The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 110: Bad shot, you give axe

The sound insulation of the 666 box is indeed very good. Yang Chen and Xu Wenda made such a big noise in the box. The prince waiting outside the door didn't hear anything.

Until Yang Chen walked out of the box calmly, Wang Zicheng dared to crept into the probe and wanted to glance at it. As a result...

"Boo~!" "!!"

A goblet flew out of the dim box with a thunderbolt, and it hit the prince's forehead sturdyly!

"Ouch..." This strength is really not small, the goblet instantly splits, and Wang Zicheng's forehead was also smashed with a **** wound. The sudden change made the prince scream.

At this time, Xu Wenda's slightly gasping voice came from the box. "After closing, send someone to notify!"

Prince Cheng really wanted to scold ‘It’s time for a dog’, but he could only cover the wound with blood on his head with his hands. Ai Aidi promised: "Knowing Dago...I will tell you to continue..."

"Get off!" Xu Wenda's tone sounded irritable.

"Hey..." Wang Zicheng didn't dare to say anything more, he quickly flashed after he promised.

Although the glance at the previous glance didn't make it clear what had happened in the box, Chen Xiujuan, who was sitting on the ground facing the gate, made Wang Zicheng really see it.

That face can't be said to be a face anymore, swollen like a pig's head... how can there be a little temperament in ordinary days? It's no wonder that Yang Chen left, but the two of them refused to come out... Both were beaten into this honor, and they could not be killed by a joke behind them?

I don’t know whether it’s happy or bleak in my heart. Anyway, after receiving the cup of Xu Wenda, the prince has realized who the future owner of the drunk night bar is. Blood chased it out.

Xu Wenda and Chen Xiujuan asked for a face, but he could not care so much... This cup smashed over, as if he had lost a key, and the prince's last awe and sympathy for the Xu Wenda couple had disappeared. .

He chased out of the bar and caught up with Yang Chen who had walked to the car. "Yang Shao Yang Shao, wait a minute..."

"Why?" Yang Chen withdrew his hand that had been on the doorknob and turned his head to ask, "What else?"

"I... can I get in your car and tell you another place?" Wang Zicheng looked sideways, glanced at the boys who came out of the bar door, and hesitantly said: "Some cases, you may I don't know yet..."

Yang Chen looked at Wang Zicheng strangely and nodded. "You take the co-pilot. I'll take you to the hospital for bandaging."

"Thank you Yang Shao..." The prince Cheng Rumeng amnesty! Because after Yang Chen said something, it proved that he was all right! As for what Xu Wenda and Chen Xiujuan will end up in, he doesn't care about it. The cup was just thrown over just now, and the only little bit of love between them was smashed.

Xu Wenda didn't make a difference, and regarded him as a dog. Why should he treat them as human beings? !

The black X6 slowly drove out of the parking lot in front of the drunk night bar. While Yang Chen was carrying the broken head Wang Zicheng toward the hospital, he asked, "What do you want to tell me?"

"Before I say this, I have to check with you first..." Wang Zicheng said cautiously: "Yang Shao, don't blame me for asking too many things that shouldn't be asked...Dago and Sister Juan, yes Isn't it...I'm leaving drunk night?"

Yang Chen pondered for a moment and nodded slowly. "Tomorrow my lawyer will bring materials to sign the contract with them. Now the hand-drawn draft contract is already in my hands. If you want to say it, you can rest assured. Say it."

"Then I really said... I first declare, Yang Shao, this matter has nothing to do with me at all!" Wang Zicheng first emphasized his innocent identity, and then asked Yang Chen to nod before asking. : "Do you know the second man Zhuang?"

"Zhuang's second son?" Yang Chen frowned and shook his head: "I haven't heard of... what's wrong with this person?"

"Did you remember the words that you said when you were drunk night?" Wang Zicheng said with discretion: "The drunk night opened at the time, you said it on the stage in front of everyone. Word..."

"Which sentence?" After so many years, Yang Chen said much more, but how can I remember what I said?

"At that time, you took Dago's hand, patted Sister Juan's shoulder, and said to the guys shirtless, drunk night has a background and a backer. With you, no one can move drunk night half of the hair..." Wang Zicheng talked about Yang Chen's unruly scene at that time.

