The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 102: They need 2 million to open their mouths

Manager Zhang only drove a second-hand old Buick LaCrosse, and most of them usually went out of the city in construction vehicles because the chassis was too low and it was difficult to drive on the bumpy road.

But when Yang Chen, who was covered in mud, drove his black x6 to the edge of the big pit, and when he got out of the car and pulled the rear door open, Manager Zhang's head shook like a rattle, busy: Shaoyang Yang, this is not suitable for you. This car has millions of dollars. This is mud and dust. If you can’t drive this car, you can’t drive it.

"Less nonsense, hurry up and bring people up" Yang Chen glared at him fiercely. Manager Zhang smirked and greeted those equally muddy workers who were stunned by the unconscious excavator. The driver lifted it into the back seat.

At this time, the face of the excavator driver had turned into a purple sauce, and his lips were even scary.

Others only thought he was caused by lack of oxygen, but Yang Chen knew that he was disturbed by the chaotic energy particles and disturbed the human body's magnetic field. If the rescue is not timely, it is very likely to die on the spot.

With two bangs, the doors on both sides were closed, Yang Chen said: "You sit on the co-pilot, look back and look at it, don't let people roll down from the seat."

The driver's seat and the back seat have been completely contaminated with mud. At this time, Manager Zhang has learned to be good, and he dare not say anything else when he goes back to change into clean clothes, etc., he promised to sit down to the first officer quickly. on.

Moments later, Yang Chen kicked the throttle and drove away the car, which was also covered in mud.

And the workers who were left on the construction site. But they all gave thumbs up towards the exhaust of x6. It’s not a year or two for them to work away from home, but they have never met a rich man like Yang Chen.

It is those who dislike them dirty. Even a touch of the car will abound at their boss who is furious.

A middle-aged man with an accent from North Lake said sincerely: "This guy is really nice"

Another coworker on the side who spoke the same accent with him said: "This car costs seven or eight hundred thousand. I remember that the contractor on the construction site used to drive the car, saying that it would cost more than eight hundred thousand."

"You know a ball" A young man with a sleeve on his sleeve, a red river cigarette in his mouth, and a Chuchuan accent smiled and scolded: "Can that be the same? 800,000 x6, the mourning department with this buddy x6 That’s not at least one class of people. This car is at least 2 million. This is good. Once the mud rolls, the interior of the whole car has to be replaced. It’s tens of thousands.

"You know so much," the others asked.

The young man groaned inexplicably: "I was in a car repair shop before I came out to do construction"

Suddenly the back of the head was patted lightly from behind. Some people laughed and scolded: "Guazizi, how old are you this year? Who is younger than you, the whole site is not older than you, the whole day of Laozi Laozi's mouth, no big no small"

The road from the construction site is quite bumpy, if not a car. At the speed of Yang Chen's nearly 90 yards, he can spit out all the internal organs and bumps

But Rao is so. Manager Zhang in the co-pilot's face is still white. He only hates that he is eating too much at noon today and can't stand to lower the window and vomit for a long time.

Finally it came out of this path, but Manager Zhang was paralyzed on the seat and didn't want to move.

At this time, Yang Chen had no time to ask: "Are there outsiders on the site recently, especially after the start of construction?"

Manager Zhang, who had only half a life, heard Yang Chen's question, and then he was cheered up and showed an expression of memory. He nodded and said: "There are really two strange guys here"

"When did you come?" Yang Chen asked, holding the steering wheel in one hand, with a cold expression.

"It was the night before the start of work." Manager Zhang recalled: "We got some tribute of cattle and sheep, and we performed a sacrificial ritual on the construction site for a safe and smooth after the start of the work. Later, after drinking, we put a lot Fireworks and firecrackers are almost hitting the red sky"

"Say the point."

"When the fireworks were over, a worker came to see two women with short hair standing by the lake. From a distance, they looked like female ghosts in the lake. I was afraid, so I called a dozen workers. I looked at it with a flashlight together. Then I realized that it was not two women, but two gray hairs. The middle-aged man with a compass in his hands had long shoulder-length hair and was wearing a Tang suit. of."

Manager Zhang said: "Looking at their line of business, I know what they are here for, because Mr. Wang of our company has explained it before, saying that he encountered these feng shui people. I have also met people who run like rivers and lakes in other construction sites. They usually put in three or two thousand red envelopes, and they turned away without saying a word, but these two"

Shaking his head, Manager Zhang whispered softly: "The two guys I met this time had too much appetite, and the red envelope was photographed back on my face just after it was stuffed, saying that I was sending a call to Hanako. How about the two of them, you may not know, those of us who are engaged in engineering construction, the most feared thing is to form hatred with these running rivers and lakes, I"

"Say the key point" Listening and listening again, Yang Chen had to emphasize it again.

