, he didn't continue to ask, he just lay in the bullock cart and took a break.

It's just a little strange. When his third-grade golden eyes scanned the old man, his data was blank, just like Li Yingshuang's.

Could it be that the unremarkable retired old man in front of him is also a rare powerhouse in the realm of wing-making?

"The old man, what exactly is this fighting skill meeting?" Lu Yuyan, who was next to Su Chen, asked with a gentle smile.

"What exactly is the fighting technique conference? This is too much. The fighting technique conference is held in the south of the city. It is not all fighting technique. There are also many strangers who come to sell all kinds of weird things. There are also some auctions. But the most worth mentioning is fighting skills!"

"The ultimate secret method of easily climbing to the top of the realm of wing-building?!!!"

When the old man said this, everyone's eyes lit up, revealing an incredible look, full of surprise and shock.

Especially Jiang Sheng, although he is about to touch the level of wing building, it is not easy for a mere mortal to build wings to fly into the sky. When he reached the top of this flying breath, he really touched the flying plane. Information bottleneck.

And he had taken Su Chen's Snow King Shaved Ice as early as a week ago, and he had already touched the sign of breaking through the bottleneck, but in any case, he couldn't touch the wing-making level.

If the bottleneck is not difficult, how can he be too late to break through?

And Su Chen’s father, who was poisoned by the immortal death without knowing it, Su Jing, was also a man who had been unable to break through for a long time, and he could not break through until he died. This shows how difficult it is to build wings!

When Su Jing passed away, it was the day when the Great Xia Dynasty began to fly snow in June. It was really weird. Although Su Chen came through, the emotions at this level were branded in his mind and could not be forgotten for a long time.

"Then, what is the strength of this reclusive Old City Lord?" Jiang Sheng couldn't help asking immediately.

However, the old man Qingniu never looked back, as if he hadn't looked back in his life. Facing Jiang Sheng's eager question, he just shook his head slightly without giving any answer at all.

At this time, even the veteran Lu Fangli, who had just arrived at the seventh step of Feixi with the help of Su Chen, fell into deep thought.

It's harder for a mortal to make wings and fly into the sky than to climb to the sky. Therefore, it is the dream of countless people to climb to the top of the wing-making realm, but it has become even more difficult since the spiritual energy of cultivation began to decline a hundred years ago.

Although Su Chen has always relied on the system to improve his realm, he can clearly feel that after the spread of the zombie virus, the spirit of this world has become thinner and thinner.

It seemed that the zombie virus that turned out to be able to absorb the spiritual energy in the dark.

But fortunately, the zombie virus in this world is developing relatively slowly, it is not as terrifying as Su Chen's previous life, and there is not much evolution.

But in the future, if the zombie virus spreads to the point where it can be infected in the air, it will be a real horror. Then how chaotic the world where everyone is zombies will be?

But for now, everything is fixed and unknown!

"Okay, we're in the city."

While Su Chen and the others were still thinking, the words of the old man Qingniu awakened them.

But at some point, the old man rode a green cow slowly along a winding road, and slowly entered the city through a path that ordinary people didn't know.

The city in front of me was prosperous, and the surrounding houses were full of joy and laughter. They were able to compete with the Daxia Dynasty, but it was a pity that they were only the only prosperous large-scale cities in the Xijiang Kingdom.

"My lord, let's go." Lu Yuyan said softly.

Immediately, Su Chen and the others got out of the old man's bullock cart and looked at the prosperity in front of them.

And the old man riding the green ox slowly drove the ox cart full of hay into a small alley step by step, and was gradually submerged in the eyes of everyone.

"My lord, let's go and see!"

Lu Yuyan couldn't bear to watch the hustle and bustle of the crowd in front of him, she directly took Su Chen's hand, and watched the crowds in front of him rush away quickly.

After Su Chen and Lu Yuyan left, Jiang Sheng and others followed suit at the same time.

The crowds formed a group for onlookers, but some wandered around in the street. In short, it was very lively.

After Su Chen and Lu Yuyan squeezed into the crowd, they saw many people who are good at or not good at illusionism setting up stalls or soliciting customers.

The hands of the illusionists are constantly changing, and the things in front of them are endless, and people can't help but yell "OK" when they see them.

But Su Chen only smiled and shook his head when he saw it. Compared to the Carved Sequoias that he had fought against before, these people who were idle in Xijiang at the street stall were nothing.

"My lord, I remember, this city seems to be called Chunliu City, one of the five cities in Western Xinjiang. It is also the most prosperous city besides the capital of the country. There is an inn in front. It is better for us to settle down first, and then go there. Fighting convention."