Yang Chen turned black, scolding and laughing: "Don't talk about something, don't talk about it!"

"You said, there can be young ladies in the drunken night, and you can set up gambling in the box, but there is only one thing you can't touch!" Wang Zicheng whispered: "That's drugs..."

"What do you mean?" Wang Zicheng said suddenly, Yang Chen's brow immediately twisted into an inverted character! He said in a deep voice: "The second old Zhuang you said, has anything to do with Drunk Night?"

"This second son Zhuang is our biggest drug lord in Jinzhou!" Wang Zicheng said: "I don't hide from you, since the incident of Hengyang Group, this second son Zhuang has become a frequent guest of our drunken night...Dago I have bought several items from Chuang Chong several times, and just had a batch of ice last month. Poison, shaking my head. Maru and the recently sold special fire "Magic Blue Ice Dream" come over and are now hiding in the basement!"

"Drunken night involved in drugs?!" Yang Chen's complexion instantly became extremely green, "When did it start?"

"It's not long after the Hengyang Group accident... It's almost half a year now." Wang Zicheng said: "In the beginning, it was only hundreds of thousands of small batches of purchases, and then more and more, last month. That batch has the largest quantity, I estimate at least several million!"

"Fuck things!" Yang Chen couldn't help but scolded.

Although the drug is amazingly profitable, it is the king of the dead! Since the opening of Drunk Night, Yang Chen has repeatedly slammed Xu Wenda, repeatedly emphasizing that Drunk Night must never allow this kind of thing to appear in the venue!

In the past few years, Drunk Night has never been involved in this business, but did not expect to have an accident in the Hengyang Group. After Yang Chen fell, Xu Wenda lost his restraint and quietly started this business!

Before waiting for Yang Chen to take his breath, Wang Zicheng said again: "There is one more thing, you have to know..."

"What else?"

"Zhao Zeran and Meng Haobin, you should be familiar with each other?" Wang Zicheng said dryly: "These two are also addicted to drugs... The first time was in the box with the young lady, this is the same thing Arranged by Dago..."

"...When did it happen?" Yang Chen took a slight breath and asked, "Who else knows about this?"

"At present, in addition to the few young ladies who often accompany Zhao Zeran and Meng Haobin together, I still have Dago, Sister Juan and I know the inside story." Wang Zicheng said hesitantly: "And I doubt Dago's hands There is also a video of Zhao Zeran and Meng Haobin taking drugs together...I am worried that you will make them anxious, and Dago will jump off the wall..."

This situation was indeed something Yang Chen hadn't thought of before. Wang Zicheng's reminder made Yang Chen realize that Xu Wenda had never confessed his behavior from beginning to end!

According to the agreement, the agreement drafted tonight will be replaced by a formal transfer contract tomorrow afternoon. If Xu Wenda has any dark thoughts in his heart, then the batch of drugs he hid in the basement will be one. A time bomb enough to make Yang Chen fall into prison, and its power is amazing!

Not to mention whether Xu Wenda deliberately left out this detail tonight, and wanted to dig a hole to bury Yang Chen. He only managed drugs in the drunken night, and the design of dragging Zhao Zeran into the water was enough to make Yang Chen The last bit of affection for him in the heart!

A little bit of cold light flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes. Yang Chen nodded slowly: "I know, the city's Second People's Hospital is in front of you. Go in and find a doctor to wrap up the wound yourself. Go back as soon as possible."

"Well." Wang Zicheng nodded, knowing what Yang Chen meant to let him go back as soon as possible!

But he was not worried that he would get the news to Yang Wenda and Chen Xiujuan when he got into Yang Chen's car... Before the bar was closed, no one would dare to be close to the 666 box even within two meters! And now the time left for him is still sufficient, so that he can do all the aftercare work...

The black X6 stopped at the gate of the Second Hospital of the city. Before getting off the bus, Wang Zicheng shyly said, "Yang Shao, then if you have any place to get me, you can say hello, I promise On call!"

Obviously, the prince's achievement is a downright villain, but it is far more credible than those hypocrites.

Yang Chen nodded recklessly. Without saying anything, he drove away directly with one foot.


That night Yang Chen drove to the hotel where Zhao Zeran and Meng Haobin often teamed up, and found two people who were blowing clouds and rain in their rooms.