"Yes, yes," Manager Zhang smiled, and then said: "Finally, I asked them how much I wanted. The fat man, who was half a head shorter than me, opened his mouth for two million, and said that we The construction site is very evil, and I am afraid that there will be a haunted accident."

"Later?" Hearing this, Yang Chen also counted. He couldn't help but ask: "He said that, aren't you afraid?"

"Of course, I didn't dare to promise him, so I called Mr. Wang and we were very angry after listening to it. When I hung up, I refused them. The two didn't respond and sneered at me. After two clicks, I patted my **** and walked away."

Manager Zhang shook his head and said: "I'm afraid there will be so many ghosts and dinosaurs in the world. It's not bragging. I have been working on the project for more than 20 years and run over a dozen provinces across the country. I haven't encountered anything evil. I just ran into some people and took a small amount of money while being extorted by some unexpected incidents."


"We are afraid of them, mainly not from the haunting of the construction site, but from the identity of these people and their mouths that can make the dead alive. They have a mess of **** inside the feng shui. In general, some people come. After knocking away a sum of money, there will be no more people asking for money later. This is like paying a protection fee, and it will be fine after paying."

"But if you die and don't give money. In case the project is about to be completed in the future, these people will unite to spread some unfavorable rumors to you, and the loss will be large. Under normal circumstances, these people's mouths are open. No matter how big it is. It’s like a dozen or two hundred thousand people. Like the two people that night, one mouth is two million. I haven’t met him yet.

"I asked someone to inquire the next day, and I couldn't even inquire about these two people in the industry. Mr. Wang said that if these two things are wrong, they are just scammers who happened to pass by in the field. Cheated"

Manager Zhang said he was thankful when he talked about it.

Yang Chen frowned and said, "The two you met this time are not like the river and lake crooks you have encountered before. These two men still have some real skills."

"You mean. The pit that collapsed on the construction site today is really a ghost." Yang Chen's words dragged Manager Zhang back to reality. Thinking of the scene just experienced, Manager Zhang shuddered subconsciously.

The normal terrain survey before the start of construction did not fall. The construction site itself is on the shore of the lake, so when surveying some time ago, I also paid special attention to this layer of soil structure, otherwise I would not dare to go so rashly at the beginning. Open and close together.

The big pit is more than ten meters in diameter. Such an amazing big pit, there is no reason to find a bit of vision when exploring at the time. But it said that it appeared when it appeared, and it almost killed a person.

Recalling the two Mr. Feng Shui met that night, Manager Zhang's forehead began to sweat again.

Looking at his reaction, Yang Chen couldn't help crying or laughing, and the person was demoted like a bed bug in a pit the previous second, so why did he see Lao Yan after a second

He said: "This thing has nothing to do with ghosts. It's just that some people are doing things that haven't achieved their goals. It's quite unscrupulous. I dare to kill people. I don't think these two guys are in the right way. Fortunately, there's nothing serious this time. , Also counted as ancestors of their own ancestors, burning high incense or else hum"

After a pause, Yang Chen continued: "Their purpose is to ask for money, so after an accident on the construction site, they will definitely find these people who come to your door by means that you cannot understand, so I will leave you a place Contact information, when the two people are back, you will find a way to stabilize them, and then notify me as soon as possible."

"Why, Yang Shao has a way to deal with this kind of person" Manager Zhang was overjoyed and always felt that he must have met a noble person today. If there was no Yang Chen, he had just committed a murder case just now.

"Don't ask more if you shouldn't." Yang Chen said lightly: "In short, just do what I said."

"I'll do it"

The entire vehicle was almost completely wrapped in mud. The x6 drove into the Jinzhou First People’s Hospital like a The unconscious excavator driver was quickly pushed into the emergency room.

But when Yang Chenxin was slightly relieved, the phone of Manager Zhang suddenly rang.

"Hello." Manager Zhang held the phone to answer the call.

Unexpectedly, there was a choking voice over the phone

"Manager Zhang, there was another accident on the construction site and it was a big pit. They were older than the old ones. Chen, Xiaoliu and Wang Dong were all buried in the mud and more than a dozen people were buried alive."

"What" heard this, Manager Zhang's complexion instantly turned pale.

Yang Chen, who was on the side, also looked at him, squeezing out five words from the gap between his teeth.

"They are looking for death" to be continued

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