Immediately, Lu Fangli chased up and said slowly.

Su Chen nodded and pulled Lu Yuyan, who looked around like a curious baby, and walked into the inn with the others.

Although this inn is not as good as the Longmen Inn, it is not bad, and the price is reasonable. Most people who come and go will choose this inn.

"The shopkeeper, get ready for six rooms!" Lu Fangli stepped forward and said skillfully.

The shopkeeper is a somewhat obese middle-aged man with a nice appearance and very approachable.

After that, they settled down and took a little rest, and immediately left the inn, ready to go to the south of the city to participate in the fighting technique meeting.

"Grab the little thief ahead!" a woman yelled.

Su Chen and the others walked silently, but they did not expect that there was a small thief in front of him holding a purple package in his hand, his expression flustered, and he rushed to them with sweat.

And the Maotou thief ran, and the illusions behind him appeared endlessly, and all kinds of low-level blindfolds came out of his hand. Seeing that the woman chasing behind him did not chase him, he smiled triumphantly.

"Haha, don't think about it! If you want to catch me, you can practice for a few hundred years!" The Maotou sneered back, and kept moving forward, the wind whistling constantly behind him.

"Lu Fangli will solve it for him!" Su Chen smiled. As a three-good young man full of justice, he should be brave enough to do what is right.


Lu Fangli responded, and a flying breath swept across the air, his figure violent, and he directly stepped forward in a breathing room and firmly clamped the little hairy thief with one hand.

As a result, at the next moment, Su Chen didn't expect that this hairy little thief's illusion skills were not bad, and the person in Lu Fangli's hands immediately turned into a pile of dust, and then disappeared.

"Haha, the powerhouses in Fei Xi are nothing but a bunch of spicy chickens!"

At this moment, I saw a phantom on the eaves above Su Chen's head, and a contemptuous laughter slowly rippled, and then the previous figure climbed onto the roof and quickly fled away.

"Jiang Sheng!!!"

When Su Chen saw this, he also gave a deep cry. He didn't expect to get justice and make people catch a hairy thief still be tricked.

After Jiang Sheng listened to the order, he immediately jumped and turned into a very fast flowing shadow, forming an unstoppable situation and directly rushing out, chasing the hairy thief.

In a few seconds, seeing that Jiang Sheng has not yet returned, Su Chen couldn't help frowning, and even wanted to take out a set of Huanghuali tables and chairs, sit down and have a cup of tea slowly, and talk about life with Lu Yuyan Up.

Immediately, a figure quickly swept down again, and an eight-foot-tall figure suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes. It was Jiang Sheng no doubt, and the little thief with a panicked hairy thief in his hand.

"Da... heh heh, son, I caught him back for you." Jiang Sheng just started to realize that Su Chen's identity could not be revealed, he changed his words quickly, and said indifferently.

"I am the Zuo clan, and everyone in the world respects me as the Zuo prince. How dare you arrest me and live impatiently?"

The little thief saw that he had been caught, he was a little flustered before, but then he recovered a trace of arrogance, and he declared himself proudly.

However, this man was dressed in a black "Assassin costume" with his face covered, and people would never believe that he was the kind of prince who lived in the palace.

"Hmph, little thief, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Yu saw this kind of person showing a look of disgust, and immediately scolded.

And Su Chen is not in a hurry, but looking at this person with great interest, if he is really the left prince, it will be interesting.

"If you say that you are the prince left, what can you do to prove yourself?" Bi Xing said.

"This..." The hairy thief immediately choked on Bi Xing's question. He really couldn't come up with anything that could prove his identity.

"Huhu, thank you so much for helping me catch this little thief!"

Then, I saw a panting, flushed young woman who quickly caught up with her with a grateful look.

"Oh? This hairy thief stole something from you?"

Su Chen saw this woman and looked up a little. Although her appearance was not bad, there was a more beautiful and gentle Lu Yuyan beside her, which was far worse.

"Yes, it's mine. This hairy thief dared to sneak into my Chunliu auction house to steal the illusion secrets. In his purple package, it is the illusion secrets that our auction house is going to auction!" The woman said excitedly.

"Furthermore, this person is treacherous and cunning, with unpredictable illusions. Along the way, several thugs from our auction house were hit by his illusions, so they didn't catch up." The young woman added again.

Su Chen smiled slightly, did not speak, but looked at the hairy thief in Jiang Sheng's hand.

"Ahem, I am really the prince left. If you can let me go and come to the capital in the future, I will give you what you want. I can also give you half of this magic trick!"

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