After receiving the call from Yang Chen, Zhao Zeran and Meng Haobin were very surprised that Yang Chen was so accurate...

"It's almost nine thirty, are you looking for the two of us?" Zhao Zeran, who was wearing a bathrobe and stepping on the slippers, arrived at the opposite door's newly opened Yang Chen's blushing face. Just like us, our hearts are overflowing, and we came here to find someone to let off the fire?"

"The two of you are going to be in trouble, and are you thinking about this kind of thing?" Yang Chen leaned on the sofa, but the expression on his face was very serious. "I asked you, are you addicted to drugs? "

"..." Zhao Zeran and Meng Haobin were stunned, but only a moment later, Zhao Zeran sneered: "You just came here for this? I thought the sky was going to collapse... Where did you hear the crazy words crazy?" Ma, when did we become addicted? Isn’t that a joke!"

"Yeah, Fantasy Lan Bingmeng is just a trace of stimulant, similar to Viagra Viagra, and only you guys who don't understand the market will call it a drug..." Meng Haobin shook his head and looked Indifferently said: "What should I do... Don't make trouble, I'll go back to nothing first, then Sao Nizi hasn't waited for the servants, don't be blind to those three thousand dollars!"

"The few ladies who pulled you into the water were arranged by Xu Wenda who was drunk at night." Meng Haobin turned around and Yang Chen did not stop, but said lightly: "In addition, as far as I know, Xu Wenda still has you on his hands. Two drugs, ridiculous live video..."

"..." Suddenly, the indifferent smile on Meng Haobin's face froze, and Zhao Zeran, who was also relaxed and relaxed, also shrank his pupils suddenly and froze there on the spot...

"Where did you hear the news?" After a short while, Meng Haobin gritted his teeth and asked: "He Seng Da has the courage to do such a thing?"

"I don't know if Xu Wenda has this guts, but one is clear..." Yang Chen said, and raised a finger.

But before he finished talking, the phone in Zhao Zeran's pocket suddenly rang... He took out his head and looked down, his face changed.

"It's Sable's phone." Zhao Zeran looked up subconsciously to Yang Chen sitting on the sofa.

"Come on, but don't say I'm here too." Yang Chen nodded to him.

Zhao Zeran took a deep breath and swiped the screen to answer the call. "Daz, is there anything wrong with me so late?"

Xu Wenda's voice of breaking wind came from there, "Zhao Shao, let's make a long story short, don't say that my old Xu is doing things too dark, it is all forced! I may have some in your hands that you will be very interested in. Something... Guess what?"

"...What?" Zhao Zeran's face was pale.

"Last time when Xiaohong, who was drunk at night, accompanied Zhao Shao and Meng Shao, they accidentally took a video with my mobile phone... I have intercepted a short paragraph and sent it to your mailbox. You are free when you look back Go through it first, and wait to see it before contacting me!"

After saying this, Xu Wenda didn't give Zhao Zeran any time to respond, and hung up the phone!

"What did he say?" Meng Haobin looked nervously at Zhao Zeran, who was pale.

"Computer... How about a computer?!" Zhao Zeran rushed crazy towards the computer in Yang Chen's room. While waiting for the computer to turn on, he seemed to be crazy and grunted in his mouth: " This is just a prank. UU reading is a prank!"

A minute later, Zhao Zeran shook his hands slightly and landed in his mailbox. A new email reminded him to jump out!

The title is "The filming is not good, you give it right"...

A few minutes later, Zhao Zeran's low roar sounded in the room, "...Wang Baeg, I want his life!"

Yang Chen stood on the side with a mischievous face and commented on the subject with some seriousness: "In addition to the two male protagonists in the film being too insignificant, in fact, the few female protagonists are also quite hard to fight... this If it is circulated on the Internet, it can be specified to exceed 10 million downloads, and it became popular overnight and spread throughout the country..."

"You still have a joke about us!!!" Meng Haobin only felt that his hands and feet were cold, and the whole person was crumbling! After hearing Yang Chen's words, he was trembling with rage, and his eyes were almost half out!

"He...what on earth did he want to do?" Zhao Zeran sat on the edge of the bed with only a buzz in his head!

This sudden change made the two completely ignorant, and it was not clear what happened!

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